Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 840: Hai Ke talks about Yingzhou

ps: There is another chapter around 12 o'clock.


"Of course, it is like the mother country of the legendary West King, with the female lord as the monarch."

If the moral gentlemen of later generations are here, they will definitely jump up and say, "This matter is unheard of in ancient times, and absolutely must not be!" Xu Cheng did not make a fuss, he thought for a while and said: "Earlier, there were many girls in the Xu country who were appointed monarchs, if return home smoothly”

He gritted his teeth and replied to Zhao Wuxi on behalf of Xu Guo's forces for restoring the country: "It's okay to welcome a heroine."

As a Fang Kingdom deeply influenced by Dongyi and Yin Shang cultures, Xu Kingdom, like Dayi Shang, women are not only the marriage spouses of men, but also the feudal monarchs, generals and ministers of the state. The inferior status of women in the Zhou Dynasty and later periods of "no words", "right position and internal", and "difficult to support" formed a sharp contrast with the women of Shang and Xu. Wu Ding's wife and wife had their own fief "Pang", and they could recruit troops in the territory. Song and Xu almost continued this situation.

What's more, Xu Cheng and others are more urgent to let Xu Di break away from Wu's rule than to support a grandson of Xu State. If they can persuade Zhao Wuxi to attack Wu, the price is worth paying.

From what he thinks, although it is said that Xu Ying is the heroine, in fact, she is more likely to live in Yecheng herself, and then send her heirs to Xu State to capture the country. A hundred years later, Xu Jiang will become the Xu of the Zhao clan, as if it is a translation of the current state of Lu: now the state of Lu is also the eldest son of the Zhao clan as a "general", and the country is just as prosperous.

Zhao Wuxi knew that Xu Cheng was the leader of Xu Guo’s forces for the restoration of the country. Over the years, people from Xudi had come to defect to him, and Xu Cheng did not dare to stand on his own. Instead, he recommended all the talented people to Zhao Wuxi. . Seeing Xu Cheng readily agreeing now, Wu Xie nodded secretly in his heart, this person can still tell which is more important and which is more important.

"However, the task of attacking Wu and restoring Xu will not be urgent. When the canal from Taoqiu to Sishui is dug in five to ten years, it will be realized. Do you have the patience to wait?"

During this wedding banquet, Xu Cheng and Zigong met and exchanged some ideas, so Xu Cheng had heard about Taoqiu's "Heshui" plan.

"My minister is only forty years old, so I can wait! The southern river network is vertical and horizontal, and it mainly relies on water battles. After the canal is completed, I will be able to take Onozawa's navy all the way south to fight Xu!"

Zhao Wuxi shook his head: "Even if the Heshui Canal is completed, it will mainly be used to transport soldiers and food and grass. I don't think there will be a big water battle in the narrow river. But when the time comes, the sailors you train will indeed be able to. It is of great use, not only in rivers, but also at sea!"

In August, the crisp autumn weather is in Langya, Ju country.

Smelling the salty sea breeze, listening to the crunch of wood and ropes, and the shouts of the crew, everything is so familiar. Xu Cheng felt as if he had arrived more than ten years ago, when Xu Guogang died.

Xu Jun took them out of the city to surrender, and cut off their long hair and replaced them with the short bun of the Wu people. Xu Guogong's family was scattered and went their separate ways. Because he was good at water warfare, he was arranged to serve in Wu Guozhou's division, which happened to be the coastal port "Zhufang" north of Suzhou. There is the estuary of the big river, and the big wings, small wings, tugs, building boats, and bridge boats of Wu State are all made there. .

Langya is also a seaport, but it is different from Zhufang.

This harbour is divided into two inner and outer harbours. The outer harbour is larger, and the inner harbour is protected among the hills and cliffs deep into the sea, so the water waves are calm and can provide good berths. A bunch of fishing boats are docked on the pier. They leave the port every day to fish for fish and shrimp, or dive into the deep water to fish for pearls. Now it is dusk, and they have returned with a full load and are moored along the fish market in a mess, unloading their salvaged fish .

For the people of Juguo, the mountains and the sea symbolize everything. Roughly carved stone statues are erected on the coast. They are solemn and stained with seabird dung. These are stone people used to Zhenhai. Every June and July is the flood season, and the sea will blow with strong winds, sweeping away the fishing boats and even the people and animals on the shore, so there will be a grand ceremony to sacrifice to the sea. Not only the port, but the whole of Langya is not part of Ju Kingdom for the time being.

A year and a half ago, Zhao Wuxi took the homeless Qi Guoguo and Gao Ershi soldiers as the vanguard and suddenly invaded the Ju country, allowing the once big Dongyi country to change its banners overnight. However, the Zhao clan did not openly occupy the state of Ju, but just let the second clan of the country and the second clan take seven or eight thousand people to garrison Jiegen in the north, and named it as guarding the border of the state of Ju. It's not a forced occupation, but a "lease", which was rented for 99 years in one go

Therefore, the harbour is now under the banner of the Zhao family, and the fish market and wharf are also managed by the officials of the Zhao family.

Now that Xu Cheng has also been sent to Langya, Zhao Wuxi asked him to buy a sailor who can fight at sea within five to ten years.

"You are an expert in water warfare. You should know that the navy masters trained in the northern rivers and lakes can really beat the Wu State navy?"

