Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 855: rusher 3

ps: It's a bit late, there is only one chapter today

It was only yesterday that Tu He had just received the summoning order from the king, saying that the Jin people were in the north and that Tu He should send troops to join the team of the king in accordance with the ancient covenant.

When Tu He's ruler and the clan leaders were arguing about whether to send troops, they were confused by the appearance of this Zhao clan cavalry.

One thousand five hundred cavalry, this is the total number that can be made up after the alliance of the major tribes in the country. Even Tu He himself has only two or three hundred cavalry, and all of them are disturbed by the large and small Donghu tribe. And how can not help each other.

Fortunately, the Jin people outside didn't seem to be too hostile to Tu He. They asked the city to send someone out to talk. The emperor finally chose Xinzhigou, not only because he was very courageous, but also because he had the most dealings with Chinese people. .

Riding out of Tu Heyi on horseback, Xinzhigou couldn't believe his eyes as he looked at the more than 1,000 people and horses that surrounded the north of the city. How could the Zhao army, which should have been hundreds of kilometers upstream of the Sanggan River, suddenly appear in the north of the city? You know, to the north of Tu He is a vast prairie.

Could it be that they came here in a detour? Even if it is called the strongest bear in Tu He, Xinzhigou asks himself that he can't do this, how much courage and determination must the commander of the other side have.

When he saw the commanders of these Jin people, he felt even more astonished.

"It turned out to be you!"

Yu Xi was clad in armor all over his body, with a long bow on his back, and a ring-headed knife on his waist. He rode on his horse with a smile and watched Xinzhigou slowly walk towards him. He visited Tu He twice last year, this was the third time, but this time, Yu Xi changed his body. A warrior who rules thousands of cavalry like an arm!

As soon as he waved his hand, the equestrian behind him stepped forward with some unkempt beards with braided hair, as well as more than a hundred cattle and sheep, as well as crying women and children.

"Xinzhizi, you invited me to fight Donghu together, and now I'm here."

He pointed to the people and cattle and sheep behind him.

"We were ordered by the lord of the Zhao clan to take a detour through the grasslands to conquer the Dai Rong who rebelled against the great country. On the way, we encountered a Donghu tribe who dared to fight against the power of the heavens. Most of the people were so frightened that they migrated eastward and ran hundreds of miles away, these are some of the spoils, and they were specially given to Tu He."

Xinzhigou swallowed, and the Donghu tribe, who had troubled Tu He for a whole year, was easily dismissed by these thousand elite riders? It can be seen that they have indeed experienced a long-distance rush, one person and two horses, and the horses are a little thin, but their spirits are not diminished. Beneath the dirty face were sharp eyes, looking at Tu Heyi with a low wall.

He could hear the threat in Yu Xi's words, and also roughly understood the purpose of Yu Xi's disguise to come here twice. If Tu He showed a little bit of resistance, he would probably end up with the Donghu tribe that was rushing east.

Sure enough, Yu Xi rode his horse to Xinzhigou's side and said, "I drove Donghu away for Tu He, and I gave so many gifts because my master is willing to be friends with Tu He and help you get rid of Dai Rong's enslavement. Now it's your turn. Tu He has shown, should he continue to work for the generation of people? Or should he help the Zhao clan to destroy the generation, should he choose these people and animals, or choose the blade in my hand, please choose!"

The place where Daiwangcheng is located is called Wei County in later generations. This place is located at the intersection of Hengshan Mountain, Taihang Mountain and Yanshan Mountain. It is in a basin where the rest of the mountains reach. The terrain is flat, the water source is sufficient, and the land is fertile. The anointed land is enough to support tens of thousands of people, so Dai Rong settled here and established the capital.

The Huliu River, a tributary of the Sanggan River, originates from the Hengshan Mountain. It draws a road from west to east at Daicheng, and then turns to the north to join the arc of Sanggan. , pasture.

In the late autumn season, the icy sun is still hovering on the horizon, the withered wormwood that is about the height of a person can't see the edge at a glance, the morning dew is covered with grass blades, and thousands of generations have already sat here.

Some of them are defeated soldiers who escaped from the upper reaches of the Sanggan River, and some are hunters and herdsmen who were hastily recruited from other tribes. Even the ranks are not neatly arranged. Faced with the unstoppable Zhao Jun so soon, many people are not yet mentally prepared, and there are noises and voices everywhere.

Because according to the original plan, the king of Dai would give up the city and let the tribes escape into the deep mountains and grasslands, breaking them into pieces, taking advantage of the flexibility of the tribesmen, and dragging them until the snow fell. and defeat.

However, the resistance of the Sang cadres was unexpectedly weak. After capturing Sanggan City, the Zhao army suddenly accelerated, and even broke through several tribes in the middle reaches and quickly approached Daicheng.

