Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 856: Weak crowned prisoners invite long tassels

ps: There is another chapter at 12:00

The generation who waited for work and was ready to fight an ambush battle was at a disadvantage after the battle. ?

Seeing the defeat of the cavalry of the Fu clan, and the King Dai jumping furiously behind him, he was also a warrior of the Dai Kingdom. Seeing that the terrifying momentum of the Dairen cavalry assault was stopped by the salvo of Zhao Jun's crossbowmen, he was instantly furious, brandishing his sword and shouting: "Rush up. Those who break the Zhao people's array will be rewarded with gold, silver, cattle and sheep, and will be given to the pastoral followers."

He knew very well that this ambush was a miscalculation. If he wanted to be undefeated, he could only let the pocket-shaped generation close and press on before the Jin people's battle was fully unfolded. The distance between the two sides is only more than 200 steps. If you sprint with all your strength, it will be over in an instant. Even if the crossbowman uses the legendary three-stage shot, at most it will only shoot four or five rounds of arrows!

As long as they can fight closely, there may still be opportunities for generations. For a long time, Rong and Di have always relied on bloodthirsty and savagery to gain the upper hand in the war with Zhu Xia.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, and the generation is encouraged, and they growl, as if thousands of wolf dogs are howling. They jumped out of the wormwood and rushed forward, dashing towards Zhao Jun's formation. The vast majority of these generations were only wrapped in poor leather armor, or hung with felt, helmets made of wild boar teeth, and held various weapons, such as stone spears, halberds, and broken bronze swords. The warriors of all tribes who came were all soldiers. Although they were brave, their formations and equipment were also poor.

After several rounds of continuous shooting, killing hundreds of enemies, seeing the generation getting closer and closer, the Zhao clan officials hurriedly retreated. At the same time, the sound of the earth-shattering war drums in the Jin army sounded, and Mucha's command flag waved, and more than a thousand spearmen arranged in three lines in the front army began to advance. Generations are in stark contrast.

The two armies collided fiercely, and the first platoon at the forefront was stabbed to death by the overlapping iron spears almost immediately, but motivated by the generous reward, the second platoon did not hesitate to follow. superior. Some of them chopped at the hilt of the spear with their weapons, some held the stabbed spear with both hands and pulled it hard, and some leaped into the air and slashed at the soldiers of the Zhao army. The soldiers of the generation were roaring and pounding continuously, the second wave of the generation was still fighting, and the third and fourth batches were pressed up again, as if the raging waves were rolling over the rocks, one wave after another without stopping.

And the Zhao army's strong formation was like a stone tower standing on the Shaohai Seaside. No matter how the waves beat and bombarded again and again, it stood still, smashing the enemy's offensive again and again.

As a supervisor, Shi Qi stood behind the Zhao army's spearmen with a long sword in hand, surrounded by dozens of personal soldiers. His gloomy eyes patrolled the front line like an owl, preventing the soldiers from retreating timidly. The only thing waiting for them was to be executed on the spot and the family to sit together. Once the existing position was shaken, Shi Qi waved a small flag, and a team immediately rushed over to help stabilize the situation.

After several unsuccessful attacks, the fierce momentum of the generation stagnated, and the pace gradually slowed down, but the formation of the sword and shield soldiers on the two flanks of Zhao Jun began to move forward. The pace and the sound of banging footsteps, you can know from this that these Taiyuan County soldiers are all battle-hardened and determined soldiers, and they are also full of resentment against the generation in their hearts.

They quickly approached the front line of the generation. Because of the chaos in the organization, the arrows shot from there were scattered. Even if they were hit, the clusters of bones and stones would cause very little damage to Zhao Jun.

Suddenly, the sound of the drums tightened again, and the sword and shield soldiers on both sides of Zhao Jun began to trot. The morning sun was reflected on the blade, and countless dazzling spots of light flashed. Mucha's Chinese army drum quickly reached the highest frequency. The shield soldiers kept a straight and complete front as they advanced like a wall, sandwiching the more than 2,000 people who had been attacking the spear formation in front of them.

In the face of this kind of attack, the command of the generation has fallen into chaos, some are advancing, some are still staying in place, and some are retreating subconsciously, and the array has become a jagged shape. The next moment, they also bumped into each other. The dense front made everyone unable to avoid it. At this time, the combat skills were of little use. The only things the soldiers could rely on were order, equipment and luck.

The battle of life and death unfolded at the same time on the front of the hundreds of paces. The battle was extremely fierce. For a time, the front line was full of dead and wounded soldiers, but obviously more people fell.

