Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 865: great cause

Restoring the old soil and expanding the living space for the family...

Haven't Wei Shi and Han Shi had such a sweet dream? Let the armies of Wei and Han reach the land that their ancestors had coveted, and occupy it. ww.しws520.om After the end of the civil war in Shanxi, the Wei family requested to be allocated to Puban, and the Han family requested to be allocated to the land outside the river, all for these reasons.

It was just due to the situation that they did nothing in expansion for two years. Seeing that Zhao Wuxie had been wiped out and had expanded hundreds of miles of land, the Wei and Han families were jealous and impatient, but they had no choice.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Wuxi saw the expansion strategy secretly formulated by the two companies very clearly, and put forward such a proposal. The prospect was so bright that they were very excited. Instead of being able to expand an inch of land individually, it is better to unite with the outside world. What's more, this move can not only gain land, but also win the support of the scholar class of Jin State, why not do it?

Then the next question comes, any external attack must have the main direction of attack. In the three neighboring countries occupying the old land of Jin, who should be used first?

"Be the first to attack Qin!"

Wei Ju proposed first.

"The Zhi clan is entrenched in Shaoliang, occupying Hexi, day and night, and wants to use the strength of the Qin people to counterattack. As long as they are in one day, the civil war in Jin is not over!"

Han Hu immediately objected: "Otherwise, I think Shangluo should be attacked first, and Zheng Guo took advantage of the civil war of the various ministers to enter and occupied this place for five years. Seven Mu built cities and migrated people. It seems that they want to occupy it permanently. If it is delayed any longer, when they build the big city and have the support of the people of Chu, it will be very difficult for Shangluo and Yindi to be recaptured!"

For a while, Wei and Han debated whether to advance Qin or attack Zheng.

"Hexi is the place where Jin and Qin have competed for balance for a hundred years. All the wars have been here. This place is near Shayuan in front, Hugang in the back, plain on the left, Luoshui on the right, and close to the river meander. It is often the channel for the Qin people to attack the east of the river. Since the Qin people have acquired Hexi, the state of Jin will be threatened. The battle between Duke Mu of Qin and the battle of Hanyuan will be repeated. I don’t know who will be Duke Hui of Jin this time!” Wei Ju’s It means that Hexi is not far from Han's ancestral town, and it will be affected by Qin and Zhiduhe attacks at any time.

Han Hu was not to be outdone: "What if Chu Zheng supported Qin when they attacked Hexi, and went on an expedition from Shangluo to the outside of the river and the east of the river? If the Han clan did not have depth, they would not be able to defend. It will be exposed to its offensive, and I am afraid that Wei Bo will not be stable at that time."

The father-in-law of both parties said that the father-in-law was right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was right. When the dispute couldn't go down, Zhao Wuxi laughed.

"It is good for Wei to attack Qin, and it is good for Han to attack Zheng. The two are arguing for this order, so should I insist on attacking Qi State Hejian first? After all, Hejian is also very close to Handan, Yecheng, and Chaoge... But in this way, each of the three families is mainly attacking in one direction, and what is the difference between the previous one, I am confident that I will defeat the Qi army and take Hejian, but are the two confident that they will take Hexi and Shangluo on their own?"

If they had this ability, they wouldn't have to wait for two years. Wei Ju and Han Hu suddenly fell silent, and let's see how Zhao Wuxi, the ruler, will be arranged.

"How to unite, where to attack, and how to distribute profits, we set a tone first, and leave the details to our retainers to worry about. But no matter which side is attacking, the three families must act in unison and send troops to assist. For example If the Wei clan is the main force, Zhao and Han need to send an army to the left and right. Of course, I still propose that next year, they should attack Hejian first."

To put it bluntly, it's still self-interested. Wei Ju is arrogant, and Han Hu also shows a trace of unhappiness. In fact, in the past two years, the Chen family of Qi has not less contact with Wei Han, especially the Wei family, who pretended to be a businessman with the Chen family. The envoys of Chen Qi and Chen Heng have close contacts, and Chen Qi and Chen Heng have spared no effort to divide the relationship between the three families of Zhao, Wei and Han, and they are alarmist.

