Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 864: Restoring the old soil

PS: There is one more chapter at 12:00

Although the Tongjie is just an empty shelf, since it is moving the capital, its appearance is generally adequate. There is also an official office where Sanqing works and holds meetings next to the palace. The size and style of the building are completely as new.

In the spacious hall, Wei Ju and Han Hu entered and saw at a glance that three paper books were placed on the table in the center...

Books made of paper, this is a novelty made by Zhao's craftsmen. It is rare in Wei and Han. Besides, these three books are extremely large, two feet long, one and a half feet wide, with a thickness of more than 100 pages. It is cowhide, dyed in solemn black and red colors, with golden threads bound together with the finest mulberry paper.

Zhao Wuxi stroked one of the books with his slender fingertips and said, "Since Duke Wen of Jin spent four years in the quilt, he served as the third army, with Quezhuangzi (Que Lu) as the marshal, including me, there have been nineteen members of the state of Jin. The Chinese army is general. I specially asked the historian to make special biographies for them. In the past two years, I have not forgotten about culture and education because I was busy with expeditions."

"Everyone has?"

"Yes, not only the eighteen rulers, but also the rest of the ministers."

Wei Ju and Han Hu were a little surprised. They followed Zhao Wuxi's way and opened the book. Sure enough, it contained the entire history of the eighteen rulers of Jin, as well as all the generals of the three armies. Every person left a page in the book to record their surnames and deeds.

Their focus is naturally on their respective ancestors. Fortunately, both Wei and Han are praised in the book, especially Wei Zhaozi and Han Xianzi, but they are not so polite to Wei Wuzi and Han Xuanzi...

As for Luan, Que, Fan, Zhongxing, etc., who were hostile to the Zhao clan, the previous generations did not smear them indiscriminately. For example, to Luan Shu, he wrote: "Luan Wuzi led his division to rescue Zheng, attacked Cai to Runan, defeated Qin in Masui, defeated Chu in Yanling, made many achievements, and revived the hegemony of Duke Mourning of Jin. Luan Shu founded it. The Zhao clan, who killed the "Sanque", killed Duke Li, and arbitrarily abolished the establishment. Although he had illustrious martial arts, he was still unable to resist the crime of disturbing the court, and repeated the crime of infighting. The calamity of the chaotic wars of the officials of the Jin state came from this. The mighty enemy of virtue is called Wu, and the enemy of the virtuous shall be posthumously named Wuzi, why not?”

Even Fan Yang and Zhisong's few bright spots in politics are written in the book without emotion. Such a neutral attitude is admirable.

In short, the whole book is written in a concise and elegant style, and the writing is refined, rigorous and powerful, which can be called a fine work in the history books of this era.

Han Hu was amazed: "Who did this?"

"It's delicious to eat a chicken, why do you need to know which chicken laid the eggs?" Zhao Wuxi refused to reveal the name of the historian.

Han Hu asked again and again, and he explained: "This historian has a bit of Dong Hu and Qi's southern history, and he writes straight and straight, and does not praise or conceal his evil deeds. When I saw Zhao Xuanzi's passage, I was angry. I took the case a few times and almost asked him to be blamed, but I managed to hold back. If he really wrote something that shouldn't be written, I would at most seal the file and keep it from being passed on to the world, but it wouldn't hurt his life. You might have this idea too, so it's better not to know."

Regarding this, Wei Ju and Han Hu did not have much opinion. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the attitude towards history was very serious and respectful.

But at the end, Wei Ju and Han Hu found that the part between them and Zhao Wuxie was still blank, and it didn't even record that Zhao Wuxie fled to the country of Lu and rose to a foreign country. I didn't write that Han Hu was beaten by Zhiyao and fled in the first battle of Tongjiao, nor did I write about Wei Ju's defection on the Changping battlefield...

"As the so-called conclusion of the coffin, our part should be left to future generations to add."

Closing the page, Zhao Wuqi said with a smile.

"However, I don't want future generations to write only a few sentences when they write about us. It seems that the era when we were ministers was so poor and boring."

Han Hu and Wei Ju agreed, and they also knew that the main seat of today's meeting finally started...

"After reading page by page, the two of you are also very clear. In addition to respecting the king and repelling barbarians, the core concept of Jin's governance is nothing more than two key points. Attacking enemy countries from abroad, such as Quezhuangzi and Luan Wuzi.”

"The situation faced by each era is different, but Zhuangzi hopes to defeat Qi, Qin, and Chu, to regain dominance for Jin, and to expand outside, so that Zhuqing has a better space for development. Zhao Wenzi hopes that through the attack on Chu The appeasement, the enjoyment of the peace brought by the killing of the soldiers, the avoidance of war, and the good relations between the various clans, there is no right or wrong."

"As far as we are concerned, the civil war between the six emperors has just ended for two years. Because Qi, Qin, and Zheng occupied my old land, the Zhi clan's desire to counterattack Jin is growing, and the princes' desire to destroy our three families will not die, so we must counterattack externally. . But in order to do this, the premise is internal harmony!"

