Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 877: Leaping the Dragon Gate

PS: Today is a big chapter

The 20th year of the Marquis of Jin was a year of chaos. The "Jin State" that still existed in name had conflicts with Qi and Zheng successively. The Zhao clan recaptured Hejian, and the Wei clan avoided all disputes. Staring at the west, staring at the wealthy Hexi land. &Music&Wen&Fiction{www}.{lw}{xs520}.{com}

The Han family crossed the river and occupied Chenggao. At the same time, Wang Sunsheng, who set out with Lu Ban, also won the first battle. He led the Han army to fight a beautiful battle in the east of Chenggao, ambushed the Zheng army who came to rescue, beheaded 300, and captured 700. The people of Zheng Guo had to retreat.

The war between the Han family and Zheng Guo has come to an end, but the sporadic conflicts have never been interrupted. Zheng Guo Qimu is a generation who grew up with Zichan's words and voices, and they are quite tough. They do not accept the fact that Chenggao has fallen , has been trying to counterattack, Han shi can only see tricks and dismantle tricks, and consume them. In order to ensure that the Hulao will not be lost again, Han Hu, instigated by Luban, intends to build an unprecedented fortress here, a city that will never fall!

The Han family mobilized tens of thousands of people to build the city, and continued to maintain an army of 10,000 people on both sides of the river to guard against the people of Zheng who came to demolish the city. In order to ensure the quality and speed of the project, they adopted Lu Ban's suggestion: ram each floor. When the building is completed, order the soldiers to use a large cone to tap it. If the cone penetrates an inch, it means that the building is not strong, so kill the person who built the building. This method was so cruel that some of Han's old retainers said indignantly that if Han Xianzi was alive, seeing his children and grandchildren so cruel, he would definitely be so angry that he would bring disaster.

Han Hu and Duan Gui were helpless. One monarch and one minister rashly went to war with Zheng Guo when they were not prepared for the difficulties. They almost got a big somersault. Now, although they got Chenggao with the help of Zhao, they have already failed to ride a tiger. Can grit his teeth and persevere to the end. If Cheng Gao can't keep it, then the hard work of the past few years will be in vain, Han Hu's prestige will be severely damaged, and Duan Gui will end his career as a retainer. There is no way out except to apologize.

From summer to autumn, amid the voices of resentment, the prototype of the new Hulao Pass is slowly being built. At the same time, in the far south, an ancient state is facing the crisis of losing its land and its people...


Weeping and weeping, the Cai people looked back at their capital in three steps.

This is the second time that Cai has moved out of the capital. The first time was when King Chu Ling destroyed the country. They lost the Sheji. Three years later, they were restored by King Chu Ping, who came to power with the support of businessmen from Chen and Cai. It was just the capital of the country. From the original "Shangcai" to Luting in the upper reaches of the Huai River, it is called "Xincai".

Xin Cai did not bring Cai people a new life. They were still played with applause by the great powers. They belonged to Chu, joined Jin, and because of the anger of the monarch, they led the people of Wu to break into Chu and enter Ying. Naturally, this kind of dynasty, Wu and Chu must be punished. With the revival of the Chu State, two years ago, the Cai State was attacked by Chu, Chen, and Sui. As usual, Cai Hou also presented his daughter Cai Ji to the King of Chu.

But as a result, Wu State quit. They failed to attack Chen State the year before, so how could they lose Cai State again? Fu Chai, who had just completed the great cause of revenge, couldn't take this breath.

This autumn, Wu State sent an envoy Xie Yong to send gifts to Cai State. Unexpectedly, there were soldiers hidden in the envoy. They occupied the city gate of Cai State and led Wu troops to invade. Cai Hou did not dare to be an enemy. The state of Chu had old grudges, so he killed a pro-Chu son to please the state of Wu. At the same time, under the force of Wu people, they moved to the new capital Wu found for them: the prefecture in the lower reaches of the Huai River, also known as "Xia Cai".

