Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 858: die on the battlefield

PS: There is one more chapter at 12:00

People worship dogs for generations, thinking that their ancestors were a tengu...

It has a black body and a white head. It can devour the moon and make the night sky dark. It whistles from the sky, looking at it like a fire, and it is so hot that it finally falls in Yinshan, where it is also the birthplace of the generation. After the establishment of a state in the Datong Basin, people will be sent back every year with famous horses and golden vessels to worship the Tengu. Novel ww.Lwxs520.cm

King Dai was captured after the defeat, and he was also locked in the kennel by the generals of the Zhao clan in a playful manner. He might be happier when he stayed with the dogs.

Therefore, he was brought along with the Di dogs in the same circle. The dogs are dark and shiny. Just like the Assyrians like to use war dogs, they also like to use war dogs. When hunting and fighting, nobles often have a few Only for dogs. These dogs are very loyal. Although they are hungry, they did not harm their owners during this period. Instead, they barked wildly at Zhao Wuxi, who fluttered in black coats. Perhaps they smelled the southern breath on him.

"Crack!" The world fell silent.

It only took a few whips of a leather whip to stop their barking, and they shrank their heads and burrowed into the corner of the wall, until they threw a fleshy bone on the ground, then ran over again with their tongues out, their tails wagging, this It's the behavior of dogs.

Zhao Wuxi always believed that treating Rong Di, Tu He, Xian Yu, etc., should be like training a dog. It is not ethnic discrimination, but his identity determines his position.

Tighten the collar, fasten the chain, release the prey when you see it, and then satisfy them with the belly and bones of the prey, and you must always beware of overfeeding and letting it bite you, these wild dogs Children are not comparable to small pets in later generations. They hang their tails down, and they actually look similar to wolves.

The king himself is also like a wolf, the head wolf.

From far away, Zhao Wuxi could smell the stench like his intestines. After all, he had been with dogs for many days. When he got closer, he saw that his face was covered with a fluffy beard, like a The mane of the gigantic wolf, although cuffed, is still tall and majestic. It's just that the long beard is full of soup and smudges, the unwashed hair is tangled in the shoulders, the clothes on the body are tattered, and it looks very down.

After not seeing the sun for a long time, Daizi raised an arm to cover his face, and the shackles on his wrist were clanking.

He was led to Qiu Fu Qingshi who was surrounded by the crowd, and he guessed the identity of the person who came.

"Zhao Wuxi?"

After not speaking for a long time, Daizi's voice was a little hoarse, and he used Jin Yan with a very heavy accent, and mocked himself: "You are not at all like Sister Ru, your face is evil and ugly, I am afraid that I will not be able to live well in the royal city. Entertain and do the best of the landlord's friendship."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhao Zun behind him hit him hard with the handle of a spear on his knees. He immediately knelt down on one knee and bent down in front of Zhao Wuxi.

"You are not as vulgar as I imagined, the prince of Rong and Di." Zhao Wuxi looked down at him from a high place, his eyes were full of mockery and disgust. This person once coveted Ji Ying and even joined Kou Jinyang, causing immeasurable losses there. , if he hadn't had an order, Daizi would have been chopped into flesh by the angry Taiyuan people.

"But you have made a mistake. You are no longer the master of Daiguo, you are a prisoner, and your country and society will be destroyed. If you and others have ancestors in Dairyong...",

The king raised his head: "Tiangu still protects us!"

"Is that so? But the place is five hundred miles away, and it's all owned by the Zhao clan. The tribe and clansmen are all the concubines of the Zhao clan. Now, I want you to make a choice too."

Zhao Wuxi paused, and glanced at the leaders of Xinzhigou, Sanggan, Gao Liu, Qiru, Wuji, and the leaders of the tribes. Wearing a collar or being free is a choice for everyone.

"Do you want to be Zhao's dog or horse, or continue to be a wild dog?"

Daizi laughed, spit, and spit Zhao Wuxie's last chance to survive on the ground, and spit it on the edge of Zhao Wuxie's shoes.

"Good." Zhao Wuxi nodded: "As I expected, he is indeed the most fearless warrior in the generation. I heard that for the generation, wrapping the body in horse leather and killing a famous horse for burial is the highest burial. Li, I will fulfill you."

