Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 847: Change from Hawaii to barbarians


**&**xiaoshuops: Two more chapters tonight

After Yu Xi and Yi Dun established friendship with Tu He Junchang and ministers in private names, they went to Daicheng again. Dairen is also a half-farming and half-animal husbandry Rong tribe, so Daicheng is not big, only about the size of a county in Jin. Because Dai Jun loves Ji Ying and mixes his personal relationship with the state affairs, the relationship between the state and the state of Jin is tense, and the sentence note is closed, but the generation still welcomes the arrival of the smugglers.

As soon as the caravan arrived at the Daicheng Market, it was surrounded by generations of people who came to snap up Chinese things. Yu Xi was wary of these future enemies, but Yi Dun was not surprised.

"In the past few years, the tribes of Dairen have become less and less migratory and nomadic, and instead they have settled by the Sanggan River and established Liju, but unfortunately they are not very good at metallurgy. Therefore, although Dairen can plant some land, they can't do slash farming. Huo Yun is not a matter of mulberry and hemp, and the woven fur is not as gorgeous as Jin's silk. Eating too much buttermilk will block the stomach, and it will not last as long as rice noodles. You can only use dogs and horses to exchange gold with Jin and Yan countries. Utensils and farm implements, if the frontier fortresses are cut off, the life of the generation will not be easy.”

From a macro perspective, unlike Donghu, which is farther north, the economy of Daidi has been linked with Zhao, Yan, and Zhongshan, and it is difficult to develop independently without Chinese things.

Yi Dun added: "So although the monarchs and ministers who came to represent people still don't have crowns and belts and other costumes, lack court etiquette, and have few legal restrictions, but given time, I don't think they are much different from the Chinese princes."

Yu Xi was disdainful: "Rong Di is Rong Di, how could it become Zhu Xia?"

After getting acquainted with Yu Xi, Yi Dun can also boldly express his own opinion: "Otherwise, the number of Chidi, Changdi and other troops is not comparable to that of the middle-level princes, but the reason why they are powerful enough to destroy Xing Powei and penetrate into Qilu, The reason that Huaxia is endless is because its clothing and food are different from those of the feudal lords, and its folk customs are sturdy. Slowly, the kingdoms of the Rong and Di settled down, and the Jin State began to fight with the Rong under the auspices of Wei Jiang, using Jin's delicacies to dress and silk. When they exchanged their land, the rulers and leaders began to like the things of all summers, but they did not know that there were only two things in the summer, and all the red and black people would return to Jin!"

He excitedly imagined: "Since Wei Jiang and Rong can succeed, it is not impossible to change the barbarians from Xia. If you let me manage the frontier, I will turn to expand trade with Rong and Di, Loufan, etc., and let people from China come from China. The goods and culture of the people infiltrated into the various tribes, and then lured them to settle down. They encouraged the emperors of Rong and Di to follow the example of China and tried their best to build palace houses, which would inevitably exhaust the people's strength. If they were not in a hurry in their early years, people would learn to ride and shoot bravely. At that time, the gates were suddenly closed and prohibited. Commodities flow in, the Rong and Di will be in chaos, and if a division is placed under the Rong City, the Daiguo, Loufan, etc. will fall without a fight!"

Yi Dun's idea is to rely on economic warfare to solve the problem, rather than resorting to force.

Yu Xi shook his head: "According to your method, it will take at least 20 or 30 years to operate, but Shangqing needs a few years to see results. Swords are more convenient. I don't think this generation of national weapons is much better, not only There are many contradictions with the internal Tu He, and the opinions of different tribes and generations are not always consistent. If I bring in all the cavalry, it will not be difficult to break the generation. Shang Qing is right. Cut off their heads with knives, trample their pastures and farmland with horses, and then take their wives and daughters as their own, and their cattle and sheep will compensate the border residents who have been repeatedly invaded by pirates.”

Yi Dun was a little stunned: "But that can only be conquered for a while, it can't be turned into one's own..."

"War is our business. What do you know as a businessman? As for how to manage after the attack, you will dedicate what you said today to Shang Qing to decide!"

