Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 863: Wei Han

: A bit of Calvin, this is the chapter for today

"Hide Fu Gantang, don't cut it, don't lose it, call the uncle's rest."

"Hide Fu and Gantang, don't cut and don't worship, as Uncle Zhao said."

Early the next morning, when the Prince of Yan State was sent out of Banquan City, Zhao Wuxi gave Yi Gantang to see him off.

"This poem is written by the people of the West who miss Duke Zhao, and hope that after the prince returns, he will be able to describe the government of Duke Zhao, fight the Rong and Di outside, and make friends with friends inside." Fart, so the prince of Yan Kingdom in front of him may be the new monarch of Yan Kingdom next year.

Prince Ke also looked resigned and said goodbye: "After the boy returns, he will definitely persuade his father and the doctors to sever their relationship with Qi and Chen, and deliver 50,000 shi of chestnuts and millets, and 2,000 catties of kelp and hemp every year to replace them with food. "Garrison"

This was the price paid by the State of Yan for returning to the Jin League, and it just made up for the lack of food and cloth on behalf of the land. In exchange for friendship with the Zhao family, Prince Ke felt that it was not a loss.

Zhao Wuxi vowed to say to him: "Rong Di is a jackal, you can't get tired of it, and the Xia is intimate and can't be abandoned. The prince can rest assured that if Yan and Zhongshan attack each other, the Zhao clan will definitely help Yan!"

Prince Ke left uneasy, the convoy gradually changed in the distance, Zhao Wuxi gave them a sarcastic smile, and turned back to Banquan City.

The sky turned from black to gray, and the snow fell even more heavily, indicating that winter was officially coming. The war that Zhao Wuxi started picked a good time. It ended just before the snow fell, and before the snow melted in spring, the surrounding forces There was no way to react at all, and by that time, the ground had already stabilized.

The countries of Yan and Zhongshan, which are the closest to Daidi, were frightened by the Zhao clan's force. Zhao Wuxi just took advantage of their mutual wariness and distrust. As an imaginary enemy, so that there is no need to spend a soldier or a soldier, let the two countries scramble to bribe Zhao to please.

In this way, the northern border is settled, and the newly established Dai County can enjoy peace of mind for a few years.

In Zhao Wuxi's strategic vision, whether it was Yan or Zhongshan, it was not easy to fight. The supply line was long and the depth was large. Once the war started, it would last for years. It will be even more troublesome if the two countries realize that they are united. It would be better to let them restrain each other, and wait for Daijun to digest it before it is too late.

In such a cold weather, Zhao Wuxi didn't want to stay in the northern border for a long time. At the end of November, after forming the first batch of grass-stage teams in Dai County, he returned to Jin State and returned to the nominal Jindu Copper. leather shoes. There is an open underground hot spring in Jinping, which is a good place to spend the winter. He even brought his wives and concubines here for personal gain. Ji Ying, who is already pregnant in August, can just give birth here.

However, Zhao Wuxi didn't enjoy it, he was sleeping with him, and he managed the foreign forces. There were still two strong officials in the country waiting for him to deal with it.

Wei Ju repeatedly read the letter sent by Tong Zhai until the words blurred into a ball in front of his eyes.

"The Zhao clan has just destroyed the Dai Kingdom. At this time, I invited the Wei clan to go to Tongjiao for a meeting. I don't know what's on my mind. We, it's better to be careful."

"Even if Zhao Wuxi had ulterior motives, but in the name of the monarch, he called Wei and Han to Tongjiao to hold a collegial meeting of the three ministers. Can we still refuse to go? Now the Zhao family is rough, and the soldiers are strong and soldiers are attached to the Jinjun. To make Erqing, the brute and the horse can’t be courted, who can disobey? If so, he will instead give him a tongue, saying that my Wei family is disrespectful to the monarch, or that I have reached an alliance with the Han family to isolate the Wei family.”

