Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 854: 50 String Flip Plug

Sanggan, Gaoliu, Qieru, Xichi, Ruo's, plus Daiwang's headquarters, there are a total of six tribes holding the banner of the black dog.

The Sanggan is divided into three branches: the main branch, the imperial branch, and the Hunbu branch. Although the area occupied cannot be compared with that of the king, but as the second largest clan among the six clans, the population, cattle, sheep and livestock, as well as farmland and pasture land are quite impressive. The clan has a total of 15,000 people. Across the Sanggan River and the two tributaries of the Hun River and the Yuhe River, a small town with more than a thousand people was built. There are shops in it, which is an important place for the trade between Jin and Dai.

The reason why the population is many times larger than that of the Hu tribes on the grasslands is not only because these Dai Rong annexed a large number of Wuji tribes decades ago and reduced them to slaves, but also because they are already engaged in farming, and agriculture can support more than animal husbandry. more people. However, their crops are only planted once a year, and the rest of the time they are grazing.

In a word, although the Sang cadres were powerful within Daiguo, when Mu Xia led the 8,000 Zhao army to launch an attack, their little bit of resistance and defense could only be described as an egg hitting a stone.

Boom boom boom! Dozens of bowstrings rattled, but the flying arrows could not hit the fully-armed Zhao clan on the opposite side.

They were literally armed to the teeth! With broad shields, thick leather armor, and the bright bronze jackets of the first row of armored soldiers, they slowly advanced with spears, leaving the archers who were always proud of their archery skills helpless.

Although there are many horses in Daiguo, their main means of fighting is still a mixed formation of riding, chariot, and apprentices, but they are not as particular about formation as Zhuxia. During the battle, they swarmed up in a chaotic manner, either being stabbed to death by a spear, or being shot into a sieve by the powerful bow and crossbow fire behind the soldiers of the Zhao clan.

Dairen is full of despair. It has been nine days since the Jin people crossed the Jujusai and invaded the country. They resisted fiercely, but they still retreated an average of twenty miles every day, getting closer and closer to the Sanggan City behind them.

"You can't fight like that!"

The patriarchs of Sang cadres are already in a state of turmoil. Originally, they were well prepared for the Jin invasion, because the relationship between Daiguo and the Zhao family has continued to deteriorate in recent years. They gathered a large army in the ground and practiced all day long, obviously trying to replace the country.

Therefore, the king of Dai greeted the various ministries, especially the Sang cadres who were on the verge of sentence stoppage, and told them to be careful. However, when the Jin people attacked, the generation people still found that they had made too little preparations.

The broad fields on both sides of the Sanggan River allowed the Zhao army to attack unimpeded. Since the field battle is unfavorable, we can only defend the city, but because it is a half-pastoral and half-farming nation, the generation of people neglects the defense of the city. There is only a wooden fence in Yuyi and Hunyi, and only Sang Cognac has a city wall of more than ten feet. In the last year, Wang Yanling warned it, and reluctantly increased it to 1.5 feet.

But now it seems that it is far from enough.

On the eighth day after crossing the Jujubei, the Zhao army approached Sanggan. For Zhao Wuzu, who had captured Chaoge, Puyang and other big cities, such a high wall and more than a thousand guards in the city basically did not form any obstacles. As long as it takes half a day to break through here, and the rest and supplies are extraordinary, they can continue to advance along the river and kill all the way to Daicheng.

However, after the city was easily broken, Zhao Jun discovered that there were only the elderly and the disabled who could not walk in the city, and the rest of the generation had disappeared.

"If it goes on like this, it will be easy to destroy the dynasty!" Standing at the head of Sanggan City, Youcheng is very excited. This small town is not enough to satisfy his conquest. Only the heads of the city and the king are worth dedicating to the head of the family. .

Mu Xia did not let his guard down, although he also felt the ease of this expedition. Zhao Jun only lost more than 100 people along the way, and the three Sanggan troops added up to 2,000 combat power, but they have already lost 300 or 400. , Yu has been captured by the partial divisions commanded by Tian Ben and Xu Qu, and now Sanggan City has also been captured.

They have left Juzhusai and have penetrated into the country for more than 100 miles. This long and dangerous supply line is very fragile. Mucha must spend a lot of energy to maintain it to ensure that the way back is not cut off.