In order to avoid suspicion, they did not stay in the city for too long, and soon left the south, and returned to the territory of Jin through the endless remnants living in the "hill of poor fish".

"To the north of this hill of poor fish is Dai, to the west is Jin, to the south is Xianyu of Zhongshan, and to the east is the State of Yan. It is extremely important."

This place is also the Fallen Horse Pass in later generations, and it is also an important pass. The mountain trail that the caravans traveled is called "Flying Fox Road".

The group set off in January of this year, and it was already two and a half months long when they circled outside the Great Wall and returned to the Huo people.

A new batch of immigrants have come here from Jinyang and settled down. The Xinding Basin in later generations is vast and uninhabited. Let a fire beside the grass and woods, and after a little cultivation, there will be a good land. The county will meet. Distributing ploughs, livestock and seeds, in addition to the peach mounds in the State of Lu, several iron workshops were successively established in Handan and the eldest son. Next, more minerals were excavated, which is a miracle of the Iron Age.

Although the Zhao family promised that each household would get 100 mu (Zhao mu is the same as Qin mu, which is equivalent to 0.295 city mu today), but when they first arrived, the human and animal power was not enough to cultivate so much. The immigrants could only take care of the land within their ability. After the crops are harvested in autumn, the government will buy the grain from them at a high price and use it for military use.

In addition to these civilian colonies, there are also military colonies that come with them. The requirement for them is to be self-sufficient in addition to training, and to grow enough food to eat winter.

The cavalry did not need to farm the land. They established a "cavalry town" on the large grassland along the Hutuo River, where more than 1,000 people and 2,000 horses practiced the method of riding and archery, and they also followed Yi Dun out in batches. Sentence note plug, familiar with the environment outside the plug.

Like the farmer, the farmer, and the garrison, they are all preparing for a big operation in the post-autumn era...

All of the above, Zhao Wuxi was handed over to the newly appointed "Taiyuan County Governor" Dong Anyu to preside over, and only Dong Anyu had enough prestige to make the Taiyuan counties follow their schedules.

As for himself, he returned to Tongjiao to meet with Wei and Han Qing, and discussed the increasingly tense relationship between Qin and Jin due to the issue of Hexi and Taolinsai. He verbally promised that if the Qin state and the remnants of the Zhi clan crossed the river to attack Wei, Zhao Han would definitely help each other, and Wu Xie rushed to Taoqiu in the state of Cao. …


After the riots of the Chinese people, Taoqiu quickly ended the state of anarchy and chaos and restored its former prosperity. Without the large sums of money that must be handed over to Uncle Cao every year, the city tax can be used for road construction in the city, education promotion, as well as new industry encouragement and commercial road development.

Especially since the year before last~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With the end of the civil war in Jin, the commerce and trade between the feudal lords began to revive, Taoqiu's trade volume rose again and again, and Zigong's reputation grew day by day. Today's Zigong uses "Tao Zhu" as his official title, rather than Duanmuci, who is full of Weiguo colors. He, an outsider, has finally gained a firm foothold here.

However, there is still one step left before he can truly take charge of Cao Kingdom.

It was originally decided at the wedding banquet of Zhao Wuxi last year, and a public meeting should be held after the autumn harvest last year to decide whether the monarchy system of the Cao State should be kept or abolished. However, Cao people regarded Cao Bo’s family as enemies, and Cao Boyang, who should have come back in person to participate in it, was blocked several times: listen: Said that he was coming, Cao people, regardless of age or sex, drove a car, rowed a boat, and walked on the road, and spontaneously went to the border of the state of Cao to stop him. Uncle Cao was helpless. He turned to Zhao Wuxi for help but couldn't get a quick response. He could only give in and let his son who had just grown up participate in these public meetings instead of him, so it was delayed until the beginning of this year.

In addition to the arbiter Zhao Wuxi, the three friends of the state of Cao, Lu, Song, and Wei, also came to watch. …

And the Song Kingdom, it was Da Wu Nanzi who came!

(To be continued.)


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