Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 859: Dragon City Flying General

(493 BC) In mid-October, Yu Xi finally came back!

Yu Xi set out from Mayi, Taiyuan County in early September, went out of the building and went to Donghu, subdued Tu Hebu, and took them south to attack Daibei, and cooperated with Mucha to complete the attack on Daiwang, realizing the previous great detour. plan. :Music:Text:Fiction 3w.しxs520.o

After that, Mu Xia stayed behind to occupy Daicheng and various cities and towns, while Yu Xi continued to command thousands of cavalry in the east and west, chasing the escaped captives, until they reached the lower reaches of the Sanggan River, the southern foot of the Yanshan Mountain, and the border between the kingdom of Dai and the kingdom of Yan. place. According to Zhao Wuxi's estimation, it has probably entered the Miyun District of Beijing in later generations, but it is not at the feet of the emperor, but it is desolate and desolate...

For more than a month, the cavalrymen ate simple-cooked animal meat and hard dried meat that could knock their teeth out, and drank sticky goat's milk cheese. The posture of controlling the horse forward, this time, the riding skills have really improved, although the horse has lost a lot of weight.

The results of this attack were outstanding. They recaptured more than ten tribes, large and small, captured more than a thousand captives, and numbered tens of thousands of animals! Dai Guo was completely reduced to Zhao Qi's hoof.

At this time, it was early winter, and the weather became colder and colder, and the grass and trees covering the grassland withered and withered. The army of more than 1,000 horsemen rode a larger number of war horses, drove the endless cattle, sheep and livestock, and marched head-to-head along dozens of trampled roads. Dozens of flags fluttered in the wind, as if the fleet with open sails were breaking the waves on the yellow ocean, and the scene was spectacular.

As for those tribes who dared to defy and escape Zhao's army, and wanted to run to the grasslands, they became prisoners and followed the horses with a bitter face. They were likely to be assigned by Zhao Wuxi to the soldiers who had merited this battle as slaves. Several of the chiefs were killed to warn the monkeys. They were tied with ropes around their necks and wrists. The ropes were very long and were tied to the bridles of Zhao's cavalry. As the cavalry rides, they run along, rubbing their feet, staggering, and will not suffer any damage, but the premise is that they can keep up and withstand the exposure of the winter.

Zhao Wuxi did not ask the Zhao army to pay attention to the military discipline of the civilians as he did when he fought against the state of Qi and the Zhi clan, because this was a naked conquest. , relying on iron and blood, not what Confucian scholars imagined "Wide far away, four barbarians serve" can be achieved.

Zhao Shangqing greeted Yu Xi and his party outside Daicheng, and after Yu Xi offered captives and livestock that could not be seen, Zhao Wuxi helped him up, and praised: "An frontier, meritorious service, Yuliang general , do not choose. Mucha and you are both old men who have been with me for more than ten years, and my vision is indeed correct. Who would have expected that there would be two fierce generals in a small stable? "

"I figured it out, you ran back and forth for more than a thousand miles, beheaded nearly a thousand ranks, and descended on your behalf, six hundred in five days, one thousand in ten days, so fast, you are really my flying general!"

"Flying General!"

For a time, everyone cheered, and the name of Yu Xi "flying general" spread all over the Zhao army and from generation to generation...

"In this battle, Daizi gathered nearly 10,000 people, and all the elites went into battle to set up an ambush, with the intention of inflicting heavy damage on our army by waiting for work. The city fell, and some tribes fled for their lives. After being pursued by the commander of Yu Yu, there were not one of the ten... In the eyes of the villain, for the people of the grassland who believe in the strong, this battle is enough. Now, seeing that the general situation has been decided, and Tu He and other tribes have taken the lead in allegiance, the other tribes on behalf of the land are busy counting the tribe's assets, reorganizing the young and strong team, and preparing to bow their heads to the emperor."

Zhao Wuxi and Yu Xi used big sticks, while Yi Dun was responsible for throwing carrots to various tribes. He was familiar with the local customs and conditions of the various forces, and with Zhao Jun's strong backing, he could do more with less. Soon, under the persuasion of Yi Dun, the monarchs of the famous tribes in Daidi came to Daicheng in person and expressed their submission to Zhao Wuxi.

"Dai has definitely ushered in his new co-owner, the Zhao family, but the next question is... How does Shang Qing plan to rule the generation?"

Seeing that Yi Dun stopped talking, Zhao Wuxi knew that he must have an idea, so he encouraged: "If you are familiar with the land and grasslands, no one can compare to you. If you have any ideas, it's okay to say."

"Wei..." Yi Dun repeated last year's discussion with Yu Xi about "changing the barbarians with Xia", but he just changed the country by relying on trade, and turned it into Zhao's leadership to speed up the Huahua.

"The climatic crops in the Daicheng area are actually the same as those in Taiyuan and Dongyang, and at most they are slightly colder. Although there are various places in the city, there are gradually farming in the city. As long as some people are moved to settle here every year, they can firmly take root. If you manage it, you will become a rich and prosperous city with a rich and warm atmosphere, a prosperous annual harvest, prosperous residents, and merchants."

"In addition, the tribes admire the customs of Jin, so it is better to let their ministers increase their trade with them. It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and from luxury to frugality. There is no way to go back to the days of eating buttermilk and drinking blood. Then I will choose the sons of the chiefs of the tribes to go to Taiyuan, live and study in Yecheng, and gradually become Chinese. That's it!"

