Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 868: Wei Wuzu

Ps: Chapter 2 is at 12 o'clock

"Five people need to eat ninety shi of millet a year, and counting the loss from Chaoge to the front line, it is one hundred shi. Wei provides 200,000, Han provides 100,000, 300,000 shi of grain, enough for 15,000 people eat for a year”

After Wei Manduo finished calculating the account, he sneered: "In this way, half of Zhao's troops this time are equivalent to Wei Han's support. However, it can allow Wei to rest for a whole year to prepare for the battle of Qin. , we are not a loss, continue to hoard food, train soldiers well, and eat enough soldiers is what we should do."

The head of the Wei family was sitting in the city of Anyi at this time, drinking with a horn cup inlaid with pearls, while admiring his son Wei Ju's newly rehearsed "Wei's Warrior Soldiers".

Although Wei Ju has been training them for several years, they were only used as personal guards before, and the number was small. After the rebellion defeated the Zhi clan and obtained a lot of loot and copper and tin reserves, it was possible to expand and create a sophisticated individual equipment for this professional recruit.

I saw a line of warriors filed in, all heavy infantry, all wearing heavy armor, holding a sword, carrying a bow and crossbow, and straddling the arrow bag, murderous.

"Drink!" They shouted in unison, forming a square formation, which is five small formations covering each other, which can be combined into a large formation. This is also the difference between them and "Zhao Wuzun". Wei Xianzi's square formation, so as to reduce the time required for training. What's more, Wei Ju felt that this kind of "five formations" could be directly deployed from marching formations to combat formations on narrow terrain, reducing the lengthy formation time and to some extent more superior than Zhao's dense and large square formations. .

Wei Ju introduced by the side: "The selection of these newly recruited soldiers is extremely strict. Everyone must wear three armors, carry a two-stone crossbow, carry fifty arrows, put a sword on it, wear a crown and a sword, and only carry three The sun's food, when the sun is shining, must travel a hundred miles in two days. If you pass the selection, you will be included in the army, exempt his family from taxes, and give them the benefits of farmland and housing."

In his opinion, by updating the equipment and copying Zhao's method of selecting and training troops, Wei Wuzu will soon become a rare elite in the world, and will make contributions in next year's battle against Qin.

"How many people were selected in total?"

"Three thousand!"

"Not enough, far from enough, before next year, you have to practice five thousand, not seven thousand!"

"Seven thousand" Wei Ju's face changed slightly. With Zhao's strength and a population of several million, he could only maintain three army soldiers, almost one million people, to support 10,000 full-time elite recruits. What he didn't know was that Zhao Wuzun had already farmed extensively on the border to achieve self-sufficiency.

He said with difficulty: "In that case, even if the Wei family owns three-quarters of Hedong with a population of hundreds of thousands, tax and labor will be reduced because of tax exemptions for the families of military soldiers and granting land."

Weimando's brown-black pupils looked at his son, so cold that he shuddered. This son is still too young, and his blood boiled with a few rhetoric by Zhao Wuxi in Tongjiao, forgetting the difficult situation of the Wei family and the person who caused this situation is Zhao Wuxi, who knows that the three families will expand together. What conspiracy is contained in the "great cause" of the soil?

But he also had to admit that even if he knew that the incense bait thrown by Zhao Wuxi was poisonous, Wei Shi would swallow it without hesitation. Wei Shi was too eager to deal with the enemy by his side, and it felt too bad to be stared at every night.

"Then increase the taxes in Jiang, Quwo and other places, and increase the proportion of the salt tax. The Wei family owns the salt pond, which is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. The money and silk to support the soldiers can be obtained from here."

Today in Jin, there are two main salt-producing areas, one is Yanchi in Anyi, and the other is Daluze in Jinyang. However, because Jinyang is secluded in the north, the traffic is inconvenient, the manpower for mining salt in the big brine is small, and the output is not high, so the salt in Anyi is actually supplying the entire Hedong, Han, and the Hanoi area of ​​Zhao. Earn millions every year!

Seeing that his son was still hesitant, Wei Man said to him earnestly and earnestly: "On the other side of the river is the Zhi clan, who is not reconciled to the immortal Wei clan. Qin is also a country of two thousand rides, which should not be underestimated. On the battlefield, Zhao Han is not enough to rely on. We must rely on the Wei family to attack the fortress. Therefore, we must let the Wei family have enough combat power before attacking Qin. Do you understand? As for the doctors and the common people, they will understand. It is the loess silted up field, the fertile soil is fertile for hundreds of miles, and the people like to harvest and grow grains, and they also benefit from the animal husbandry of the Rong and Di in the north.