Cai Houhao moved the tomb of the first emperor crying, and the nobles also left first in boats with treasures, carriages and horses, leaving only a few civilians who had left their homes. step. This is a huge migration and an unprecedented journey of suffering. Cai State was originally a large county in the State of Chu, which could provide thousands of rides. After the reunification of the country, the population was reduced by half, but there were still as many as 25,000 households. , less than 100,000 people...

Some of them died on the way, but most of the time, they were unwilling to leave their homeland, preferring to stay, abandoning the name of Cai people and changing to Chu people!

Compared with Zhao Wuxi's relocation of the people of the old Jiang to Ye, Wu's forced demolition was obviously more criticized. After hearing the details of the matter, Zhao Wuxi immediately asked Yecheng Academy to hold a policy discussion, and the two relocations were carried out. Contrast, and hype it up in Yecheng...

At this point, Wu and Chu respectively occupied Cai and Chen, and formed a balance of power in the battle for Huai Shang.

Although Wu Zixu walked away for a while after King Wu broke the Yue, he immediately returned to the center and was in charge of Wu's diplomacy. He still insisted on the previous proposition: "The people of the land live on the land, and the people of the water live on the water. The country in the Central Plains is dry, and neither rice can be grown nor sailed. Even if the State of Wu is attacked and defeated, the people of Wu will not be able to occupy the land for a long time. Yue State, as well as Chu State, Huaishang, Jiangnan and other places, are similar to Wu State in customs and language, but they can be used as their own."

He tried his best to dissuade Fu Chai from going north to compete with the Zhao clan. Instead, he tied Qi to the north. He also sent envoys to Song, Zheng, and Qin who had not yet had any obvious conflicts. His main energy was to compete with Chu for Huai Shang and Qun Shu. , trying to enter the hinterland of Jianghan again.

On the other hand, the state of Chu was vainly trying to revive, and on the other hand, it was careful to defend. Chu originally formed allies with Qin and Zheng during the partition of the Barbarian clan, just like the leaders of the Three Kingdoms. Indifferent, even at the end of the year, when the news came that the three ministers of the Jin state were planning to plot against the Qin state, they said they had nothing to do.

Taking advantage of the new defeat of the Qi State and dare not move, the Han family held the Zheng State, and the Chu State was also tired of coping with the Wu State who did not dare to go north to support its allies. After hoarding grain for a year, Jin's attack on Qin began...


"Beautiful, the rivers and mountains are solid!"

Walking to the shore of Longmen, even the well-informed Zhao Wuxi couldn't help but let out such a sigh.

The Yellow River, in the Spring and Autumn Period, only gradually became turbid when it reached the territory of Qi. It was called "turbid river". In other places, only "big river" or a "river" was used as an exclusive noun to highlight her role in the geography and culture of China. weight. In the cognition of the Central Plains people in this era, the source of the Yellow River is in the west of the Hetao. It flows down from the towering snow-capped mountains, and with a majestic and heroic momentum, it rushes and agitates on the vast Loess Plateau, and the Longmen Canyon at the junction of Qin and Jin is the One of the most majestic and colorful parts.

Longmen, also known as Yukou, is said to be chiseled by Dayu with a giant axe when he was controlling the flood. Zhao Wuxi immediately looked at it and saw the Yellow River Canyon with mountains in the north and the magnanimous in the south. The plains, the contrast is huge.

The river was initially confined between the cliffs on both sides of the river, and the white waves rushed like thousands of galloping horses.

Gu Cheng, the official in charge of the water transportation of the big river, saw that Zhao Wuxi was in good spirits, so he said: "Dragon Gate stands on both sides of the river, and the river flows out of it. It is a hundred steps wide and down a thousand miles. The Dragon Gate is sealed by ice in early December every year, and the ice disappears in March of the following year when the stinging stings occur. At this time, thousands of yellow carp swim to the Dragon Gate from the downstream, competing to jump. Burning its tail and turning it into a dragon, those who can't climb up will have their forehead exposed..."

It was March, and there were many carp swimming in the water of Longmen, but after seeing this scene, Zhao Wuxi was stunned. How could it be so evil? Birthplace mating and spawning is a good place to fish for roe. Indeed, if you can jump on the Dragon Gate, you can leave offspring, but if you can't jump, you can only be alone.