Zhao Wuxi also has his own reasons: "I have a basis for doing this. The State of Yan is willing to rebel against Qi. The State of Qi is trapped in Haiyu, fighting alone, and there are no allies who can help him. Zhao's Dongyang army also rested for two years. You can attack at any time, what about Wei Han? Can you attack Qin and Zheng immediately after the spring ploughing? Or wait until the autumn harvest, can you be sure to end the war before winter begins?"

"And Zhao Clan promises here that if we attack Hejian first, Zhao Clan does not need Han and Wei to send a soldier or a soldier, but only needs to subsidize some of our military rations. After winning Hejian, he will attack Qin and Zhi clan. After all, the Zhi clan is still alive, the hearts of the three families are uneasy, and the Qin state is also the party most likely to pose a threat to Wei and Han. In this process, Han will not suffer. , how? In this way, at the end, we will attack Zheng State and capture Luo for the Han family."

The words are very clear. If Wei Han can agree, the Zhao family is also willing to make concessions and reduce their assistance, but Wei Ju and Han Hu are still a little hesitant, and they are still a little uncertain about Zhao Wuxi's intentions.

But then, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Wuxi's mouth, and he pressed his hand on the last page of the book.

"The eyes of the two of you should not be limited to which comes first and which comes later. We should not stop there. After the first offensive to restore the old land, we should continue to move forward. Zhao seized the land of Qi and Jibei, and Wei seized Qinjing water. To the east, Han occupies the western border of Zheng! However, if we go south to attack Chu State, as for Fangcheng, by then, the hegemony of the three families will reach its peak, and our orders will pass unimpeded on the coast of leading land in Kyushu! No lords dare to disobey!"


For a time, even Wei Ju and Han Hu, who were already seasoned politicians, were dizzy by Zhao Wuxi's declaration...

Darling, go on an expedition to a big country, pull out cities and conquer cities, and expand soil for hundreds of miles, that is something that neither Duke Wen of Jin nor Duke Miao of Jin have ever done!

Zhao Wuchun smiled and said: "I know that in the past two years, Chen's family has sent a lot of people away from home and my three families are related. Yes, what he said has a certain truth. Zhao's ambition is very big, but he is not interested in Hedong. Otherwise, The main city will not be moved to Yecheng. In my opinion, Shandong is wider and easier to conquer than Hedong. Why should I keep thinking about the wealth of the neighbors? The same is true for Wei and Han. Dou can get a lot more benefits!"

That's right, Wei Ju and Han Hu thought, this is not the same as restoring the old land. It is going deep into the enemy's territory and occupying vast cities and land. It is conservatively estimated that Wei Han's territory can more than double and gain hundreds of thousands of people!

"I agree to attack Qi Hejian first, and I hope Zitai don't forget today's agreement!" Unlike his feminine appearance, Han Hu is a man of decisiveness. After all, Zhao Wuxi's proposal coincides with the strategy of Han's counselor Duan Gui, wouldn't it be better to have someone help?

"I agree too~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's just my father's place..." Zhao Wuxi and Han Hu looked at Wei Ju, who couldn't be the master, with a half-smile, causing his face to get a fever.

"I'll try my best to convince him!"

"Okay, I'll take Wei Bo's approval."

Zhao Wuxi asked someone to bring a wine cup, slashed his fingers with a copper sharpener, squeezed out blood beads that were as bright as cherries, and dripped the blood into the wine.

Of course, Wei and Han knew what to do, and they followed suit.

In the end, the three wiped the blood on the corners of their mouths and held a cup together, just like they were married in Taoyuan, Wen County that day.

"For our great cause!"

Wei Ju, Han Hu, and Zhao Wuxi were just next door to the bronze palace where the Marquis of Jin was drunk and dreamed to death. In the eyes of three young people under the age of 30, there was a spark called ambition.

"For the great cause of the three families!"

(To be continued.)

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