At this time, it was autumn and winter, and the farmland was idle, leaving only the pastures overgrown with wormwood and grass on both sides of the Sanggan River. In addition, the generation of people lived scattered, and it was a little troublesome to want to feed the enemy.

What's more, before the arrival of the Zhao army, the astute generation abandoned their farmland and house. According to the investigation by the scouts, the generations on both sides of the Sanggan River were either dismantling tents or gathering cattle and sheep, and tying things on horseback carts, as if preparing to migrate.

More than a thousand people in Sanggan City were also evacuated in the same way. They huddled in the city and waited for the enemy to attack.

Compared with Zhao Jun, who had to rely on food supplies, the advantage of Dairen lies in their nomadic nature. Although they have settled in Daiji for many years, the habitual spring plowing and summer grazing of various tribes allows them to have a rapid transfer and mobility system. After the Zhao army attacked, seeing that they could not be beaten, following the order of the leader of Sang cadres, the tribesmen bundled tents and supplies into carriages, drove the cattle, sheep and livestock, and migrated away from the road.

So Mucha knew that the real battle had not yet come. He did not adopt the suggestion of the postal troops to pursue and quickly approach Daicheng. Instead, he fought steadily. Every time he captured the small towns on both sides of the Sanggan River, he would keep guards to guard the grain. Road safety.

Although this move is safe, Shi Qi also has concerns: "Although Zhao's army is strong, they have to divide their forces to guard the roads and cities along the Sanggan River. In addition to the attrition caused by injuries and illnesses, when they get close to Daicheng, there will be more troops left. How much? Seven thousand? Six thousand? Just as we were slowly advancing in the past few days, Daizi might have gathered all the tribes and assembled the army to clear the ground. If we continue to move forward, it is very likely that we will be greeted by an uninhabited area of ​​more than a hundred miles. If the land is dragged by the generation until it snows in winter, the army will be in a desperate situation! When the time comes, it will travel hundreds of miles across the country, and the generation will be harassed along the way by the generation, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Shi Qi's worry is not without reason. It was estimated before the war that the six generations of the generation, plus the Wuji and Tu He who surrendered to the generation, together, it is possible to make up seven or eight thousand disciples, more than a thousand cavalry, and hundreds of chariots. , Of course, it will take at least half a month for the generation of people to be assembled. If they face it head-on, Zhao Jun, who is well-equipped and has advanced tactics, has an advantage. However, if it is broken into pieces by the enemy, and the space is exchanged for time, so that Zhao Jun can not find the opportunity for a decisive battle, and it will be troublesome if it is delayed until the winter.

Mu Xia pondered and said: "You are right, you need to be cautious, but you must not miss the fighter plane. Our rear security has been guaranteed. The whole army ordered to carry dry food for ten days after the mulberry dry, speed up, and strive to be in the generation. The city will fight the enemy!"

He looked at the vast north and thought in his heart: At this moment, Yuxi's cavalry has already arrived at Daidi, and the outcome of this battle depends on his success in Dayou.

That is, in the early morning of this day, Tu Heyi's new dog woke up from his sleep and was told that there was smoke and dust rising faintly in the north of the city, and it seemed that a large group of people was coming.

Xinzhigou hurriedly put on his armor, brought his stiff bow, and went to the shabby city head of Tu Heyi to look at it, and everyone beside him was nervous.

Today's autumn is cool and the sky is clear, but the new puppies can vaguely hear a slight thunder in the distance.

He looked up at the sky in surprise, not even a single cloud, he immediately reacted to it ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a pale face, staring at the wilderness in the north of the city, his eyes fixed.

As this continuous "thunder" became louder and louder, a black line appeared in the north of Tu He Chengbei, which were the galloping horses and knights.

Xinzhigou made a rough count, and was immediately horrified: "There are more than a thousand horses. Are all the tribes of Donghu here!?" The combat power has caused huge trouble and trouble to Tu He. Looking at this posture, so many people have been dispatched. Could it be that all the Donghu tribes jointly held a robbery more than a thousand miles north of the entire Yan Dynasty? This is unreasonable, the hatred between those Donghu tribes is bigger than that with Tu He, unless the gods they believe in come, they will never unite!

However, the next thing that caught his eye was not Huang Zhu of the Donghu people, but a black bird soaring from the ashes.

Falcon? crow? Newborn can't remember which tribe's totem is like this.

When the flag was closer, he had been to the border towns of the State of Yan, and he knew about the State of Jin and the Zhao family through the merchants. He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look. !"

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