When he told everyone about this, the officials of the Zhao clan who were still looking up for the "Shenlong" laughed, and Gu Cheng blushed. As a fisherman, he has been sent to Longmen by Zhao Wuxi for nearly a year. Naturally, he knows this. It was originally an anecdote to tell Bo Shangqing Yile. clear……

"Second and third sons know, what did I think of this?"

"I don't know."

Looking at the crowd, Zhao Wuxi intensified his tone: "That is natural selection, survival of the fittest!"


"All things in the universe and we humans coexist, but the species are different. There is no distinction between the noble and the low. It is only because of their size and intelligence that they restrict each other and become food for each other, so that the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive!"

"Carp is like this, animals and plants are like this, people, clans, states, and races are like this!"

Everyone present was shocked. After peeling off the tenderness of "God nurtures all things to nurture the people", the blood and truth concealed by traditional ritual and music conquests became clear.

After raising the original evolutionary thought to the level of social Darwinism in one breath, Zhao Wuxi pointed at the black flag of Qin State on the other side of the Dragon Gate and incited the crowd: "The carp needs to jump over the Dragon Gate in order to pass the blood, so do us, Zhao He has won the civil war in Jin and is the fittest within the state of Jin, but this is not enough, foreign enemies are still coveting, and the whole world has the will to destroy Zhao, and we will also be the fittest in Kyushu! The first among them is the state of Qin. !"

"A big river separates Qin and Jin. The two countries have been competing with each other for two hundred years. Qin and Jin must have a hegemony, either one or the other, but the premise is to slaughter each other! What's more, the Qin state has occupied the land of Hexi, and it must be recaptured. It's the reason why I cooperated with Wei and Han to defeat Qin! Even if Qin and Zhao have the same surname and come to this Dragon Gate, they can only meet with bare arms, and swords and soldiers face each other!"

The competition between Qin and Jin is determined by geography, just like Wu and Chu in the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, there is me without you, and you without me. In the early years, Qin and Jin scrambled for Li Rong, Hu Rong, Liang Guo, Yu, Guo, etc. between the two countries, all of which were naked tigers and wolves rushing for food, for fear that they would be slow to let the other party succeed. And after Jin's hegemony prospered, he didn't think about the good of Qin and Jin at all, and blocked the road of Qin's eastward expansion for 150 years.

Now the two countries still want to kill each other. The three families attacked Qin, which was a matter that was discussed the year before. After all, the remnants of the Zhi clan were the common mortal enemy of the three ministers. Even if the Han family deliberately fought against the Zheng Kingdom, it did not interrupt the process. The Wei family had been preparing for a year, and the Zhao family could also send troops from Taiyuan to fight, dispatching troops and planning the attack route. gradually implemented.

During the period, an ironic thing also happened, that is, because the Han family was too consumed by the war with Zheng, there was not enough money in the treasury to pay for the "mirage" that the Zhao family sold to them at a high price. Lime, so he actually returned the Geng County that the Zhao family had exchanged for them, and returned it as it was, as collateral for the credit.

Zhao Wuxi considered that troops would be launched against Qin after the beginning of the spring, and the Zhao family needed a nearby stronghold to store grain, grass and load, and transfer the wounded and reinforcements, so he accepted it calmly, because Geng County was just east of Longmen, and headed westward. You can step into the river in more than ten miles.

Although Wei Manduo and Wei Ju and their son were very apprehensive about the Zhao family returning to Hedong again and appearing on the edge of their hinterland, there are more important things that need to be asked for Zhao's assistance this year. The Han family had to deal with the sporadic counter-offensive of the Zheng State, and they were extremely miserable when the three ministers met. They could only provide half of the soldiers and provisions they promised. So apart from the Wei family, they could only count on the Zhao family to help them defeat the Qin state. .

