Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 848: Weaver Girl Morning Bull (Part 1)

ps: There is another chapter at 12:30

In the eyes of a young boy, a father who has not seen for a long time is a formidable and dreadful

But seeing Zhao Wuxi sitting on the couch, he slowly asked, "Have you studied poetry?"

Zhao Cao hurriedly lowered his head and said, "I learned"

"What chapters did you study?"

Zhao Cao snapped his little fingers and said, "The master said that he should finish studying the poems related to the state of Lu first, so he studied a few Da Ya, some Xiao Ya, and then Lu Song."

His teacher is Ziyou (Yan Yan), although this person is from the southern Wu country, but he is the true biography of Jizi in Yanling, crowned with a title, and he is the same as the doctor in Zhongxia, who can speak authentic Luguo Yayan. The reason why Zhao Wuxi made Yanyan his son's teacher of poetry and music was because he was good at literature. During his tenure as county magistrate of Wucheng in the State of Lu, he used ritual and music to educate the people. It can also convince Lu who has always been xenophobic

Half foreigners, half Lu people, this is Zhao Wuxi's way of controlling the state of Lu.

In short, whether it is morality or knowledge, Zhao Wuxi is still very relieved to let Yan Yan come to enlighten his son, but he is still more concerned about how he has learned and how this boy has improved after going to Lu for a year and a half. .

"Wei Tian has Han, and prison has light. What is after this sentence?"

Zhao Cao was sweating thinly on his forehead, but he didn't answer, his eyes turned to his mother who was sitting next to his father. Bo Mi, who was dressed in aqua-green dark clothes, nodded encouragingly to him.

After thinking for a while, he said, "It's 'The Weaver Girl, who is seven all day long'"

"Do you know what the whole sentence means?"

"It's talking about a star named Zhinu, above the Milky Way, Tianhan!"

"What is the meaning of this Dadong Quan poem?"

Zhao Cao suddenly panicked: "It seems to be talking about Lu Guo Dongfeng"

Not only this, but many of the Daya and Lu Songli taught by the Master are obscure and difficult to understand. He also asked the Master, and the Master said that it was the history of Duke Dongfeng of Zhou, but what does this history have to do with the stars? He couldn't understand the connection.

Zhao Wuxi didn't demand too much of his son, he finally smiled and said: "You are mainly memorizing and memorizing at your age, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, just ask more, if you don't understand now, when you grow up, naturally I understand, I'm tired today, you go down first, I brought you gifts from Jin, your favorite sweets, the clothes your aunt Ji Ying knitted for you, the toys that your aunt Jia gave you, A small bow, said that when you arrive in Jin, you will compare your archery with her."

Zhao Yang's young daughter, Zhao Jia, is different. When she was young, she was able to hug the couch and climb with two boys. When she grew up, she was not girly at all. Zhong Zhao Wuxi doted on this little girl more than a few children, and often sighed that if you were a man, my Zhao family would have an extra horse of a thousand miles.

As for Zhao Cao, Ji Ying treated him like a mother, and Zhao Jia was like a playmate. After he came to Lu, the two aunts he missed most. He was overjoyed and almost jumped up, but when he saw his mother shaking his head at him, he bowed respectfully and stepped back. His "li" was learned from Gongxi Chi, an expert in this field.

The young man didn't know the feeling of sadness, but he didn't know that her mother Bo Mi lowered her head and thought, now Ji Ying is the wife of her husband's side room, and she is still called aunt, is it appropriate? Will it be embarrassing when my son grows up in Yecheng?

After his son left, Zhao Wuxi breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with the doting on his son when he was young, there seemed to be a gap between him and his son, and he didn't know how to get along for a while.

While power gives people the right to life and death, it also has a negative effect, that is, the time to spend with relatives is less and less. He didn't even look at his eldest son and daughter who had just been born for a few months, let alone the eldest son who was arranged by him to serve as a "great general" in Lu for political reasons. The State of Lu was the foundation of Zhao Wuxi's start, and it was also the front line of the future attack on Qi. It was not enough to show that he attached great importance to the people of Lu by not putting a single Zhao descendant there.

Those stingy and good-looking Lu people, he knows best.

He took Bo Mi's hand again and said gently, "Wei, you've worked hard for more than a year."