However, the chief people who have lived comfortably and settled down in Daicheng for decades are slow to move, reluctant to leave behind their full family and groups of concubines, slaves, cattle and sheep. They despise the determination of the Jin people, and they are suddenly approached when they are suddenly approached. , lost the opportunity to escape into the mountains.

Therefore, the king had to bite the bullet and fight the Jin forwards outside the city to buy time for the evacuation of the people inside the city. He did not choose to defend the city, because the half-farming and half-shepherd generation did not know how to defend the city at all. They had always been the only ones who went south to Hengshan to loot the wealth of the city. No one had ever done the opposite and had gone so deep into the country.

King Dai is very young, tall and mighty. Today, he wears a striking mink fur over his armor and stands on a chariot in the headquarters. Glancing at the north of the wind and grass, if the Jin people wanted to attack Daicheng, they had to come from there.

His pressure was inexplicably great, because this war was largely because he was greedy for Ji Ying's beauty, and his marriage proposal was not out of anger and anger, and he cooperated with Zhi's attack on Zhao's revenge. .

Anxiously patrolling the army again, he thought: "The Sang cadres have been disabled, and the entire clan has fled without a trace, and now the Qiru, Xichi, Rong clan, and the endless soldiers have all arrived, plus the headquarters Three thousand men, a total of seven thousand soldiers, seven hundred cavalry, and three hundred chariots"

After generations occupied this place, all the tribes were transformed into semi-nomadic people who cultivated and herds, so apart from the cavalry and chariots of less than 1,000 people, the others were all soldiers.

"The total number of Zhao's troops is only the same. If there are more people stationed along the way, I am afraid that fewer people will come here. Gao Liu and Tu He in the lower reaches of the Ruosanggan River will also help, relying on the army of more than 10,000 people, relying on the generation of people. Not afraid of death, I can also fight against Zhao Jun!"

He was sure that as long as this expeditionary army was defeated, Zhao Wuxi would have to wait for several years if he wanted to send another attack.


At this moment, there was a warning from the scouts, and I saw that Zhao Jun's forward had already formed a battle queue, slowly advancing southward from the open landscape washed out by the Huliu River, the rising sun. , the soaring black bird is extremely dazzling in the eyes of Daiwang

After looking at it for a long time, he anxiously let the master spin, ran wildly in the army, whipped the whip on a few restless generations, and scolded fiercely: "You, hold the spear steady! You, quickly wind the bow! Later, which tribe dares not work hard, and will impose an additional 500 sheep next year!"

"Finally caught the main force of the generation!"

Mucha was also standing on the chariot. He couldn't stand in the front row with the heavy armored soldiers. He felt very uncomfortable. He could only try his best to remember the way the lord used to fight in the past and command the entire army.

As expected by King Dai, after leaving troops to guard the grain roads of the cities and towns along the way, and sending a group of wounded soldiers to leave, Mucha's army was left with only 6,000 people, which was slightly inferior in number.

But the number of people has never been the final determinant of the victory or defeat of the battle.

"Your Majesty has said that the three most urgent people in the battle are to get the terrain."

He looked around, and in front of him was a relatively flat river landscape, plains and fields, and this was the place of cavalry. The farmland and pastures by the river, the enemy and the enemy's positions are very close, the terrain is flat, there is no deep grass to hinder, and the advance and retreat are free. On the left side of them, there is a little hill and earth, and the vegetation is prosperous. Compared with the generation, the position is condescending.

Before entering the battlefield, Mucha had chosen positions for many of the troops under his command. At this moment, he quickly ordered the armored soldiers with spears and halberds to stand with spears in front, while the bowmen seized the commanding heights.

"The second is the practice of military service"

With the support of strict military law, the noble-born children and doctors of the Zhao clan's small clan could only bow to him, while the soldiers who came from hard backgrounds regarded this commander as the goal of fighting.

"Fighting generals will be killed in the army! As long as I make a few more merits and get a few promotions, maybe one day, I will be able to take the position of a doctor and a teacher!" This kind of expectation of making achievements is to make them endure the expedition. The greatest motivation to work hard and face the fear of death.

In the past half a year, Zhao Jun has been selected and trained from the military soldiers and Taiyuan County soldiers, so that they are familiar with the tactics, and their movements are neat and uniform. The generation who is very slack does not know how many times stronger.

Not long after Mu Xia gave the order, the generation seems to be well prepared. Seeing that Zhao Jun has just arrived, the formation has not yet fully unfolded. As soon as they waved the black dog flag of the middle army, the generation of tribes began to swarm!

The distance between the two armies was only a few hundred paces. The cavalry on behalf of the people galloped on their horses, and the chariots rushed straight ahead, and they rushed more than half of the distance in a blink of an eye. They shouted wildly on the horse and the carriage, and even the disciples behind the horse and under the carriage also wielded bronze swords, stone hammers, wooden spears and other weapons, with a terrifying momentum.

