Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 879: The teacher of tigers and wolves?

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"Are you afraid?"

Zihu glanced at Zhiguo next to him, and was very surprised. The Zhi family head, who was in danger after the death of his father and brother, was very wise and courageous on weekdays. What he proposed, he didn't expect that there was something that scared him. Is it the army of fire on the opposite side? Or the commander-in-chief of that army?

"Can you not be afraid..." Zhiguo has always considered herself to be weak, and she doesn't need to deny her cowardice like her father Zhizi and her nephew Zhiyao. He raised his hand and stabbed an arrow into his thigh. It wouldn't hurt through the leather armor, but it still caused pain in his body, relieved his trembling from fear, and also drove away the man who had been drinking heavily from burning down the enemy's pontoon bridge. drunk.

"The Zhao Jun on the opposite side is the master of a hundred battles who surrounded my nephew alive. His wisdom is like my father, but he can't match Zhao Wuxi's tricks..."

"Zhao Wuxi..." Zihu pondered, and he was very kind to the distant relative of the same surname, who was very young and famous.

He is like a peak in this era, hidden in the thick fog. Some people say that he is a character like the Duke of Jin, who endured the shame of being expelled, and went abroad to fight a new world. After returning, he launched a violent revenge, killing his enemies and exterminating them. He can be regarded as a model for exiled sons and grandsons; They said he was a despicable villain who used shameless means to take Xinyanghu, betrayed him, and in the same way caused the destruction of the three kingdoms of Lu; others said that he was an insatiable lewd who, like Duke Xiang of Qi, even confided his relatives. The elder sister is not spared, and should be cast aside by the world... Some people say that he is cruel, he treats the enemy ruthlessly, and he will be destroyed quickly, and some people say that he is wise and gentle, and loves the people like a son.

But no matter what the public opinion was, Zhao Wuxi was still a stone wall slowly pressing on the princes. It was indestructible and unstoppable. Dai Rong and Qi Guozheng couldn't stop it, and now it was Qin's turn.

Zhi Shi is no stranger to all of this, although Dan Shui fought a long battle, it was Wei Shi's defection that caused the war to turn around. But after escaping, Zhiguo had to admit that in the final analysis, they were inferior to Zhao in terms of strategy and strength.

Fortunately, Zhi's Fan and Xing were lucky, their remnants fled to Hexi, and they were sheltered after surrendering to Qin. They have been slowly recovering their strength in the past four years, and they are also preparing to take revenge on Zhao Weihan, especially the Wei family!

The Qin State also attached great importance to the Zhi clan, not only entrusting Zhiguo with the important task of entrusting the vassal, but this time Jin attacked Hexi. And the determination to defend Hexi!

Zihu was quite optimistic, and encouraged Zhiguo: "As long as the Dragon Gate is guarded, Zhao Jun can't do anything. You see, the mountains and rivers are strong and the treasure of the Qin State!" Just like the previous dynasties of Qin State's monarchs and ministers, they were stubborn about Hexi. Zihu also regarded Hexi as Qin's inherent property.

What he didn't know was that his distant relatives with the same surname had already made an oath: "The dangers of rivers and mountains are not guaranteed. today!"

When the first light of dawn shone on the dragon's gate, Qin and Zhi soldiers, who were overjoyed at burning down the enemy's pontoon bridge last night, rubbed their eyes and walked out of the camp. After a night of work, Zhao Jun's pontoon bridge extended a lot to this side again.

And Zhao Jun also assembled in the early morning, flags were fluttered, and preparations were made for the forced crossing...


"It seems that Zhao Jun is serious this time. Like the Wei family, they are determined to win in Hexi..."

After Zihu and Zhiguo looked at each other, they went down to make their own preparations. Zhiguo let himself dispel his fear, took a deep breath, raised his hand, and asked people to prepare rockets and other items. They had to send dead men to rush over and burn them down. , how many times is Zhao's taking, and how many times he burns!

However, at this time, there was a sudden noise on the north side of the defenders of Qin and Zhi Dahe. It was the scouts from the north who came back. They suffered heavy losses and everyone was bloodied.

Horseback riding is not the patent of the Zhao family. The ancestor of the Qin people, Feizi, started as a horse herding and fought with Rong and Di all the year round. In terms of familiarity with horses, their Zhao family is still strong. And as early as two hundred years ago, Qin Gongshuai's seven hundred cavalry would hunt in the Wei and Wei. Zhao Guo dispatched only a few more.

It’s a pity that the Qin people of this era are still a little bit crooked in technology. After recovering the old land of the Western Zhou Dynasty, their nomadic nature was rapidly lost. Duke Mu of Qin imitated the system of the eastern princes, and even learned the chariot. quantity.