The king's old mount was brought up, and the Zhao soldiers put it down neatly. The horse knew more about fear than the owner. He stared at the horse's eyes the size of an egg. done.

Under the skillful swordsmanship of the military cooks and Yongren, the fresh bloody, steaming hides of the horses were stripped off. His legs were completely bound by ropes, and he fell on the horse's hide. His mouth kept talking, full of Dirong language, and he greeted Zhao Wuxi's ancestors to his sisters and children.

Immediately, the horseskin was covered and bound, leaving only the people inside struggling.

He was picked up and thrown into the downtown area of ​​Daicheng. The shops here had stopped, leaving only an open space without grass and trees, which was full of dust and dust. The merchants who had begun to re-operate in the city looked at this scene in surprise.

Another group of horses was brought over, there were as many as ten horses, all of which were good horses captured from the Daiwang's private garden.

"Get on the horse."

Xinzhigou waited, or depended on, or invited the headman of Rong Di to surrender, and he was stunned. Only when Zhao Wuxi spoke for the second time did he realize that this was for them.

"Second or third son, please get on your horse!" His tone lost its initial kindness, full of killing intent and threats.

Reluctantly, Xinzhigou, as well as the monarchs of the tribes such as Sanggan, Gaoliu, Qieru, Wuji, etc., shivered and stepped on the war horse.

Zhao Wuchen smiled with satisfaction. Jin people like Di dogs, so he also has some experience in dog training. Once the dogs put their heads in the collars, they will no longer expect any "freedom".

Next, you just need to find a prey and let them compete to bite...

His whip pointed at Daizi, who was still writhing and struggling, wrapped in horse leather.

"Stomach him to death! Otherwise, you will also become sacrifices under the horse's hooves!"

The leaders of the army and Di Jun looked at each other in dismay. The Zhao soldiers had already surrounded the place. The officials were holding crossbows, and the soldiers were holding swords. If everyone was still unwilling, they would undoubtedly be killed immediately.

In the end, the young dog who had just fantasized about letting Tu He regain his "freedom" laughed first.

"Tu He and Daizi have a grudge, thank you Shangqing for letting me take revenge."

He galloped forward without hesitation, just like the day of the decisive battle of Daibei, and the other Rong and Di lords followed closely behind. For a time, dozens of horses’ hooves stomped back and forth around the leather sac. The struggle became more intense. Bystanders could clearly hear the scolding grow high at first, followed by the sound of broken bones turning into howls of misery, and then gradually After it calmed down, even after being imprisoned for many days, the still tall and majestic king was gone, and there was only a pool of soft flesh and bone scum on the ground...

During the whole process, Zhao Wuxi was wrapped in a fur coat, and his expression did not change in the cold wind.

"Let the dog go."

The generation dogs have been barking at the blood-stained horse leather from the beginning. After the Zhao soldier behind him loosened the chain, they dashed forward, not making out with their masters, but tearing and competing for the flesh and blood under the horse's hide. Mouthwateringly drooling...

They no longer recognize this as their master...

After dismounting from their horses, the leaders of Rong and Di carefully bypassed this gluttonous Asura field~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and walked to Zhao Wuxi, trembling with fear. Now everyone is bloodied, and they have become participants in killing the king. They just don’t know. What will Zhao Wuxi do with them?

Fear spreads in everyone's heart. This is Zhao Wuxi's intention to deal with these Rong Di who only recognize the strong, and want to rely on benevolence and righteousness to get their obedience? It's just a fool's dream, and even think you are weak and deceitful! Only a threat of strength and weight can make them bow their heads!

"The son who took over the title of king died, and the kingdom also died. The position of the co-lord of the northern land will be taken over by the Zhao clan. You and the others will take over their previous positions and obey the call and dispatch of the Zhao clan, and the tribute will be endless. The one who knelt down People, you will be able to be assigned to the king's army, money and silk, and you will have a place in the future Daijun. Those who refuse to surrender will end up with him!"

Without exception, everyone, including Xinzhigou, bowed to the head, or expressed submission in unfamiliar Jin dialects or fluent Ronghu language.

"We are willing to be the dog and horse of the emperor!"

(To be continued.)

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