The Taiyuan County soldiers on the two flanks grew up in the northern border of the Jin State and were accustomed to fighting against the Rong and Di, or perhaps their ancestors belonged to the Rong and Di people. After some order, he changed into the elite equipment that Zhao Wuxi spent a lot of money to build, and it was unstoppable for a while.

The generation has repeatedly attacked to no avail, his momentum has been greatly reduced, and he has been double-teamed again, and he has begun to fall into chaos. The soldiers of Taiyuan County began to cooperate in the attack in small groups. The soldiers jumped forward alternately. After the spears of the military soldiers, the swords and shields of the short soldiers rushed forward to continue the attack, and then the halberdists took over, and the officers also used crossbows in the gap. Killing the enemy does not give the opponent a chance to breathe at all.

You Wuzheng's son, Youcheng, had already rushed to the front without knowing it. He already had three lives in his hand, but it was not enough. He stared at a generation a few steps away from the front. The man wore a bearskin hat, a leopardskin armor around his waist, and held a copper dagger. He had already hacked to death two county soldiers. They cut off their heads and tied them around their waists, and looked at Youcheng with fierce eyes.

Who is the prey and who is the hunter?

That representative let out a howl like a beast, and suddenly rushed over, Youcheng did not evade, and went head-to-head, and the weapons of the two collided in mid-air!

With a jingle, the generation warrior was surprised to see that his bronze sword was missing a big hole, but the opponent's iron sword was not damaged at all. Before he could finish his stay, Youcheng threw his halberd swiftly and stabbed him with a flick of his hand. His neck, he clutched his neck and struggled silently on the ground, bleeding profusely.

At the same time, around Youcheng, Zhao Jun's continuous offensive made the opposite generation with backward equipment only have the power to parry, and people were injured and fell to the ground. In the face of these powerful opponents, the generation front began to slowly retreat.

"The Zhao army's powerful crossbows and spears shoot far and wide, so the bows of the Rong cannot be qualified; the strong armor and sharp blades are mixed in length and short, and the crossbows come and go. If the arrows and paths are the same, then replace the Rong’s leather Humu to recommend Funengzhi.”

These expectations of the Zhao family's patriarch before the war were all in one word!

In addition to admiring Zhao Wuxi in his heart, Youcheng also stared at the position of the black dog banner at the rear of the generation. Daizi was there, and he couldn't help feeling the rope around his waist. Youcheng didn't tie the head of the generation warrior who died in his hands just now. He didn't care about the effort. This rope was only prepared for one person.

Before he left the fortress, he boasted of Haikou in front of Zhao Shangqing: "If I am willing to accept the long ying, I will tie the captive chiefs to the Shangqing's tower!"

The king, who was in command in the center, shot and killed a fleeing generation of men with an arrow on the chariot, and he was very anxious.

The equipment of these Zhao troops is very good. In addition to the material officers who use powerful crossbows, well-trained spearmen and sword and shield soldiers, this is only the strength of the front row. Only relying on these three thousand people, Zhao The army has easily stopped the charge of Dairen, defeated 300 cavalrymen of the scorpion, and faced 4,000 warriors of various tribes without falling behind, and even started to push back. Not moving! Thinking of this, the king broke down with sweat.

After all, the Zhao army who attacked Daiguo this time was just one of Zhao Wuxi's territorial territories. Zhao's family already has millions of people and nearly 100,000 soldiers. This time, he intuitively realized that Zhao Wuxi was so powerful. He lived in a secluded place, but he didn't know anything about it~www. wuxiaspot.com~ still dare to touch its tiger whiskers

King Dai has been on the battlefield for many years. Before he became the emperor, he was a well-known and valiant warrior. If he personally led the troops into the battlefield at this moment, he might not be able to break the deadlock. But the commander on the opposite side is very calm, and the 3000 Central Army is always on guard against him! If the direct lineage of these tribes is lost again, why should he stand among the powerful Daidi tribes in the future? Let them be submissive?

Compared with this, withdrawing in time has become the best choice. The strength of the headquarters is still there, and the loss is only some worthless affiliated tribes, as long as they gather the tribes on behalf of the city, escape into the deep mountains, or run to the grasslands, when winter comes, Zhao Jun will not be able to do anything to him.

However, when the king was preparing to dock the gecko's tail, there was a burst of cheers from the rear.

"The reinforcements are here!"


King Dai shook his head sharply, but saw in the northeast direction, the figure of an army was emerging from the southern foot of the hill. The first was holding a long flag, on which was painted a cyan animal, a cyan bear, showing its teeth and dancing claws. , upright as a man

(To be continued.) 8

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