Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 849: Weaver Girl Morning Bull (Part 2)

After finishing, Nanzi put on a tulle, walked barefoot into the yard, and looked up at the sky full of stars.

A light singing voice hummed from her mouth, like the sound of heaven: "Wei Tian has Han, and prison has light. He is a weaver girl, and he has seven Xiangs all day long. Even though there are seven Xiangs, it will not make a newspaper. He will lead a bull, not a suitcase."

She pointed to the distant horizon, the two stars far apart, and said a little sadly: "Do you and I look like the two stars of Altair and Weaver, and there is only one chance to meet each year."

One head, but slipped into Zhao Wuxi's arms, his head rested on his broad chest, and changed into a comfortable posture, not at all shy of ordinary women.

Zhao Wuxi stroked her smooth black hair and said, "It's not the Qixi Festival today, don't you and I still meet?"

However, the two of them have known each other for nearly ten years, and have had adultery for six years.

Nanzi and Zhao Wuxi were in the same year, and the once youthful youth was entering maturity, but this woman became more and more fascinating. Because of being a great witch, most of the food she ate on weekdays was vegetarian. When the collarbone crossed, Zhao Wuxi only felt that she had lost a lot of weight and her power was overwhelmed. It was very hard.

For Nanzi, the powerful authority made the heroic man in front of him even more outstanding, and his flaming ambition was even more unscrupulous when he was with her. Thinking about what he has done in the past few years, Wei Guo The fallen monarch broke the country, the state of Qi was beaten, lost his division and lost ground, and the marquis of Jin was played with applause by him, imprisoned like a bird in the cage of the bronze palace, and even the emperor feared him like a tiger.

Nanzi's vision is very high, and only the person in front of him is worthy of sleeping with him. They are such a good match, just like the Queen Mother of the West and Mu Tianzi, like a pair of gods? How about adding this sentence to the prophecy?

However, if he is talking about Fuxi's female snail, his new wife "Xu Ying" seems to be more corresponding.

Thinking of that woman Zhao Wuxi who disregarded public opinion and criticism from the world and married with great fanfare, Nanzi felt curious and jealous. She even felt that Zhao Wuxi was not as good as half of her for herself. I hope Le Lingzi can handle it, and don't let the magpie occupy the dove's nest. The wife of the main family and her eldest son of the Zhao family have a lot to do with the relationship between Zhao and Song. Speech is very important, and even Nanzi cannot replace it.

This time Nanzi came to the state of Cao, not to watch the farce-like assembly of the people of the state of Cao, nor just to go crazy with her lover overnight. The mission she came here this time was to seek the support of the Zhao family.

Because from last year, Song Guo felt the threat from Wu country!

She coughed lightly, not knowing how to speak: "I came here tonight to ask Zitai how Song Guo should deal with Wu Guo?"

Zhao Wuxi frowned: "Wu Guo sent an envoy to the Song Dynasty?"

"Of course, the Wu envoy said that he would like to restore the old friendship between King Wu and the State of Song, and also invited us to help defeat Chen. Since August last year, the State of Wu began to attack the State of Chen, and then swept southward across the Chu border, until it reached the State of Cai, and re-entered the state of Chen. I took this area, which happened to be adjacent to the southern border of the Song Dynasty. There were some believers in Tiandao Sect in that area. They couldn’t bear the war and went to the north. I have heard them describe the terrible situation in that area, as if the Wu people entered the Song Dynasty many years ago. "

"anything else?"

"Fu Chai was very satisfied after breaking the Yue, and after he fell into Kuaiji, he got a carload of huge bones. I don't know what he thought, so he sent it to Song Guolai, saying that it was a gift for the daughter-in-law. Song people could not know, so he sent someone to Ye I asked Confucius, and Confucius said, this is the bone of Fangfeng.”

"This is a threat." Zhao Wuxi laughed, but unfortunately, the nails left by Wu Guo have been destroyed by Nanzi's followers, and Wu Guo's threat has no practical effect at all.

However, it would not be bad if the paper tiger of Wu Guo could terrify Song Guo and make them desperately dig into Zhao's arms.

Sure enough, Nanzi seemed to be a little frightened by the aggressiveness of Wu State, she trembled in Zhao Wuxi's arms and asked: "I heard that Yuezi Goujian has surrendered and joined Wu as a slave, we Song State, will you? Will there be such a day, will I also be forcibly taken away by him?"

