Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 860: ancient history debate

PS: I took the bus for a day and was a little late. ? happy? arts? Fiction www.ls520.

In mid-October, Zhao Wuxi and his party had just arrived in Banquan. After many days of gloomy weather, it finally started to snow.

Perhaps because of being in Daibei, the snowfall here is earlier than in the Central Plains. In the night, white snow fell, and the houses, trees, pastures, and farmland were covered with snow, and the whole place was white.

Banquan is a small town, only one-fifth of the size of Daicheng. There are not many houses here, and even Zhao Wuxi's relatives are not satisfied with living there. Under the snow, let the wind and snow blow on my face, my eyes only fell on the wall and the wooden door, and I stood still.

Zhao Wuxi was sitting in the room drinking warm wine, and Qi Wan, the chief official of Yulinwei, also took off his armor and sat opposite him.

"These young people are good, you trained well." After speaking, he handed Chi Wan a steaming glass of wine.

Qi Wan took the wine cup respectfully and said, "It has been eight years since Shangqing founded the Yulin Orphan Army, and those youngsters are now at the age of the weakest. Most of their parents are Yuntai martyrs who died in battle, and they live together after urinating. Growing up, receiving military training from military veterans, he is extremely disciplined."

"Wings for the country, such as Lin Zhisheng, I have great expectations for them." With the formation of Yu Linwei, they began to gradually replace the "Black Clothes" of the personal guards in Zhao Yang's time, responsible for Zhao Wuxi's residence. guard. Not only that, Wu Xie also hopes to further improve and recognize their status, so that Yulin will become a symbol of continuation of military traditions and family honor, thus establishing the Langwei system, in order to cultivate a group of loyal to themselves. junior officers.

Now Wu Jing's two sons are still young and are still training in Yecheng, but there is an acquaintance in the Yulin accompanying this time: Gan Jiang and Mo Xie's son Chi Mei.

"This Wuyue boy has amazing swordsmanship and can fight five with one, but his temperament is too withdrawn. In addition, he is from the south, so he is quite isolated from the orphans in Yulin, who are mainly from Jin, Lu, and Song." Said Qimei Jian Chi and Qi Wan have a lot of headaches. This child is not suitable for the collective life of the army. Instead, he is like a ranger and assassin fighting alone...

"Or it's appropriate to be a rogue who goes deep into the enemy country to inquire about news."

"Is there a shortage of spies in Zhao's family? This child must stay with me, and there can be no mistakes." Zhao Wuxi also felt a little tricky, and the red eyebrows were not only his personal guard, but also a hostage.

Mo Xie has served the Zhao family for seven years. She has explored and improved the method of iron smelting many times with the craftsmen. Jindi seems to have entered the Iron Age. Today, iron mines and iron workshops are blooming in Mount Tai, Handan and other places. Although Jin lacks copper and tin, it is the main iron producing area in later generations. Farm tools and weapons have been continuously used. Forged out. The arrival of Mo Xie has brought significant progress to agriculture and military. This conquest of Daiguo is evidenced by the fact that the Zhao clan completely crushed Dairong in terms of equipment.

This woman is too important, so her only son, Zhao Wuxi, can be said to be optimistic about staying by his side. As the ten-year agreement to revenge against Chu for their mother and daughter is getting closer, Zhao Wuxi has to be on guard.

On the second day after arriving at Banquan, the wind and snow stopped, so Zhao Wuxi had the opportunity to leave Xiaoyi and go to the vicinity of the spring to take a peek.

The name of Banquan comes from a spring water. From a distance, it looks like a jade belt, winding at the junction of the North China Plain and the Taihang Mountains. Because it is living water, it does not freeze, and it reflects crystals under the nascent rising sun. bright light.

"It is said that the first battle between Huangdi and Chiyou was here, and the water was taken from here." Zhao Wuxi was slightly surprised by Yi Dun's words. Isn't Banquan the place where Huangdi and Yandi fought? Why did the protagonist become Chi You! ?