As Zhao Wuxi's favored concubine, Bo Mi had to follow her son to Qufu to take office, away from her husband. Naturally, she had some grief in her heart, but fortunately, she had already shifted her energy from **** to her son. Bo Mi, who had suffered a lot when she was young, saw that she was fortunate enough to give birth to the eldest son and was given an important responsibility in the state of Lu. Of course, she knew that it was not easy to come by. Since she couldn't be a husband, she should raise her son well.

Seeing her son grow up slowly, with the advice of several erudite teachers, she felt like she had honey in her heart. The only two things that I can't let go of, one is that I have been away from Zhao Wuxi for too long, will I lose my favor and affect my son's future? The second is his younger brother Xing Ao, who is alone in the faraway state of Wu. Under the circumstances that the relationship between Zhao and Wu is no longer the same, how is he doing?

It wanted to mention one or two, and asked Zhao Wuxi if he could let his younger brother who has completed many missions come, but who would have guessed that the topic of Zhao Shangqing would not leave his son alone.

"This son is still smart, but his temperament is a little dull and he is a bit more responsible. I don't expect him to be more knowledgeable than Ziyou and Zihua. When he reaches the crown, he will be able to use correct poetry and etiquette in banquets and diplomatic occasions. That's enough. The people of Lu attach great importance to etiquette and music, like I once made a big joke at a banquet, but I don't want it to happen to him."

Bo Mi swallowed the words, covered his mouth and giggled. Now Zhao Wuxi is high-sounding, extremely dignified and dignified, and he can't see the escape from Ren Xia more than ten years ago. At this moment, like all fathers, he thinks of his son's future, trying to pave the way for him to avoid the same setbacks as himself.

"When he is ten years old, and he is proficient in poetry and etiquette, he can read history. I asked Zuo Qiuming to write the deeds of the kings of Xia, Shang and Zhou into a biographical style, and then simplify it a bit, delineate the key points and make it into a general appraisal style. It is suitable for those who have countries and families. Reading history can make people wise. Looking at the past, you can know the future, and know what the rulers should do and what should not be done. At the same time, the body can't be pulled down, let Ran ask for advice, and the tiger will teach He shoots, so he can be all-rounder in both civil and military."

"When he is fifteen or sixteen years old, he can leave the country of Lu"

When Bo Mi heard this, he was eager to protect the calf, and quickly bowed his head and said, "I don't know what my mother and daughter have done wrong, but my husband wants us to leave Lu."

"Where did you think of it?" Zhao Wuchun smiled and said, "I made Zhang Mengtan, Yan Yan, Ran Qiu, and Huhui, the real power figures in the state of Lu, all his teachers, just to help him stand in the state of Lu. Let him go to the Linzhang Academy in Yecheng for a few more years to gain his knowledge. The current Linzhang Academy is still in its infancy, but ten years later, it should be a gathering of talents from all over the world. A place for contention!"

But there is still something Zhao Wuxi didn't say. At that time, he can also keep his eldest son by his side, instill his own ideas in him, and by the way, see if he can be made, but he can be reluctant.

But if you like laziness and don’t work hard, and you can’t sculpt mediocrity, then you can be an idle emperor in this life, and you don’t have to hold real power in Lu or anywhere.

The life of a statesman is not only for himself and his family. The second day he arrived at Taoqiu, there was an endless stream of visitors. First, Zigong brought Cao’s doctors and merchants to meet him. Zhao Wuxi expressed his satisfaction with the current state of Cao’s state. He would continue to lean in business, and he would continue to support the military as always. All people can work hard to make money.

After that, Zhao Wuxi had to take turns to meet the people from Lu State. Zai Yu escorted Zhao Cao here. He heard that Jin State had established Taiyuan County, so he excitedly asked for instructions. It is better to divide Lu State into several counties.

"No." Zhao Wuxi said absolutely nothing about it, he knew Zai Yu's intentions at a glance.

The current leader of the shogunate of Lu State is Zhang Mengtan, followed by Huhui, Ran Qiu, Kan Zhi, and Zai Yu. The Huhui Ran Qiu is in charge of military affairs from east to west, Kan Zhi is in charge of supervision, and Zai Yu is in charge of administration.