It was not until recent years that the cavalry of the distant relative Zhao with the same surname showed great brilliance and attracted the attention of the Qin people. They began to rearm their single cavalry, and were also equipped with saddles and stirrups that were easy to imitate. This greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the Qin people. At the same time, they also have a flexible and mobile scout force, which is placed on the flank to detect the whereabouts of the enemy in advance.

While discovering each other, they also revealed their whereabouts. The scouts were massacred by the rain of horses and arrows, and more than half of them were killed or injured. The remaining people brought back valuable news: someone was bypassing Liangshan, killing them here. Miles away!

"Damn it!" Zihu secretly said that it was not good. He brought not many people. The troops guarding the river were only five or six thousand, and they were scattered at several key points in the north and south to prevent accidents, and the rest were in Shaoliang. Suddenly attacked by thousands of enemies, the main force of the Zhao army on the other side also began to build pontoon bridges, and they may cross the river to come here at any time. This sniper battle is about to turn into a combined attack...

At this critical juncture, Zhiguo made the most correct choice, he said to Zihu: "I am too careless, to be right, to win, this is Zhao's usual method, Zuo Shuchang, withdraw your troops! "

"withdraw troops?"

Zihu's face was tangled: "There is no shogun in Qin who retreats without a fight. If I leave like this, I will lose my land and lose my land. Even if the lord and the shogun forgive me, the old Qin people in Yongcheng will spit on me. Face!"

Zhiguo stomped his feet in a hurry: "If Zuo Shuchang stayed behind, he would be the sinner of Qin! The Zhao army is invincible in the field, and if they can't fight, they retreat slowly, retreat to Shaoliang City, and hold on to the city, maybe this is the only chance. There are not many Zhao troops, and there are nearly 10,000 guards in Shaoliang. They have broken the city wall, and they can't help us in the street battle. If the Zhao army pursues, the Zuo Shuchang will naturally have the opportunity to fight against it! I will choose a good one for you. On the battlefield, defeat the strong enemy and prove your bravery!"


Zhao Wuxi stood on the boat and could see the situation in the Qin camp. They were evacuating in a hurry, but it was too late. The Zhao's cavalry came from the north. They chose a path among the bushes, crossed the antlers and ravines that blocked the road, and slowly flowed towards the Qin army camp like a thawed stream in a winter morning.

The Qin people at the back of the palace quickly greeted them. Their battle was incoherent. While shouting, they waved copper swords and wooden spears and rushed towards their opponents desperately. With a shout, a sword stabs an axe, kills one after another, and then dies heroically. Judging from the momentum, it is indeed a "tiger and wolf teacher".

But it's just as fierce as a beast.

Zhao Wuxi heard You Wuzheng say how the Qin people fought. This is a sturdy state, and there has always been a private fight among the people, which makes them fight fiercely. The professional army that harvested the enemy's life in an orderly manner has become a vain death...

"Qin Formation is scattered and fights itself"! This is their biggest criticism~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no order, and it is no wonder that Wu Qi in later generations can fight with one enemy ten, and the Qin people dare not go east. It was not until Shang Yang brought various laws regulating personal life to the behavior of clans to the Qin state, sacrificing etiquette and advocating first merit, that these Northwestern Han who fought each other were united into a whole, creating an invincible "Tiger and Wolf Teacher".

The Zhao family was lucky, they met the incomplete Qin, a western prince with a full **.

The Qin people's rear troops were only more than a thousand, and they quickly collapsed under the impact of the same number of cavalry and the fierce charge of Tian Ben's handsome soldiers. They resisted stubbornly and vowed not to surrender, but they were directly stepped on by the attackers. With less than one-tenth of the enemy's strength, they launched a counter-charge towards the Zhao army only to delay their pursuit. After the rain, they also fell down, leaving only the horses without owners to flee helplessly in panic.

Because of the tenacity of the Qin people, the battle was slow. When Zhao Jun's main force stepped on the pontoon bridge, the main force of the enemy's river-guarding force had already withdrawn and fled.

"Chase!" Zhao Wuxi jumped on the bank of the river. When Yucheng and Tian Ben came to plead guilty, he only issued such an order. The Qin army knew that the army retreated in a hurry.

"Send out more scouts along the way, be careful everywhere, Qin people should not be underestimated, if there is something wrong, don't be greedy, stop chasing immediately!" After thinking for a while, he warned them again, but the warning didn't come up. to the effect.

When the Zhao army all landed and began to occupy the Qin people's camp, Zhao Wuxi got the news from the pursuit troops: they were in a mountain pass ten miles away from Shaoliang. Yu, Tian Ben was seriously injured!

(To be continued.)

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