Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 878: Zhao cross leather bag

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PS: Birthday in July, set a bowl for a monthly pass, there is another chapter at 12 o’clock, and another chapter about Geng’s attribution is my mistake, it has been changed, it does not affect the big plot

As early as last autumn, when preparing for war, Zhao Wuxi's advisers guessed that the Qin and Zhi troops would definitely use the Longmen natural danger to fortify. Zhao Wuxi's countermeasure was to build a pontoon bridge to hold them back, and then send troops to try to cross the swimming pool. past. However, the method of crossing the river is somewhat difficult, because Longmen is a big river with fast currents, and the river has no means of transportation. At this time, it was Shi Qi who offered a strategy.

"Sir, maybe you can try the leather bag..."

In the process of attacking Daiguo, Shi Qi and other Zhao soldiers have seen more than once, and the Rongdi tribes such as Dairong and Tu He did not use boats to cross the river, but leather bags.

The leather bag is made of sheepskin or cowhide. After the cattle and sheep are slaughtered, a small opening is cut from the neck with a knife, and a thin tube is inserted to blow air into the skin to generate airflow between the skin and flesh.

Cut off the sheep's head and limbs, then pull the sheepskin down from the head, and the sheepskin will be completely peeled off. Just tie the holes in the head, limbs and tail, and finally blow air into the skin bag, the sheepskin will expand into a drum. Drum leather sac. This single leather bag can be borrowed by one person to cross the river, and if several leather bags are tied together, it can even carry a raft and allow many people to float over it at the same time.

Zhao Wuxi remembered that Kublai Khan used this method when he conquered the Dali kingdom in later generations, and he agreed to it when he felt it was feasible. After conquering Daiguo, Zhao Jun originally owned a large number of cattle and sheep, but they were slaughtered and produced in Lishi, Linxian and other places and shipped to spare, there were as many as 2,000!

In addition to the military veterans, there are also many tribal soldiers recruited from Dai and Tu He. They have been grazing since childhood, and many of them would have made sheepskin bags. When they reached the shore, they cooperated in pairs and moved deft. The Zhao soldiers from Yuan had to be clumsy with their hands and feet, but they were busy with their hands and feet early in the morning, and they successfully blew their leather sacks, hanging on their chests one by one, like two thousand ducks waiting to go into the water. They quickly made fun of each other and relieved For the tension before the war, weapons, etc. were transported in a unified manner on rafts carried by several leather bags.

But here, in addition to Shi Qi, a southerner who lived by the water since he was a child, there are also some northerners with poor water skills, and Tian Ben is one of them. The next time he went to help the country of Lu, he would vomit and diarrhoea even when he was on a boat in Onozawa, and he could not get water at all!

Today, watching the soldiers and soldiers pass by one after another, Shi Qi also sneered and said that if he can't swim, he can go by boat...

This made Tian Ben intolerable. Who were the people on the raft? It was the military judges in black clothes and black hats, and the books that recorded the war. How could Tian Ben be in the company of those helpless soldiers? There are no rules for him to lead the troops. Most of them rely on getting along with the soldiers. He eats what they eat, and he is not afraid of death on the battlefield. The soldiers are willing to serve him, and they will live and die together in battle. Tian Ben felt that he would be looked down upon.

"People are dead! It's also a coward to be a water ghost!" After he yelled, his opponent's soldiers shouted: "Cross the river!"

More than 2,000 soldiers of Zhao Jun walked into the river holding ropes. The ropes they were holding were tightly tied to the bulging sheepskin bags, which were connected in a line.

Tian Ben was nervous when he entered the water. His hands were tightly grasping the rope. Lu was fierce and vicious. When he got into the water, he looked like a panicked civet cat. But after a while, he found that with the buoyancy of the sheepskin, coupled with the mutual pulling, it was enough to ensure that he and his body would not sink into a belly of muddy water, and then he slowly relaxed and laughed with others.

However, due to the rush of water, the Zhao soldiers were also washed away, and the landing site was stretched for a full mile from north to south...

In this case, if the enemy is half-passed and attacked, this division of Zhao's army may be completely wiped out. Fortunately, there are no enemies on the shore. This area is the remnant of Liangshan Mountain, and it is also the northern boundary of the territory controlled by the Qin State.

On the west bank of the great river, more than a thousand cavalry horses snorted and tapped their hooves impatiently, and their masters in their saddles squinted, enduring the harsh summer sun.

They were Zhao's light cavalry from Dai County, led by You Wuzheng's son, Youcheng. They crossed over from Lindi controlled by Zhao's in a similar way, and then galloped two hundred miles south to the crossing point. By the way, we investigated the old Bai Di land called "Di" (North Shaanxi) west of Dahe. It is amazing that although Bai Di abandoned it a hundred years ago and moved east to Hebei, the tribal population here is not the same. No less than Daiguo, the development level of agriculture and animal husbandry is not too bad, and once the densely forested loess land is developed, it is more suitable for farming!

No wonder Qing showed unusual interest in this place. First, he built two new counties, Lishi and Lin, at the western foot of Luliang Mountain, so that they and Louxian were on the outside and inside each other, and then sent the first official of the Zhao family, Shang Yidun, to organize a caravan to meet with each other. Zhai Bu traded and made good friends, clearing the way for Zhao Jun to go south.

Shaking his head, which was dizzy from the sun, seeing that Paoze on the other side had almost touched the shore, Youcheng asked people to help them, and at the same time asked the five hundred cavalry guards on the southern side to continue to maintain a high level of alert. He complained to Tian Ben, who still had two leather bags tied to his chest and back, "Why is it so slow."