Xu Cheng said honestly: "No, in the past, the river network in the Xu country was vertical and horizontal, and the minister's father and brother Kun also made a living on the water all year round, but once they met the Wu people who were walking on the ground, they were defeated. Wu People have lived by the water since they were born, and their familiarity with riding a boat is like driving a car by a son and grandson of the Central Plains."

"The northerners can't compare with the southerners in this regard, so if the boat masters in Onozawa go south, it will not be fighting, but sending them to death. Therefore, if you want to train a stronger boat master, you need not Calm inland lakes, but wider waters, the sea!"

"In time, the land and water will go hand in hand, and the Zhao army will recover Xu State along the canal, while you will take the navy to the south along the coast, and your troops will approach the hinterland of Wu State, don't worry about Wu State not going to the king's number, wear Chinese clothes and surrender!"

Although Zhao Wuxi's idea is very grand, when it comes to the ocean, Zhao's retainers and diners are basically smeared, even Robber Zhi is no exception. Only Xu Cheng had the experience of following Wu Chuan to attack the Yue people from the sea in the past, and had also commanded a few small naval battles, so this candidate must be him.

However, when Xu Cheng came to Langya, he realized that he actually started from scratch.

There were few warships in Juguo, and the ships from Onozawa could not bring them, so they could only rely on the Langya hills with many mountains and pine trees to build slowly, maybe they would have to explain it here in the next ten years.

What's more, his enemies are not only powerful, but also close at hand

Zhao Wuxi's imaginary enemy at sea was not only Wu State in the south, but also Qi State in the north.

Although he was fortunate enough to rely on tactics to defeat Qi's boat division twice in Dahe and Jishui, the really powerful Qi's Shaohai fleet has never been taught by Zhao Clan!

As the only sea-going general in danger, Xu Cheng also has a certain understanding of the current situation of China's fleet. Qi State took advantage of the advantages of being near the sea to fish and salt, and it was the country with the most frequent and mature seafaring activities among the princes, and some fixed seaports also appeared.

The first ruler of the state of Qi, Pinggong (Qi Jinggong), liked to play at the beach very much, but he was also deceived by the alchemist. He once sent people to visit the legendary Three Immortal Mountains: Yingzhou, Abbot, and Penglai. Qi's maritime industry.

Therefore, there is a north-south route for ships from the state of Qi to travel over the Shaohai Sea, starting from Zhifu (Yantai) in Donglai as a transit point, to Jieshi in the state of Yan in the north, and Langxie in the state of Juguo in the south. It is Shaohaizhou that protects this route. Teacher, now this fleet has fallen into the hands of the Chen family and is moored at Zhifu Port. Fortunately, the Zhao family did not fight with Chen and Bao, so there is no need to worry about them coming to Langya for the time being.

But people with discerning eyes know that there is no way for a long-term peace between Zhao and Qi. Judging from Zhao Wuxi's arrangement of the country and Gao Erqing, as well as the disputes between the two sides over the Hejian area, the war is not far away, maybe in the southern expedition of Wu Before the country, Xu Cheng's new fleet had to fight the people of Qi first.

Thinking of this, Xu Cheng felt a lot of pressure. Although Zhao Wuxi promised that Langya's salt, tribute, and business tax income would be used for shipbuilding and naval training, the craftsman told him to open his mouth, and new inventions such as ballistas would be used. It will also be used on ships for the first time, but he is still worried.

Don't attack Wu at the same time, the army is like a bamboo, but his navy is completely defeated, so don't think about recovering Xu, just throw yourself into the sea first!

What Xu Cheng didn't know was that in the original history, ten years later, Wu State attacked Qi, and it was he as the captain of the navy who set sail from far away Zhufang to expedition to Qi State, but was defeated by the Qi State fleet in the sea off Langya. , it was China's first naval battle recorded in history

"It's not my time." He sighed and decided to start by recruiting sailors and building the keel of the first sea warship.

When Zhao Wuxi planned his strategy against Wu ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he planned a long-term situation that lasted for ten years, but at the same time, he also had to pay close attention to the trend of Wu Wangfuchai. In case this idiot's brain twitched and resolutely went north to Song and Lu, then Zhao Wuxi could only ignore the internal division of Jin and the surrounding Rong and Dibang kingdoms that could be aggressively conquered, so he took the challenge of his husband. span

Because the State of Lu is one of the two foundations on which he ruled over the feudal lords, it will never be shaken! The same is true for Song and Ju states, and what Zhao Wuxi eats will never allow others to meddle. Just from this point of view, the contradictions between Zhao and Wu are almost irreconcilable. Just as in the original history Wu and Qi competed for Song, Lu, and Sishang, Zhao and Wu must have a battle!

However, as the time entered September, there was good news from the south: after breaking Kuaiji and subduing the Yue Kingdom for half a year, Fuchai finally couldn't help sending troops. The direction Wu Renbing Feng pointed was Chen Guo! The excuse is from the fact that Chen Guo did not assist Wu in attacking Chu more than ten years ago, and then to the recent allies of Chen Guo and Chu to attack Wu State, Dun State and Cai State.

"Fuchai is going to re-clear the resentment forged in the Helu era." Zhao Wuxi gloated at this. This would be the prelude to Wu Chu's competition for Chen and Cai, enough to tear it apart for several years.

Although Wu Zixu's reappearance is bad news because it involves fighting against the state of Chu, but since his husband is almost going north to make trouble, Zhao Wuxi has the time and energy to trouble his neighbors (to be continued.)

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