Fuchai once coveted Nanzi's beauty and wanted to marry her, but Nanzi refused on the grounds that he wanted to be a great witch. Because of Fuchai's insatiable temperament, he probably never forgot about this matter, and he must get it later!

However, based on Zhao Wuxi's understanding of Nanzi, unless Wu soldiers came to the city, how could this femme fatale who pushed Song Yuangong down from the tall buildings with her own hands be afraid?

Now, she is not even afraid of the punishment of ghosts and gods

"You don't have to pretend to be a poor weak woman." Zhao Wuxi squeezed the vital point slightly on his chest, and Nan Zi screamed, then giggled.

"There is really nothing to be afraid of in the Wu Kingdom, but Le Ziming has already been frightened. If it weren't for me, he would have knelt in front of you and asked to send troops to reject Wu."

For the incompetent eldest brother, Zhao Wuxi was very troubled. Fortunately, he still had the card of Nanzi, so he could control the situation in Song country, maintain the domestic order with the way of witches and ghosts, and prevent the southern barrier of this Zhao family from collapsing.

Zhao Wuxi analyzed for her: "Wu State and Chu State are competing for Chen Cai, and the two great powers are fighting each other. Unless there is a major internal problem, it is difficult to have a one-sided situation. What's more, the King of Chu and Ling Yin, Sima, and Duke Ye are all It's not like a vulgar generation, Wu Wang Fuchai will never win a quick victory, the two sides will see each other, three or five years have passed, and Fuchai wants to threaten Song and you, at least five years later."

"But you can't help but plan ahead." Nanzi raised his face and said seriously.

"When the affairs of the state of Cao are settled, I can preside over it and let you, Duanmuci and Zaiyu of Lu state meet once. Duanmuci proposed an idea, an idea of ​​connecting the Sishui Canal from Taoqiu. If it can be successful , the Zhao army can take a boat all the way from Hanoi to Pengcheng in the Song Kingdom! Cut the time spent on the march in half, so that the safety of the Song Kingdom can be guaranteed."

But at the same time, the economy and security of the Song country will also be under the control of the Zhao clan, so the threat of the Wu country has actually helped Zhao Wuxi a lot, panic, the more panicked the people of the Song country, the better

Nanzi breathed a sigh of relief: "Now that everything is just on track, I can't let Song Guo fall into a panic of fear of Wu."

"A certain amount of panic and fear is sometimes a good thing." Zhao Wuxi smiled slightly: "If there are no internal worries and no external troubles, why do the people of the Song country believe in you, believe in the way of heaven, and believe that King Xuan will be born to rescue them?"

Nanzi's eyes widened, and then he suddenly turned to a smile: "Yes, King Xuan is the messenger of Heaven and the descendant of Xuan Bird. He is omniscient and omnipotent. Then, can King Xuan give me another thing? ?"

Zhao Wuxi brushed off the long hair on her shoulders and said with a teasing: "What else do you want for the dissatisfied Sacred Witch of Song?"

Nan Zi's fiery body leaned over and leaned close to Zhao Wuxi's ear, blowing like a blue breath.

"I want you to give me a son, a descendant from heaven!"

As the date of the conference is getting closer and closer, the "Prince of the State of Cao" can be embarrassed now. He is smarter than his father, and he soon sees that Lu and Wei are just watching the fun, and it really decides the fate of the State of Cao. , or Zhao Wuxi. In addition, because the Song Kingdom is the most powerful ally of the Zhao family, it also participated in the division of the Cao Kingdom, so perhaps Nanzi has a little say.

He once went to the door to spy on Zhao Wuxi's attitude, but was blocked by the sentence "This matter should be decided by Cao people." She could only turn to the people of Song country, but unfortunately Nanzi refused to even see him. She didn't even see anyone, and she closed the door with a group of witch believers, saying that she wanted to pray for the troubled Cao country. Secretly, her chariots would enter and leave Zhao Wuxi's residence almost every night.

So in terms of diplomacy, the Prince of the State of Cao was at a loss and could only turn his attention to the country he was very unfamiliar with. There are still people who support restoration in the state of Cao. Some old princes and doctors are supporters of the monarch, but their right to speak has been deprived of them for many years. cents. "Duanmu gave people who had no king and no father, and he learned all the tricks of Confucius from dogs! He actually implemented a new system in Taoqiu, except for the family of the doctor who governed the people and a few big businessmen, according to family background, Based on property, five thousand six hundred and seventy-one men who had been crowned and reached the age of 30 were divided in the state of Cao as citizens with the qualifications to discuss political affairs. These people were either scholars, or outsiders, or merchants, or the more prosperous workers and farmers”

In the final analysis, the more than 5,000 people who have the right to participate in the citizens' assembly are still a minority in the state of Cao. This system is out of reach for women, foreigners, the poor and slaves. There are exceptions for big businessmen who have moved to Taoqiu for more than five years.