He has been under Zhang Mengtan for a long time, and was stared at by Kan Zhi again. Although he did not dare to covet, he also wanted to preside over a world by himself. If the state of Lu combines the counties into a county, at most two counties can be delineated, and Zai Yu can certainly be the head of a county. How can Zhao Wuxi be at ease if Zai Yu is so ambitious that he is in charge of half of the state of Lu?

The administrative area is too small and difficult to manage, and the division is too large, and it is easy to cause the tail of the feudal officials to be too large. That's why he implemented it first in the special military region of Taiyuan, and waited ten or twenty years for other places to integrate Jinlu before implementing it.

However, after one hit, he also had to give some dates to eat. Zhao Wuxi encouraged Zai Yu again, implying that if a county were to be established in the future, he would be the best candidate for the head of a county.

After Zai Yu and the others left, it was the turn of the people from the Wei country. The son Zinan cried at Zhao Wuxi's feet. It was because Wei Guo couldn't afford Weiqu anymore.

Zhao Wuxi's face changed slightly, and the hall seemed to be a little cold: "The original planned construction period was three years, and now it has been extended to five years. I have already agreed. You are especially dissatisfied, and you still want to make more progress?"

"Someone suggested to me back then that Wei Guo was not sure about Jin's rebellion. After the death of Duke Ling, it would be better to destroy his society! But for the sake of Wei Guo's successor to Uncle Kang, I didn't do it. I supported Kuai Yu, right. The war compensation for the Wei Kingdom is no longer harsh, and I only ask you and others to dig a Wei canal for me, and the Zhao family and Lu Guo also contributed some money and silk. Now that the construction period is only halfway through, you want to give up halfway?"

Zinan was greatly horrified, and said with his head: "It's not that Wei Guo is unwilling to calm down your anger, it's just that Wei Guo is exhausted after many years of fighting. Since the construction of the Wei Canal, hundreds of people have been killed by laborers by the canal, and there has also been a famine among the people. Baigong is full of complaints, and they are all dissatisfied with the monarch."

"That's Weihou's own problem. My Mr. Ye Ling Jiran has already calculated that after Weiguo cut down the number of armed soldiers, the food money and silk that Zhao gave to Weiguo, plus Weiguo's own taxes, are completely enough for one side. Digging the Wei Canal, while maintaining domestic livelihoods. It was Wei Hou who had to move the grain, money and silk in the government treasury to repair the palace and gardens, which led to the insufficiency of making ends meet! It’s good that the young master came to see me this time, and went to inform Wei Hou, I don't care what he thinks of, three years, I'll give him another three years, dig twenty miles a year, and the Wei Canal must be completed!"

With respect to Wei, Zhao Wuxi had already controlled its economy and trade, and also demanded that Wei be disarmed and the manpower turned into canal servitude. The grievances of the people's livelihood are certain, but the blame is more directed at Weihou himself, who was in an improper position.

Kuai Xun is a typical example of arrogance and madness. He not only expelled Yun Boyu and other famous doctors who were dissatisfied with him, but also forced them to defect to the Zhao family. Just like his father Linggong, he was indifferent to the suffering of the Wei people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ While digging the Wei canal, he acted recklessly, and the ruling Kong Yu was about to lose his hair.

Fortunately, Wei Guo is rich and has a solid foundation, and this is how he survived. Zhao Wuxi turned a blind eye to this uncharacteristically, because Wei Hou knew who the thigh was anyway, and the annual tribute did not fall, and for him, Wei Hou Kuai Xun desperately squandered Wei Kang's legacy, but it was a good thing.

When the literati and people of the Wei country despair of the public office, to the level of "the day is mourning, I and you will die together", that is, the day when the Zhao clan annexes the Wei country.

After Zinan walked away dejectedly, it was getting late, and it was time to rest.

Last night, he and Bo Mi had been away for a long time and had a good night's marriage, but tonight, Zhao Wuxi did not go to the place where the concubine lived, but let someone open the back door and wait.

"Zhao Shangqing is still so domineering. When the concubine came, he happened to see the guards leaving in embarrassment. Haha, it seems like a concubine in mourning."

Bu Nian was directly carried in by the temple people, with a slender waist and a slender robe. The long hair on the back was tied with a beautiful knot with a red rope. With the ringing of the ring, Nanzi arrived as promised.

(To be continued.)

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