"What's the hurry!" Tian Ben was like a chicken in soup, with water in his ears, he couldn't hear what people were saying, and his own voice was like a Hong Zhong, people were afraid that he would attract Qin people from thirty kilometers to the south. …

"You have told me that the general attack will not be launched until tomorrow morning. Let the second and third sons dry the clothes and eat a full meal."

"I'm afraid there will be too many dreams at night..."

He has been with the Master of Hundred Battles for a long time, but Fan, a nobleman of Youcheng, has gone to a lot. Because of his outstanding performance in the battle of the attacking generation and his skill in bowing and horses, he was recommended by Yu Xi as this attack on Qin and Zhao. Commander of the cavalry.

This is the first time that Youcheng has been on his own, so he can't help but be a little worried, not to mention that he is cooperating with Tian Ben, who is known for being unreliable. Fortunately, he always has a sullen face, like Shi Qi, who owes him money all over the world, is more cautious. .

They will go south quietly, and suddenly appear on their north side when the main force of Zhao's army is attracting the attention of the enemy! This trick is tried and tested, but it often works.

But soon, the crow mouth of Youcheng's words came true. It was night, and they were suddenly woken up by the people on duty in the middle of the night. When they looked up, they saw a faint light of fire flickering in the night sky dozens of miles away in the south!

From a distance, the low clouds seem to be dyed, and the sky is covered with different shades of red.

The pontoon bridge was set on fire, and there were shouts from outside the fire. The officials were organizing people to row the boats away, so as to prevent the flames from coming over and turning the whole pontoon bridge to ashes.

Zhao Wuxi stood on the shore holding his sword, the strong wind whipped up a fiery wave, and it hurt his face, but he didn't want to avoid it. The boat that Zhao finally collected jumped with countless orange and bright red flames, and was swallowed into black charcoal dust little by little. Ten years ago, when the boat sailor of Qi State against Jishui attacked Xilu, it was set on fire by stolen Zhi. Clean, Zhao Wuxi had witnessed a similar scene before, but the injured party turned around. His current expression was just like the pair of flames in front of him, unforgivable!

"I've been hunting wild geese all day long, but today I was pecked by a wild goose..."

Laziness and carelessness, the Zhao clan did have such emotions from the bottom up. After nearly ten years of consecutive victories, they slaughtered Dai Rong and the Hejian defenders of Qi State, and after taking Chenggao lightly, many Zhao soldiers felt that they were invincible in the world. Like a taut string, it suddenly slackens, and sure enough something happened.

Many of the dead soldiers sent by the Qin people to burn down the pontoon bridge died in the fire, or under arrows, and a few of them fell into Zhao's hands who survived, and this time they brought one over.

Zhao Wuxi saw that he was wearing a crooked bun, which is the standard of Qin people. He looked like a member of the Terracotta Warriors. He didn't kneel when he saw Zhao Wuxi, but raised his head and said in a Qin dialect: "Kill me, I I must recover, go to Huangquan to drink with the monarchs and warriors of the Qin Dynasty!"

Warriors who sacrificed their lives for the country will be resurrected after death. This idea is very popular among the Qin people. The root may be the legends that occurred when they fought against Rong and Di for generations. Even more strange things happened a hundred years ago in the battle of Qin and Jin. : A Qin spy was caught by Jin people and killed in Jiangshi, and he was resurrected after six days! Moreover, he ran back to Qin State, and the people of Qin believed it even more.

Although Zhao Wuxi didn't believe in such a thing at all, the national character of the Qin state was just like this legend. Rong and Di fought to gain a living space, and several generations of family leaders died in battle. Finally, they were able to be listed as princes, annexed Rong and Di, and became a hegemon in the West.

In later generations, even though UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com was forced by the San Jin to the point of almost subjugating the country and exterminating the species, the Qin people rose again in adversity, eroded the world, and built a fighting empire. Although it did not last long, it was enough to make people Surprise, admiration for their tough characters.

Zhao Wuxi tasted Qin Guo's character of not being afraid of death and not admitting defeat, just during the confrontation at Longmen.

After waving his hand to let someone complete the death of Qin State, he vaguely heard cheers from the Qin and Zhi troops on the other side.

On the Zhao family's side, they were a little dejected. At the same time, there were some people who were ashamed and brave, gnashing their teeth and asking for battle, Yedu attacked the Qin army.

Zhao Wuxi's stern gaze swept over everyone, causing them to be silent for a while.

"This Zhao's shame is also, where is the military officer?"

The black-clothed and black-crowned military judge quickly convicted everyone. The pontoon duty officer was killed, and the shore patroller rode. As the battle was imminent, Zhao Wuxi beheaded a few responsible officials and sacrificed their heads to the flag. He was implicated. The soldiers were put on death row and incorporated into death squads. Their crimes were put after the war, and they were executed according to their performance.

Some setbacks can also make Zhao Shixia recognize himself better.

"The pontoon bridge will be built overnight, and the rest of the people will fight their horses and fight hard. Hurry up to rest and recuperate. Tomorrow, let the people of Qin know that the dangers of rivers and mountains are not enough to protect; the business of King Bo is not here!"

In the dark of night, the cheers on the other side continued. In the eyes of the commanders of Qin and Zhi, Zhao Jun's pontoon bridge had been destroyed, and Zhao Wuxi could only fly across the Dragon Gate unless he had his wings attached...

Maybe tomorrow morning, the effect is them!

PS: For the resurrection of the dead, see "Zuo Zhuan: Xuangong Eight Years": Jin people were captured by Qin spies, killed Zhujiangshi, and were killed in six days. There is also Fangmatan Qin Jian's "Tomb Master", which describes the story and resume of a man named "Dan" who came back to life. (To be continued.)

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