Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 867: strategist gallop

"The Han family also sent troops?" Han Hu stood up, feeling very puzzled.


Han Hu said: "According to the covenant, when the Han clan sends troops, at least one army can be obtained. As long as the military method is to use a hundred chariots, a hundred leather chariots, a belt of more than ten thousand armors, and provisions for thousands of miles, the cost of internal and external expenses, the use of guests, glue Laizhi's materials, chariots and armors, and a hundred gold per day, can only be carried by an army of divisions. What's more, Sima Fa said that if the spring does not go east, and the autumn does not go west, the Han family has a great opportunity to rest for two years. I think it’s a good deal to take 100,000 shi of grain to get ready to attack Zheng, but I really can’t understand why Ziju suggested my soldiers to help Zhao”

He didn't say something in his heart, was it to strengthen Zhao Han's friendship? Although Han is weak, there is no need to please Zhao to this extent.

Duan Gui said with a smile: "There is a reason for this, but it is not the same. The servants and ministers will ask your Majesty, how long will it take for Zhao to attack Hejian to end the war?"

"Since ancient times, the soldiers have been clumsy and have not seen the cleverness for a long time. Zhao's military use this time should be similar to that of the era of extinction. It only dispatched the nearby troops, relying on Dongyang, Handan, Chaoge's Jia, and the elite of military soldiers to attack Qi. The Hejian is vast and sparsely populated, and Qi has lost all the cities and towns in the south, such as the Guanshi, so the danger of the Xihe is insufficient, and we can only rely on the newly established Dongwu City to defend."

"The state of Qi is now surrounded by Zhao's allies on three sides. If I were the Chen family, I would definitely not fight against the Zhao family in Hejian, but would choose to retreat to save our strength. After all, Hejian was originally captured by them from the Jin state. Most of them are swamp brine, there is no population or farmland, and it would not be a pity to abandon them. Therefore, if the Zhao clan can grit their teeth and invest in the three armies, 30,000 to 40,000 people, then the war can be ended in ten months. , it will end in a month or two at the latest"

Having said that, Han Hu still didn't understand Duan Gui's real intention for him to send troops.

Duan Gui patiently explained his doubts: "Since the Zhao family can recover Hejian in one to two months, then even if the Han family joins in, the war can be ended early, and it happened to be Sima Fali's lunar eclipse class teacher, so Save the battle. There won't even be a real battle, it's just a bit of food, which is exactly the 100,000 stone that was originally going to be given to Zhao. , of course, the most convenient way is to take the road to defend the country and cross the river from Jijin, which is close to the border of Jin and Zheng. Zheng Guo must be nervous, and Han soldiers are not easy to restrain military discipline. If there is a conflict accidentally, it is not surprising! "

After saying this, Han Hu stood up abruptly!

Duan Gui said with a smile: "In this way, in the battle of Jin's attack on Zheng, wouldn't it not be necessary to wait for the Wei family to finish fighting Hexi?"

Han Hu paced, silent for a long time, Duan Gui's strategy was indeed beyond his imagination, but although this strategy was strange, it was not very clever at first glance.

"Ziju," he said helplessly: "Not to mention that Han's preparations are not enough to start a full-scale war with Zheng Guo, even if we do, what I want is Shangluo, which is close to Yiyang, and conflict with Zheng Guosheng in the east. I can’t hold the city, what’s the benefit for me to capture Shangluo?”

"Hasn't your lord seen it? This is a claim to attack the east, but in fact it is a plan to attack the west. It makes Zheng Guo think that Zhao Han has just captured the river of Qi, and he wants to seek Bianshui and Kaifeng in his eastern border. Qimu will definitely move his troops to the east. At this time, we will wait"

"However, shall we send troops from the west and take the opportunity to capture Shangluo?" Han Hu heard something.

"It's not that Shangluo, the Santu Mountain to the south of Shangluo is the Barbarian country where Duke Ye of Chu sent troops to garrison, so this place seems desolate, but in fact it affects the whole body, which will definitely make Duke Ye alert and send troops to intervene. For an unplanned war, the Wei family will definitely oppose it desperately, and the Zhao family will not try their best. It is impossible to capture Shangluo by relying on the Han family alone."

"Then your voice hits the east and west, where exactly do you want to hit?" Han Hu became more and more confused.

Duan Gui approached him and spit out two words from his mouth: "Chenggao!"

"Han Zheng is in trouble. As the ruler of Jin, Zhao can't ignore it. Besides, Han also sent troops to help him attack Qi, so he will definitely help in the early stage. But Zhao needs to digest Hejian and is unwilling to be involved in unplanned wars, so It won't be a big fight, and it won't be long before the Han family will stop. At this time, the Han family only wants to take down Chenggao from the Hanoi soldiers, and ask for nothing!"