It has been two full years since Sanqing's Houma Alliance. Weimanduo felt it deeply. It was really a big mistake to let Zhao Wuxi get the position of Shangqing and hold the monarch in Tongli.

In the past two years, the Zhao family has become the main ally of the princes. At his wedding, the princes have sent envoys to court. The abolition of the monarch of the state of Cao was also done arbitrarily by Zhao Wuxi, who represented the state of Jin to participate in this meeting, without soliciting the opinions of Wei and Han at all.

What shocked Wei even more was that in the late autumn of this year, Zhao suddenly had a hard time, raiding Daiguo, and in less than a month, he destroyed Dairong, who had been entrenched in northern Jin for fifty years. The speed was so fast that they had no time to react.

In fact, even if Wei wanted to react, he couldn't do it, because their main force was restrained by the Hexi Qin army and Zhi clan across the river.

The Wei family shamelessly betrayed the Zhi family in the battle of Changping, and stabbed them from behind, which directly led to the death of Zhiyao and Zhiguo in Danshui. Since then, the Wei family has become the enemy of the Zhi family. What Zhibo did not forget every year before his death was to take revenge on the Wei family!

Now Zhiguo is the master of the family. After he dedicated Hexi to Qin, he became Qin's top doctor. He sharpened his sword in Shaoliang City, and never thought about revenge. In the past year alone, he has There have been several incidents of people crossing the border and burning down Wei's Pavilion Station, plundering the population's autumn food.

With the current strength of the Wei clan, it is natural that they will not be afraid of the remnants of the Zhi clan, but if they compete with the Qin country with the strength of a minister, they are still a little worse and can only be passively defended.

After the Qin State "recovered" Hexi, it also attached great importance to this fertile land. Last year, the eldest son of the Qin State, Pu Hui, attacked and destroyed Dali, the last stronghold of the Rong people in Hexi, and transferred the strength of the First Army to Hexi. Stationed with the Taolin Fortress, giving great support to the Zhi clan, and forming a siege to the Wei clan's territory at the bend of the river.

Faced with this situation, Wei Shi couldn't sleep at night and was on guard all day, but unexpectedly, Zhao Wuxi in the rear made a big news first.

That's right, when dividing up the Imperial Palace of Jin, the Wei Clan got a large population of Jiangdu, and most of Hedong, where "the land is easy and rich in salt and iron". The father and son have carried out some reforms, such as imitating Zhao's large-acre system, attracting homeless people, and opening a hall to attract diners. Unexpectedly, Zhao's recovery was faster than theirs. Just when Wei's was still in a tense confrontation with Qin and Zhi on the other side of the river, Zhao Wuxi had already begun to clear his worries.

"In this attack on Daiguo, it seems that the Zhao clan only used Taiyuan's armor and cavalry to have such a miraculous effect. It is really frightening. If the Zhao clan suddenly attacked Wei, I wonder if the Wei clan could last for a month?"

Wei Manduo smiled bitterly, but today's bitter fruit has been doomed since the Zhao clan attacked Fan and Zhongxing and monopolized Shandong. In terms of strength, Wei clan can only be the second seat of Jin Qing and be the grandson to the end.

He said to his son earnestly and earnestly: "The Wei family now has the Qin state and the Zhi family outside, and it is absolutely forbidden to have bad relations with Zhao and Han internally. This time, you will go to the meeting, as long as Zhao Wuxi doesn't ask too much. , it's okay for him to promise!"

In the middle of December in the middle of winter, the Tongjiao Palace welcomed a group of guests. Escorted by more than 100 armored guards of the Han family in fur and armor, the general Han Hu of the Jin State entered the Tongjiao by car.

When passing under the city gate, he noticed the human head hanging on the city wall. It had been snowing for days, and it had frozen into a hockey puck, unrecognizable.

"Who is this? What crime did he commit?" he asked, pointing to the heads.

"It's a military man from the country. A month ago, Zhao Shangqing brought a group of prisoners back to offer them as prisoners. He also beheaded dozens of them in Dongshi, and put them on display to the public. The people of the country all applauded when they saw Shangqing raising our country's prestige."