In fact, there were not many wars between Dairen and Jin, and more of them were plundering Yan country to the east. According to their experience of fighting against the underdogs of Yan country, most of the Yan army would panic and flee at this time, and the fierce Dairen just rushed. Enter in array.

However, the Zhao army was different from the Yan army after all. Their fronts never wavered. Shi Qi, who was supervising the battle, even sneered.

"Rong Di is Rong Di. If this method of fighting was put into practice more than a hundred years ago, it would have been effective against states such as Xing and Wei who could not fight, but Muzi and Wei Xianzi used a square formation in Taiyuan long ago. It was a complete defeat. Coming all the way from the Sanggan River, the Zhao army was invincible, but the generation did not learn a lesson. With more than two or three thousand people, the more advantageous chariots and horses, is it so big?"

With the sound of the command, the front-row soldiers who had completed the deep formation shouted loudly, hundreds of spears held high were flattened, and the shining sharp edges were layered, and the entire front suddenly became a hedgehog. generally.

The generational cavalry that rushed over were from the Fushi tribe. This tribe was located in the north, close to the grassland. The tribe was all battle-hardened warriors, and they were sensitively aware of the power of the enemy's spears. With a shout, the leader turned to the right with the cavalry and advanced in a direction parallel to the Zhao army's front.

Slightly slowing down the speed of the horses galloping, the knights of the Clan stretched out their hands to pick up the recurve horn bows hanging on the horse's backs, and drew arrows from the quiver at the waist with their backhands. The three hundred knights of the Clan without saddle and stirrups almost At the same time, draw a bow and arrow, aiming in the direction of the rising sun.

This is the technique of riding and archery that generations of people rely on to conquer the land and make Wuji and Tu He bow their heads and bow their heads! At this distance, the hunters who have been hunting for a living at the junction of the grasslands and the hills can almost hit every shot. Zhao Jun's spears and infantry are just targets, and the enemy's bows and arrows should not hit the riders who come and go like the wind, right? The king thought so.

However, just as they approached Zhao Jun's formation in a parallel formation and stepped into the hundred-step range, they heard countless bang bang bangs.

It was Zhao Jun's strong crossbow that greeted these cavalry!

Different from the single-soldier crossbow that was only used in the army ten years ago, which was a little rough and could only shoot dozens of steps, the crossbow used by Zhao Jun's military pawns has been replaced by a more powerful two-stone crossbow! The crossbow arm is overlapped with a wooden strip, and there are also copper ornaments. These devices are to enhance the bearing strength of the crossbow arm, making it stronger and longer range!

Seeing that the enemy entered the range recklessly, Zhao Juncai officer pulled his arms and pulled his waist, wound the string with all his strength, and then ejected it. At this moment, the sound of the violent trembling of the bowstring could be clearly heard even from a hundred steps away, followed by The shrieking sound of the breaking wind filled the sky. The crossbows, which are one foot two inches long and made of peach hill iron, are densely packed like raindrops. When an arrow comes, they can easily pierce the thin leather armor of the cavalry, and come out through their backs, splashing countless blood flowers among them. , The dozens of cavalry that rushed to the front were devastated and suffered heavy casualties.

However, the bone clusters, bronze clusters, and stone clusters of feather arrows shot by the cavalrymen of the scorpion landed scattered in the Zhao army's armored soldiers, and were slanted and slanted on the large leather-inlaid iron shields, unable to penetrate an inch; On the thick three-layer armor, not even a single layer of skin was scratched; if you were lucky, it hit the bronze helmet in the front row, which at most caused a dull sound of jingle in the ears of the armored soldiers.

After capturing a large amount of copper and tin in the civil war~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and excavating several iron mountains in Jin State for smelting at the same time, the equipment of Zhao's army has also been updated with each passing day. The clothes and armor, but the elite soldiers have already been armed to the teeth.

While the generation was shocked and hesitant, Mu Xia smiled even more. The initial cautiousness turned into the current confidence.

"Three said: Utilize tools and use them!"

The weapons and equipment of the generation are still in the state of the early Bronze Age, but it is the Zhao Jun who has spent a lot of money to build and has entered the Iron Age. As the saying goes, if a weapon is not sharp, it is the same as an empty hand; if the armor is not strong, it is the same as a bare hand; if a bow cannot shoot from a distance, it is the same as a short soldier; if a shot cannot hit, it is the same as without an arrow; in the middle but cannot enter, it is the same as without an arrowhead.

If they face each other head on, five generations can't resist a single soldier! The only remaining advantage of the number of people disappeared in an instant.

"That's why the Art of War says: If the weapon is not sharp, it's like sending your own soldiers to the enemy to be slaughtered. Daizi, Daizi, you are going to bury the Daiguo here."

Seeing that the generation fell into a short-lived misfire after the first wave of offensive, and all the Zhao army units began to take place, Muchia waved the flag, and the drums of war sounded behind him. Now, it is the turn of the Zhao army to attack! (To be continued.)

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