"The Yellow Emperor taught Xiong, Pi, Leopard, Tiger and five beasts to fight against Chiyou in the wild of Banquan. This is indeed recorded in the classics of the Zhou Dynasty. This is what is said in the "Yi", "Fighting against Banzhao, Chiyou is defeated and gone. ' Now, on the eve of the Battle of Chengpu that year, Jin Wen minister Bu Yan made a divination, saying: "Good luck, when the Yellow Emperor is fighting in Banquan, he compares Jin to the righteous Yellow Emperor, and the State of Chu to Chiyou."

Xiang Li, who was accompanying him, asked, and this legend, which was different from what Zhao Wuxi knew, was confirmed.

He suppressed the surprise in his heart and said with a smile: "In the legend, the last of the Shaohao clan, Jiuli was in chaos, Chiyou was the minister of the Shaohao clan, and had a close relationship with my surname Ying, Xuanyuan killed Lianghao and Chiyou for it. Emperor, the state of Qi, where Jiuyi is mixed, still has the tradition of offering sacrifices to Chiyou, maybe the ancestors with the surname Ying were just on the side of Chiyou and were hostile to the Yellow Emperor."

Xiang Lu was a little embarrassed for a while, and didn't know how to answer the question. The state of Lu was the queen of Duke Zhou, and Ji Zhouxiang claimed to be the queen of the Yellow Emperor. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor has always appeared in the image of justice in the official legend of the State of Lu, but for the descendants of the losers , but not so.

Ignoring Xiang Lu's embarrassment, Zhao Wuxi looked at the snow-capped Banquan Wilderness and fell into contemplation.

He now believes in the discussion of the later "Ancient History Debate": ancient history is a layered accumulation of facts and imaginations.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the details of the Yanhuang War in this era have not yet been formed.

Zhao Wuxi boldly guessed, "The Yellow Emperor defeated the Yan Emperor in Banquan; the Yan Emperor had the world to pass on the Yellow Emperor." These things that have not yet been published are the ghosts of Tian Qi during the Warring States Period, so that the Chen family after the Yellow Emperor can replace the Jiang surname after the Yan Emperor. Look for historical evidence.

Anyway, there are various sources of legends. There is one in Jin, one in Chu, and one in Qi, and each speaks its own words. Tian Qi trumpeted his great ancestor Huangdi's victory over Yandi in Banquan, and it became popular through Jixia Academy. When other legends gradually disappeared into the dust, the things that still survived became ancient history that future generations believed.

History is a little girl who can be dressed up by anyone, especially ancient history, not to mention smearing the merits of ancestors, and even pretending to be ancestors is not surprising. The Yue Kingdom is an example. Interestingly, in the era of Zhao Wuxi, the Yue Kingdom still did not have the Great Yu as its ancestor, and Yu Yue was still a barbarian from the Central Plains. That was probably because Goujian defeated the Wu Kingdom and went north to fight for hegemony. It is related to cultural and blood inferiority complex.

In later generations, relying on the solitary evidence in the "Historical Records", even the Huns named themselves Xia Yu, and Helian Bobo also established the Great Xia Kingdom. However, the Xiongnu and Xianbei ancestors described Xia Yu and Huangdi, and everyone did not believe it, but the Spring and Autumn period is not far away. In this era, Daiguo, Zhongshan, and Yueguo pretended to be their ancestors.

Zhao Wuxi does not reject this. This is the embodiment of the barbarian's centripetal force and sense of identity with the Chinese and Xia culture. Just like some indigenous minorities in Yunnan two thousand years later, when they talk about their ancestors, they are "from Nanjing Willow Bay". Because of their inferiority in culture and identity, they regard themselves as immigrants.

And as time goes on, the central figure in the legend is getting bigger and bigger. After the Zhou people replaced Yin and Shang to gain the world, as the ancestor of Ji Zhou, the image of the Yellow Emperor was painted with more and more halo, and his image was also far away Farther and farther at first.

However, the idea of ​​unification in this era has not yet been formed, so the grafting of the lineage of the five emperors has not yet been completed. As far as Zhao Wuxi knows, no one has yet combined Shaohao and Taihao, which originated from the branches of the Great God of Dongyi, and Yanhuang. lineages linked together.