After Wei Ju took the lead, Wei Manduo drank the wine in one go, his face was expressionless, he turned to Linghu Bo and asked, "Is there any news from the Chen family in the Qi country?"

"I was about to tell my uncle that Chen Zi already believed it," Linghu Bo replied respectfully.

Chen Qi and his son joined Bao in a coup five years ago and expelled Guo, Gao, and Yan, and Chen Qi became the minister and took over the power. get along. He practiced meritorious deeds and rewarded him, and he was close to the people, so Qi, which was hit hard in the Battle of Wenshui and the coup d'etat, gradually began to settle down again.

In terms of diplomacy, because Zhao won the civil war in Jin, Chen was afraid that Zhao Wushi would join forces with Wei, Han, Song, Lu and other princes to attack Qi. While begging for peace with the Zhao clan, Nai Nan communicated with the states of Chu and Wu, and the west made good alliances with the states of Zheng and Qin, and secretly contacted Han, Wei, Zhongshan, and Beiyan, preparing to weave another encirclement network against Zhao. I don't want to counterattack the Zhao clan, but I want to let the Zhao clan take no time to attack Qi.

However, before the encircling net was formed, Han Wei was attracted by the "great cause" promised by Zhao Wuxi. Compared with accompanying the unreasonable state of Qi against the powerful Zhao clan, he obviously followed Zhao clan to fight Qin and Zheng to seize land. more beneficial.

Having said that, the wily Weimando did not cut off the contact with the Chen family. Both parties knew that the other party was far away from themselves, and both faced the threat of the Zhao family. They had the same interests in certain matters, so they exchanged news from time to time. Whether or not to communicate.

So Zhao Wuxi's plan to attack the Qi State's Hejian land after the spring ploughing was quietly revealed by Wei Clan. While Qi State Chen Clan was shocked, he would definitely prepare well and not be caught off guard.

"The Zhao family's attack on Hejian will be as short as ten months, or as long as two months, and they will be able to return to the west. Maybe they will make plans for other areas. If we resist, we might be able to drag the war into the fall, making the Zhao family exhausted and unable to take care of him.”

Weimanduo's abacus is full, and in addition to the surface cooperation, he doesn't mind giving Zhao a little stumbling in secret.

However, his complacency soon came to an end.

In mid-January, two bad news came. First, Han didn't know what to do, and without knowing how to meet Wei, he unilaterally offered to send troops to help Zhao attack Qi, and he actively transferred troops. Go to Yewang and Zhouxian to prepare for the Eastern Expedition. This sudden change made Wei scramble for a while, and guessed suspiciously, did Han and Zhao reach a secret agreement against Wei again, and would they also send troops to express themselves?

The second news caught Wei even more by surprise. In January, when spring farming was still busy in all parts of Jin and Qi, in theory, this month should be "no gathering of the public, no city", to avoid all kinds of large-scale recruitment In particular, it is not allowed to send troops to fight, and the country that uses the sword first will be devastated!

This kind of "the way of heaven~www.wuxiaspot.com~" which the farming people believe in, is generally not openly violated by no one. After all, the farming time is delayed, and in autumn, it is you who will suffer.

However, Zhao Wuxi, who was sitting on 30,000 professional recruits, did not play cards according to the routine. He was holding a **** in the outskirts of Yecheng and driving cattle to "plow" himself. After washing his hands, he suddenly wore armor and held a sword, serious and serious. made an announcement to his subjects.

"I just got the news that Zhao Jun was in the Juluzhiye exercise on the side of the Xihe (the western tributary of the Yellow River) the day before. He suddenly heard the drumbeat coming from the other side. The boat division, the missing soldiers of our army were also taken away by him. The commander of the Zhao army immediately asked to board the ship for inspection, but was rejected by the Qi people. Not only that, the Qi army also shot arrows and killed dozens of our soldiers.

"That's why I, the Zhao clan, stationed in Dongyang, had no choice but to cross the Xihe to attack, and now we have hit the city of Dongwu."

Everyone couldn't believe their ears. It would be nice if the princes weren't busy guarding against Zhao's attacking them. How could anyone dare to take the initiative to provoke them? Before they could finish digesting the news, Zhao Wuxi announced quite heavily: "Qi people are rampant, absolutely cannot tolerate it! Two or three sons, the war has already begun!" ()

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