"Well said." Zhao Wuxi looked at Yi Dun again with admiration. This profiteer's vision was no less than that of his frontier officials. At this time, people from the Central Plains were common." Intimacy is not to be abandoned." In the consciousness of this border and the other, Yi Dun was sensitive to see that the gap between different ethnic groups was largely created by the way of life.

He remembered reading a book called "The Nomad's Choice" in a previous life, telling the story of how the ancients who walked on the border between farming and animal husbandry made a choice between farming, hunting and gathering and nomadism. Those who choose the former will enter the Dahe Plain and become the ancestors of China. Those who chose the latter became the Rong and Di in the mountains and grasslands. This is why Jiang Shirong and Qi are both descendants of Jiang, and why Hu Rong, Li Rong and Jin are descendants of Ji. A family source, but divided into Rong Di Huaxia, different lifestyles, at a fork in history, they separated.

Therefore, there are no natural nomads and no natural farmers. The environment determines the customs and cultural differences between grasslands and farming areas. However, in modern land, especially south of the Sanggan River, the gap with Taiyuan and Dongyang is very small.

"I decided to build a Dai County on the basis of the old country." Zhao Wuxi also confided his plan to Yi Dun. He has shown through his own efforts that he has changed from a businessman who can use it to one who can be consulted. Good minister.

"Because the Rong and Di are close to the Hu raccoon dog, the situation of the Dai County Club is not the same as that of Taiyuan. At the same time, there are two chief officials with the same status. "

Yi Dun was stunned: "What is Tao?"

This is Zhao Wuxi's direct plagiarism of the system of the Qin State during the Warring States Period: "In fact, it is also a county, but it is only a county called Qiminyue county, and the Rongdi barbarians are mixed with Dao, and the final goal is to make way for the Rong and Di. The barbarians turned into Chinese and became the tax accountants of the Zhao family. There are four roads in the southern part of Dai County, in order: Hengshan, Dai, Wuji, and Banquan. The governance method is similar to Taiyuan, but the tax collection will be slightly different. ."

With Yucheng also successfully subduing Wu Zongrong, who occupied the Hill of Poor Fish, the entire Daiguo has fallen into the hands of Zhao Wuxi.

Yi Dun thought about it a bit and found that these four roads are all south of the Sanggan River, could it be the area north of the Sanggan River, Shangqing has other plans?

"Yes, the north of the Sanggan River is not the same as the south. It is basically the pastures of various tribes, and it is difficult to rule, so there is no county. Yu Xi was appointed as the commander, and he was stationed on the grassland with cavalry to rule the tribes."

Yi Dun thought about it carefully, and immediately slapped his palms in praise: "Brilliant! This is a brilliant move! In this way, the northern commander manages felt tents and tribal governance, and at the same time defends the surrounding raccoon dogs. The southern county governor is responsible for the county, immigration, In the matter of farming and renting, the Dai County can be divided into two parts, and it can be governed according to the customs. It can not only make the battle strength of each tribe be used by me, but also gradually change the four southern provinces from Rong and Di to Huaxia. Shangqing is really a masterpiece! "

Zhao Wuchun smiled without saying a word. Of course he would not tell Yi Dun that this brain hole came from later generations. After being divided into agricultural areas and pastoral areas along the Sanggan River, Daijun was a miniature version of the Liao Dynasty's official system in the north and south. now...

He thought about it again and said, "Yu Xi's residence is not suitable for Tu He, but it should be placed on the Yu River through which the tributary of the Sanggan River passes."

The place Zhao Wuxi took a fancy to is actually Datong in later generations, and it is also an area where agriculture and animal husbandry meet: Bai Deng, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang was besieged by the Huns, Tan Shihuai, the leader of Xianbei, built the Danhan Mountain of Khan Court, Tuoba defeated Murong Yan's Shenhepi and Pingcheng, the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty, are all there.

The reason why it is so important is precisely because it is connected to Yandi in the east, Bing and Heng in the south, the Yellow River in the west, and the desert in the north, and it is the key to the border. In this era, there is still a lush grassland. Let Yu Xi be stationed there, retreat to Taiyuan and Daicheng, and enter Loufan, Linhu, and even the Hezong tribe in Hetao. In this way, The horses, cattle and sheep are constantly being supplied to the Zhao family.

"Yu Xi told me that the trend of the Sanggan River is like a long dragon, Tu He is the tail of the dragon, Daicheng is the belly of the dragon, and Yuhe is like the head of the dragon... The riding town that will be newly encircled next spring will be called Dragon City!"

Yi Dun continued to flatter him: "A good name is like a dragon in the northern Xinjiang, making Rong, Di and Hu raccoon dogs bow their heads."

However, he will never understand Zhao Wuxi's deep meaning...

"But let Longcheng Fei be here, and don't teach Huma to ride the Yin Mountains! I hope Yu Xi won't let me down..."

After confirming the future of Daidi, Zhao Wuxi stood up to help the case. Before returning to Jin, he had to go to Banquan in the east.

There, he will meet the distinguished guests from the state of Yan. Before the "Dragon City Flying General", thousands of cavalry swept across the border of Yan Dynasty, like a thunderstorm in winter, and the prestige of Zhao Wuxi had already been passed on to the remote Ji surname in northern Xinjiang. In the ears of the princes... (To be continued.)

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