At this time, the spring ploughing ended one after another. On the third day of the third lunar month, the Cao State was full of people. Whether it was doctors, nobles, merchants or farmers, they all flocked to the round arena in Taoqiu's extravagant place to witness the decision of history. time.

The circular arena is no longer the rudimentary appearance of Zhao Wuxi when he first came here. With its masonry structure, it will hold events such as racing, horse racing, cuju, and horns throughout the year, attracting countless money. Because there are many people that can be accommodated, everyone who has the right to participate in this public meeting can stand down, and there can be some gaps.

When he came here, he saw the mountain and the tsunami. After Cao Ren, who was already accustomed to this scene, the prince of the Cao Kingdom regretted it. He came to Taoqiu for nothing.

Because in the whole process, everything was firmly in Zigong's mouth, and his speech has completely convinced Cao Ren.

"Cao Shuzhen's six-hundred-year-old title can end here. If I return to the country of Cao, I will definitely treat the people of Cao well and make friends feel at ease."

In the arena, after the prince of the state of Cao made an empty plea and promise, Zigong, who had been silent for a long time, got up and explained his reasons to the people of Cao.

"In ancient times, the world was regarded as the lord, and the monarch was regarded as the guest. Everything that the monarch I managed was for the people of the world. Now? , extorting and depriving Cao of the bone marrow, and separating the children of the Cao people in order to enshrine their own debauchery and pleasure."

"So we expelled him. After that, all Cao people can get their own things. The doctor is the government, the industry is prosperous, the merchants are in business, the farmers are working hard, the women are weaving mulberry and hemp, and everyone can get their own interests."

Thinking of that heart-warming experience, Cao people felt the same way.

"But Uncle Cao went to Jin and cried in front of Shangqing and Youbang, saying that this was wrong!"

"Is it really wrong for us to do this?" Zigong held a copper-skin horn in his hand to expand his voice so that thousands of people could hear it. For a time, Cao people in the arena whispered. .

Zigong continued to ask back, "Could it be that, with the wisdom of the Haotian God, among the thousands of people, only one person and one clan favor the monarch?"

He intensified his voice: "No! God listens to the people, and the people sees it!"

For a while, the entire assembly fell silent.

"As the Thai oath said: **** accepting, Hong Wei's prestige, it is your feud!"

Zigong pointed heavily at the pale-faced Prince Cao in the stands, "I also want to say today, **** Yang, Hong Wei Zuowei, is your feud! Gongsun Jiang is a ****, Cao Cao is a thief of the people! No matter what you say How eloquent you are, you, you will never want to come back to the remnants!"

He raised his arms and shouted, "The state of Cao is not the state of Cao, but the state of Cao's people!"

"The country of Cao is not the country of Cao of one person, it is the country of Cao of Cao people!"

Like a summer torrential rain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Taoqiu's "citizens" threw a torrent of Kongfang money in the hands of Zigong, drowning the last few sea shells: support the republic vote Bronze coins, those who support Cao Bo or the prince's return as monarchs will be cast into sea shells

Although the planners are still going through the motions of counting the numbers, so that they can be made public, the situation has been determined. The small counterattack of the restoration forces of the monarch of the Cao Kingdom ended in a disastrous defeat.

"How?" Zhao Wuxi sat at the head of the guest seat, with his son on the left, and Nanzi in black clothes and white robes on the right.

"In my opinion, it's just a play that has long been doomed. The state of Cao is already the purse of Shangqing, and he obeys Zitai's words. Naturally, the Zhao family will not let Uncle Cao and his son come."

Perhaps he noticed that Zhao Cao, who was separated from Zhao Wuxi, was raising his eyes and looking at her curiously and fearfully, Nanzi smiled after the veil: "Although I don't understand why Shangqing is supporting Zigong, but because of Shangqing, Song Guo has no objection to this, and will not interfere in Cao's internal affairs."

As if he was talking about the weather, Nanzi continued to laugh and said, "But if Cao Guo's monarch and fatherless upstream dares to cross the border and spread to Song country, and say the same thing on the streets of Shangqiu, then I will not hesitate to say the same thing. Suppress it, tie it to a wooden frame and burn it alive!" (To be continued.)

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