Han Hu nodded and said in his heart, "Zi Tai has already swept the country, but my Han family has made no progress in the Yiluo area. These two years are really wasted."

In the alliance of Houma, the Han family was assigned to the areas beyond the river south of the Yellow River, as well as the areas south of Zhongtiao Mountain in Hedong such as Yu and Xiayang. Therefore, in the past two years, Han Hu has also shifted the focus of the family. He has been busy building Yiyang City, and at the same time crusades the 6 Hun Rong in the Yindi, turning them into Qimin, the householder of the Han family, for the next step. The yin land occupied by Zheng State and Shangluo made preparations for progress.

Han Hu and strategist Duan Gui originally thought that their strategy was clear and their actions were fast. Unexpectedly, they were still digesting the new territory, but Zhao Wuxi started to fight against the neighbors.

Continuing to observe the situation of Tongjiao, a few years ago, Han Hu also fought for this city, but was defeated by Zhiyao and had to lead his army to evacuate.

Although Zhao Wushi sent 10,000 people from Gujiang, who should have moved to Tongjiao, to Yecheng to enrich the population, Tongjiao itself has a large population base. Although it is winter, the streets are still bustling with people and horses. Here It has become the necessary place for Yecheng and Handan to go to Jinyang. Zhao's baggage and caravans come and go, supporting the prosperity of this city.

Therefore, it is called Jindu, which is actually Zhaoyi. Han Hu looked around, and they were in pairs. Black armored guards with feathers on their jackets could be seen everywhere. They wore black leather armor and black ge clothing. They were on the street. Patrol the alleys, never leave the spear. After all, it is still the new capital of Jin State in name. The closer it is to the Tongjiao Palace, the tighter the defense will be. For this reason, the meeting of the three ministers has become a layer of seriousness and tension.

In front of the Tongjiao Palace, Han Hu saw an acquaintance.

Wei Ju came earlier than him and took the initiative to greet Han Hu. Because the two families were crowded in Hedong, Wei and Han couldn't talk about harmony. .

"I haven't seen you for two years, and Ziyin has the demeanor of a gentleman."

After a few words with Han Hu, he looked up at the wall of the bronze palace, pointed at the flying birds and said, "I heard that the monarch has never had a chance to come out since he entered, and it is said that he I'm not in good health, so the prisoner offering ceremony a few days ago was still done by the prince."

"He was afraid of seeing Zitai." As a former "rebel minister", Han Hu had no respect for Jin Houwu, nor did he have the idea of ​​being a loyal minister for him, not to mention that they came this time, not to meet Jin Hou.

The door of the Tongjiao Palace creaked open, Zhao Wuxi walked out, and apologized to the two of Wei and Han in front of their car, saying, "It's Wuxi's crime to let Zi Yin and Zi Teng wait for a long time. "

After he apologized, he looked up and down the two of them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ To Wei Ju, Zhao Wuchen smiled and said, "The more majestic, it is indeed the horse of the Wei family."

To Han Hu, he held his hand even more affectionately and praised: "Han Xianzi and Han Xuanzi's gentlemanly demeanor, I have seen it today."

After the exchange, Han Hu expressed his doubts: "I don't know what Zitai invited us to come to Tongjiao this time to discuss something."

Wei Ju said casually, "That's right, the general decision on national policy, Zi Tai's own decision to be the minister will do. In the past two years, he only informed Wei Han after the incident. Why is this so solemn?"

Zhao Wuxi glanced at Wei Ju and said with a smile, "The first is to share with the two of you the treasures and famous horses seized from the land."

"Secondly, in the Houma Alliance, the three families agreed to help each other in the same boat, but in the past two years, we have actually managed our own affairs, so that the Qi, Qin, Dai, and Zheng Qun around the Jin state are ugly jumping off the beams, and they regard the big country as nothing. It's really hateful! I invited the two of you to come here because I want to discuss how the three families will win together!"


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