"As far as I know, in the past two years, Wei was forced by Qin and Han by Zheng, and they were unable to gain the upper hand, and even the Zhao family could not deal with the Qi people with all their strength. This is inevitable, because the five roots are divided. Fingers, can never attack outside."

In the hall, Zhao Wei and Han were facing each other. Han Hu and Wei Ju were listening to Zhao Wuxi's speech. Today's discussion was like his one-man show.

I saw him clenching his hand into a fist shape and slammed it against the table: "But if the three families work together, they can give a thunderous blow to foreign enemies!"

Is it advocating the alliance of the three companies to achieve a win-win situation?

Wei Ju and Han Hu were silent, and the two were evasive. In fact, everyone understood the truth. Jin is surrounded by mountains and rivers. Compared with the extended Central Plains, it is relatively closed. Zhao, Wei and Han are adjacent to each other. If they fight within each other, they will be dragged in the closed environment of Jin, and no one will be able to develop.

But the reason why Wei and Han can only use half of their strength to deal with Qin and Zheng is because there is a powerful Zhao clan behind them? They were all afraid of being suddenly wiped out by the Zhao clan like the eradication of their generation. What's more, there were a lot of filth between Wei and Han because of territorial differences. The pattern of the three families of Zhao, Wei and Han determined their mutual defense.

Zhao Wuxi saw this scene in his eyes, and knew that he still lacked some enthusiasm.

He remembered that in history, after the three families were wiped out, they also fell into a state of mutual suspicion and vigilance, until Wei Wenhou stood up. At that time, the Han and Zhao families were at odds, and the Han family asked the Wei family for reinforcements, saying: "I hope you can lend me troops to attack the Zhao family. Wei Wenhou said: "The widow and the Zhao brothers do not dare to obey. "The Zhao family also asked the Wei family for reinforcements to attack the Han family, but Wei Wenhou refused them with the same words.

The envoys of Han and Zhao were originally very angry, but Wei Wenhou deliberately let them know Wei's reply to the other party, which made Zhao Han suddenly realize, trust Wei, and worship Wei Wenhou together. That's how the Wei family did the three Jin alliance leaders, and the three families joined forces, and they immediately beat Qin, Qi, and Chu, and finally they were listed as princes together.

Although that kind of result was not what Zhao Wuxi wanted, the process of expanding the three Jin Jin one to the outside world was what he wanted to facilitate today. Just wanting to let the Han and Wei families obey Zhao and act according to their own plan, they must take the posture of "being honest with each other" and make the paintings more palatable.

He smiled and said: "I know what the two of you are worried about, but I don't have any excuses. It has been two years. I have completed the transfer of the capital and the eradication of the dynasty. Therefore, I will tell the two of you what I really want to do in the position of Shangqing."

"Marshal Xianzhen, but Zhuangzi, and Luan Wuzi are the representatives of external toughness, but their toughness is either to win Jin's hegemony, or to revenge for personal revenge, or to consolidate their position."

"But times have changed, and I don't know which generation of Zhengqing started, and all the ministers of Jin have no office in their hearts. So I want to conquer foreign countries, not for these, but for Zhao's own interests. The same is true for Teng and Ziyin."

This is the truth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wei Ju and Han Hu nodded.

He got up, opened his arms, and said to Han and Wei: "Since we have formed a friendship in Taoyuan, and swore that we will all be prosperous, and we will all suffer, then I will speak directly. Fifty years ago, Jizi of Yanling of Wu State was in Jin Dynasty. , Yue Zhao Wenzi, Han Xuanzi, and Wei Xianzi, he predicted that the state of Jin would be divided into three families? Now the people of Jin heard the public order, such as escaping from pirates, and the government is in the three families, Ji Zi's prophecy has been fulfilled! But I still I want to go further."

"Jin State's hegemony is in decline and cannot be rescued. Since Ping Gong, successive Jin officials have known this. My predecessor, Fan Yang, was content with being confined to Jin, and used all his intrigues to suppress the rest of the nobles; Zhiyao They pursue even less, not hesitate to cede land to neighboring countries, and lead thieves into the house. I can only say that their ambitions are too small and they have gone the wrong way...

"Zhao, Wei and Han are different. We are the victors who have inherited the state of Jin. The hegemony of our ancestors continues in our hearts. The banner of our fathers is held in our hands. We are reborn from the blood and fire of the civil war. Together, we have more than 20 soldiers. Wan, the three families have never been so powerful. Let's join forces to restore the old land for Jin. After success, Hexi will return to Wei, Shangluo will return to Han, and Hejian will return to Zhao. If this can be achieved, in this biography of Jin Qing Dynasty, I will Waiting for three people will be able to occupy a huge space, worthy of ancestors, and worthy of future generations!"

(To be continued.)

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