For Qin Zhao, whose surname is Ying, they only admit that the maternal line is from Zhuanxu, a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, and the paternal line is still from Shaohao. If anyone stood up and said, "Shaohao is the son of the Yellow Emperor", he would definitely be stared at by the surname Ying Wu Zhu and be regarded as a lunatic.

Even the descendants of the Yin and Shang Dynasty, the Song Kingdom, never mentioned that they were descendants of the Yellow Emperor at this time... Gaozu Xin was still an independent lineage, but had some origins with the Di people and Niaoyi.

Zhao Wuxi can roughly predict why the lineages of various ethnic groups in ancient times would be smeared and grafted: Zhou Daiji and Jiang princes were all over the world. As the ancestors of the winners, Yanhuang’s status also surpassed that of the ancestors of the losers such as Shaohao and Taihao, and worshipped in various countries. In a higher level, subtly, the ancestors of the conquerors have also become ancient emperors admired by the natives.

During the Warring States Period, "the world is determined to be one" has become a consensus. Although the political unification has been delayed for a long time, the scholars and historians consciously contributed to this. Ancestor of all surnames.

Ying Qin, for the purpose of the whole world, could not reverse the situation, so he turned a blind eye to this, but silently worshipped Shaohao and said that his source came from this. In the Han Dynasty, this graft was fixed as a fact through the historical records "Five Emperors Benji", and it was believed by the world.

The so-called "Descendants of Yan and Huang" came out like this, and as expected, the winner is the king, the loser is the thief, Er Hao, Chi You, and even their own origins have been swallowed up and annihilated.

It was not until the Ming and Qing dynasties that doubts about the ancients prevailed, and people gradually questioned the ancient history full of loopholes.

However, the textual research party has overlooked a problem. This is a political ancestor-building movement. In fact, it doesn't matter what the facts are.

Therefore, Zhao Wuxi suddenly thought that if he was unhappy, he would use the advantages of the political power and the school to stir up public opinion, write classics, and maintain the confrontation between the family of Emperor Jun Shaohao and Taihao and the family of Shaodian's Yellow Emperor and Emperor Yan. , it is not bad, in this way, the descendants of Yan and Huang are likely to only refer to the descendants of Ji and Jiang.

But he wouldn't do it. If you want to promote unification, all the surnames in the nine states of the world need a common ancestor.

If it doesn't exist, then you have to make one out of it!

However, it was a bit strange to have Zhao Wuxi, a descendant of Shaohao Ying, shamelessly claiming to be a descendant of Yan and Huang.

But bluntly say that the Yellow Emperor Yandi is actually Erhao, so people in China will be called "Erhao descendants" in the future? He wasn't so shameless, not to mention that in the late Spring and Autumn period when Yanhuang's status was deeply ingrained, it was too difficult for the Eastern lineage to counterattack.

So Zhao Wuchen thought to himself: "It seems that I have to make up another ancient **** on top of Huangdi, Yandi, Shaohao, Taihao, and Gaozu Xin~www.wuxiaspot.com~. It is the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven in the human world. Emperor Jun gave birth to the Shaodian clan, and then Erhao, and the Shaodian clan gave birth to Huangdi and Yandi. The ancestors of each branch became brothers and uncles in this way. Although the brothers were separated, they were still a family after all. Sooner or later. To return to unity..."

To fabricate ancient history, we must start early, and through the advantages of recording and dissemination, it will be believed after a few generations. Zhao Wuxi began to work on this matter after he was ready to return to Yecheng...

After the winter snow stopped, the messenger that Zhao Wuxi was waiting for finally came, but the people of Yan were blocked halfway by the snowfall and could not arrive in time. The people who came first were people from Zhongshan.

Zhao Wuxi was not surprised when he saw that the envoy from Zhongshan came uninvited. It was a strange thing that they didn't come. However, after seeing the envoy from Zhongshan who was the same as the Jin state, Zhao Wuxi suddenly remembered something. .

It is interesting to say that Xianyu Baidi is also a representative of the Rongdi who mistakenly recognized their ancestors in order to make the Xia recognize them, and they also made a big oolong. He is the surname of Zhou Shiji, which has caused the researchers of later generations to break their brains for this...

(To be continued.)

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