However, Zhao Wuxi made up his mind not to fight in this battle. He brought an army of more than 10,000 people agreed in the covenant into Gengdi, not many soldiers but not many soldiers. And the Wei family will dispatch the three armies! It was equivalent to three-quarters of all their recruitable soldiers, but Han only collected less than 10,000 soldiers. Most of them were old soldiers and young soldiers. This was already the result of tightening their belts.

The same is true when discussing the direction of the three main attacks, because there are three main ferry crossings from Jin to Qin: Pubandu, Fenglingdu, and Longmendu. So the two armies of the Wei clan, led by Wei Ju, would go out of Puban and attack Dali of the Qin state. The first army, led by Lu Xing, headed south from Fenglingdu to attack the fortress of Taolin, which is Tongguan in later generations. The Han family went westward from outside the river, opened up the Weihan ancient road, and joined the Wei family's partial division.

As for Zhao's mission, it is naturally to go out of Longmendu and attack Shaoliang...

Although Longmen is dangerous, it is an ancient ferry crossing. For example, in the battle of Qin and Jin Hancheng in AD 645, Duke Mu of Qin attacked Jin from the east of Longmen and captured Duke Hui of Jin.

"This is a tough battle." After coming here, some ministers complained to Zhao Wuxi, because Shaoliang was the base of the Zhi clan in Hexi, and it was also the key business place after the Qin State took control of the place. It is also a flat river, but there are at least a few thousand defenders of the enemy, who have long been waiting for it again. As long as Zhao's crossed the river, they will attack head-on.

Zhao Wuxi beat them and said, "To treat the people of Qin, you can put away your thoughts of dealing with Qi and Dai in the past. Although Qin is poor, it is not easy to give in. This time, Sanqing's attack on Qin is like holding a torch to stab them. A hornet's nest, the Qin people who regard Hexi as their own backyard will definitely try their best to stop us, and even if they fail, they will come back one after another, just like they have done in the past two hundred years."

The reason why he agreed to attack Shaoliang naturally had his own calculus and purpose. Zhao Wuxi's real intention was: to stab the hornet's nest together, and let the Wei family carry it when the hornet's nest flew back to retaliate. Now that Yan and Zhongshan have been quarreled, Qi has been slaughtered, Han and Zheng have been exhausted, and Qin and Wei have been completely torn apart. Zhao Wuxi's layout and differentiation of Zhao's surrounding neighbors is complete...

But then again, there are a lot of nervous people from the Qin country guarding the other side, and the black bird flags make it difficult to distinguish the enemy from the enemy on both sides of the strait.

Zhao Wuxi was not in a hurry, and let the soldiers undress and undress, enjoy the shade in the woods by the river, and let Gu Cheng pretend to erect a pontoon bridge.

Seeing that the pontoon bridge is getting closer and closer to the river bank~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the Qin people and the remnants of the Zhi clan on the opposite side are getting more and more nervous. As everyone knows, at the foot of Liangshan Mountain, thirty kilometers north of Longmen, the water flow of the big river here is more rapid and turbulent. In the Jinsha River Canyon in later generations, a force of 2,000 people has quietly sneaked here...

Perhaps it was because the place was too narrow and the large troops could not pass through, and there was no one on the other side, so this strange soldier, like the yellow carp in the river, became the victor who successfully jumped over the Dragon Gate.

The yellow carp are very happy, no matter male or female, they are releasing the essence of life to their fullest, making the water flow turbid for a while...

By the river, Zhao Wuxi's fierce general, Tian Ben, was holding a leather utensil, his face flushed with air, but the object didn't bulge at all.

"Your mother-in-law! This thing is obviously useless!?" Tian Ben, who almost exploded his lungs, gave up the red face, threw the pipe in his hand, scolded the ground loudly, scratched his face again, and was sunburned. The black boatman is about to attack.

"A fool is disturbing himself..." Shi Qi, a native of the state of Chu, took this kind of river crossing tool commonly used in the north at his fingertips. His sheepskin sack was quickly blown into a bulging "leather sack". Behind him, hundreds of leather sacs It's ready to be preached in the hands of Zhao pawns! (To be continued.)

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