Han Hu was not as pleasantly surprised as he suddenly realized. His mind was even more dizzy. In the past few years, Han Hu has almost smashed the map of Zheng State. Of course he knows the name of Chenggao.

"Ziju, this Chenggao is close to the big river, and to the north is the prefecture and county of the Han family. It is not difficult to send troops to occupy it when the Zheng people are focusing on the east, but I have also seen this place across the river, and it is a piece of The stony ground where there is no running water can neither grow grain nor copper, tin and iron ore.

Duan Gui shook his head and said, "Otherwise, this minister heard that thousands of people can break through the three armies because it was unexpected. The Han family is the weakest among Jin Qing, and if you want to rise, you must win by surprise. The minister also heard that a place the size of a mile is a mile away. , The decision that can affect the gain and loss of thousands of miles is because the terrain is favorable, and Chenggao is such a battleground!"

He said: "Chenggao, also known as Zhiyi, Shiyi, and Hulao. Four hundred years ago, Emperor Mu was hunting here, and there were fierce tigers in the Jiao, and he sent warriors to capture and imprison, so it was also called Hulao. Guo Guo, Duke Huan of Zheng moved eastward to establish Xinzheng, and it started from here. Because the rocks here stand, the terrain is dangerous, and the road from east to south is smooth. Ba, this is where it starts."

"Do you still remember? When Zheng Guo rebelled against Jin and Jin Miao Gong commanded the feudal lords to crusade, Meng Xianzi of Lu State offered a plan to let the coalition build a city in Hulao, Jin Miao Gong followed, Suicheng Hulao, with this as a stronghold, He could overlook the whole of Zheng, and sure enough, soon after, Zheng Guo was forced to surrender under pressure, and he did not dare to betray Jin for 50 years after that. Hulao Pass was also abandoned after returning to Zheng Guo. Now that the city walls are in ruins, the Han family just took the opportunity. Attack, then restore the city, build a high city and a large fortress, and use this as a stronghold, which can be attacked and defended, so as to prepare for a comprehensive crusade against Zheng in two years."

"I didn't expect Ziju to be so far-sighted and unexpected! It's really a plan for the country!"

Like Daigo's initiation, Han Hu felt ashamed for his doubts about Duan Gui's strategy before, and thanked him.

"In this way, it is equivalent to stabbed a nail into Zheng's back. Han's swallowing Zheng, Han's revival, and Zhao and Wei's division, must start from this, I can meet Ziju, really. Lucky for you! I will send someone to contact the Zhao family and say that the Han family is willing to send troops together. Now the Han family has three counties in Nanyang, four counties in Shangdang, two counties in Hedong, and three counties in Yiluo, with a population of several hundred thousand. There are three armies available! How about sending an army to follow Zhao's expedition to Hejian, harassing the eastern part of Zheng State on the return trip, and an army crossing the river from Zhouxian County to attack Chenggao, and another army to defend it?"

"Yes, but we can be bolder and split up half of the army, and attack Chenggao's flank from Chengzhou through Mengjin, which is controlled by the Zhao clan."

"Wonderful! I'm going to fix the book right now."

Han Hu happily went down, and Duan Gui stayed in the pavilion, tasting the warm water, but he still had a bold idea in his heart:

"When Chenggao goes west, the terrain becomes higher and higher, and the hills are ups and downs like ten thousand grain mountains, and the trails go back and forth between the chaotic hills~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If one person holds a ge to stand here, even if there are hundreds of people It can't be easily entered, it can be called the gateway of the whole week. The Zheng Kingdom has repeatedly suppressed the royal family and gained the upper hand for two hundred years, and it is precisely because of this small place!"

"Now, although the Zhao clan has mastered the Marquis of Jin, he has little control over the emperor. If the Han clan can squeeze three breads into a week, and then use Chenggao to force the king's city, wouldn't the emperor be something in our pockets? Now? He must be willing to rely on the Han family to balance the powerful Zhao family. If the Han family wants to surpass the Wei family and be on the same level as the Zhao family, he must use this kind of magic trick to make up for the lack of strength!"

This is the silent decisive battle in the temple calculation, this is the battlefield where the counsellors gallop, the organs are exhausted here, and the intrigues are here. Although there is no bloodshed, it is still full of swords, lights, swords and shadows. These people who seek the country have no heart that is not dirty.

Tasting his own plan, thinking of the hopeful prospect, Duan Ji's ugly moustache revealed a smile: "This is a one-stone three-bird plan, people in the world despise me because of my short stature and ugly appearance. , to share the lord's worries and solve problems, and to plan a century for the Han family, I don't think I am worse than the Zhao family's Xin Wenzi and Zhang Mengtan!"

To be continued.

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