Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 880: thoracotomy

PS: The school starts tomorrow, there is only one chapter today, and future updates will be made as early as possible. In addition, I recommend a good book "Shangpin Qingxiang", which tells the story of Wang Ningzhi, the son of Wang Xizhi during the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Readers who like my book should also like his style. Look, there is Loli Xie Daoyun (⊙o⊙) in it.


Zhao Jun, who retreated after being blocked, was a little embarrassed, with mud and blood stains all over his armor, and many people were still bleeding. Zhao Wuxi watched them return like this. At the end of the line, he saw Tian Ben lying on the stretcher, his face as pale as soy milk, and his anger was like a gossamer.

Hearing the movement, Tian Ben opened his eyes slightly, and when he saw that it was his own lord, he grinned and said, "My lord, the servants have embarrassed you again." Then he struggled to get up and salute.

As soon as Zhao Wuxi saw him like this, he knew that the situation was not good. In normal times, Tian Ben grinned and screamed in pain, and then jumped up and down like no one else.

He couldn't bear it in his heart, but his face was cold: "Lie down, your sins will be settled later, provided you survive."

"This time Lao Tian was treated badly, but I... didn't make the enemy feel better. I stabbed the Qin people who wanted to cut my head with one sword..." Tian Ben's smile was as amazing as the wound on his chest, his teeth were already gone. It was blood red.

"Because the life of the servants belongs to the lord, and the lord will fight for another thirty years, no, fifty years..." Before he could finish speaking, Tian Ben coughed, and what he coughed up was eye-catching blood foam. It hurts the heart.

The people who participated in the battle came over to report that the incident happened when they were in pursuit by Zhao Wuxi's order. When they passed a hilly pass in the north of Shaoliang City, they finally grabbed the enemy's tail and wiped out hundreds of them. , Qin and Zhi troops entered the pass. You Chengjian saw that the situation beside him was unknown, and he felt that he was cheating, but Tian Ben ignored the three sevens and twenty-one.

Tian Ben Xian was caught in a trap and was thrown to the ground by the horse. Fortunately, he did not break his neck or fall into the deep ditch full of pickets, but only fractured his calf. But the real deadly place was the arrow in his chest. Because Tian Ben even likes to be naked in battle, he always wears light clothes. The crossbow bolts penetrated the flesh of his clothes and pierced deeply into the chest cavity. Fortunately, he didn't hit the heart directly, otherwise he would have died.

After the medical doctor who accompanied the army came to see it, he kept shaking his head, saying that the arrows of the Qin people had barbs. It was enough to make Tian Ben faint and never wake up again.

Zhao Wuxi drove them away with a wave of his sleeves, and asked his later commanders to find Guo, who had not yet arrived to cross the river in a hurry.

Guo Que was the young man who was rescued by Doctor Bian Que in Guodi more than ten years ago. He later gave up his identity and joined Bian Que's family. After Bian Que's eldest disciple Ziyang was killed by Qi people, Gradually grow into the best doctor, and also the most vocal among the next successor of "Bian Que". Because of Bian Que's advanced age, Zhao Wuxi asked him to retire in Yecheng and occasionally attend clinics, while Guo Yu accompanied the army as a doctor who saved the dead and wounded on the battlefield.

After Guo came, he first inspected Tian Ben's condition in the house arranged by Qin Jun's riverside camp, and shook his head and said, "The injury is too serious, and the arrow is not easy to pull out, even if the flesh is cut open. , he couldn't bear the pain, he would die if he lost too much blood, unless..."

"Rescue him, this is my request, no matter what method I use." Zhao Wuxi is also welcome. He is a supporter of the magpies and their biggest sponsor.

Guo Ling hesitated for a while and then said: "Unless I use the anesthesia technique taught to me by the Master, but I haven't had time to implement it, I cut my chest to take out the arrows, take out all the broken bones, and then use the blood transfusion method mentioned by Shang Qing to make up for the loss. blood..."

Zhao Wuxi understood that what Tian Ben needed was a surgical operation, but in ancient times, the most important things to solve for surgical operations were surgical pain, wound infection, hemostasis, blood transfusion and other problems.

As long as one of these problems cannot be solved, the safety of the injured is a problem.

Hemostasis after surgery is not difficult, just suture with catgut, and then sterilize it with spirits steamed from a wine distiller, but blood transfusion is difficult.

Fortunately, because of the appearance of Zhao Wuxi, this kind of problem that should have plagued mankind until the 16th century has seen the dawn of solution.

In the Linzhang Academy, Zhao Wuxi encouraged "a hundred flowers bloom", and he would not turn his face on the autumn harvest and kill your whole family. Therefore, there is also a place for physicians in the Academy, where some cutting-edge medical technologies are studied. Zhao Wushi proposed to Bian Que and others that blood circulates in the human body, and that blood types are mainly divided into four theories, and that those who lose too much blood on the battlefield can save their lives through blood transfusion.

Bian Que was very interested in this. After a long period of research, he and his disciples used the transparent glass slices fired in the workshop to do the blood fusion rejection test. The rejection of different blood types can be judged differently. Then a small tube is made of silver, and the animal bladder is used as a syringe. It has been tried on dogs and deer, but the chances of failure and success are half and half. After that, death row prisoners are selected for the experiment. With the accumulation of experience, the success rate has increased to ten seven-percent level.

As for the pain of surgery, Zhao Wuxi had no other choice, but Bian Que's lineage, there is a trick that is not passed on to outsiders: they have anesthesia!

After everything was ready, Doctor Bian Que performed two surgeries last winter.

Gong Hu, a doctor from the State of Lu, and Zhao Qiying, a small sect of the Zhao clan, were hit by a sharp weapon while attacking Hejian. They lost too much blood, and their chests were full of broken bones, so Bian Que personally went into battle and gave them a fight. Had a "chest-opening".

The two were detained and observed by Zhao Wuxi for several months after the incident. They were all healthy, and now they have returned to their respective positions.

"Bian Que then drank the poisonous wine of the two, and was fascinated to death for three days. He opened his chest to explore his heart, and put it away easily. After throwing the magic medicine, he realized it as before..."

This is the version of the rumors after the fact. Bian Que laughed after hearing it, saying that he just used special wine to stun people and open their chests to take out the bone residue. How could it be exaggerated to change the heart.

But it is undeniable that this is the first case of anesthesia used in surgery in the world, and blood transfusion has also been successful. Although the cost is high, except for the experiment that Zhao Wuxi is willing to pay for, only a wealthy doctor can afford it. .

This was originally a happy event, which meant that the generals who were injured on the battlefield could be rescued, but the embarrassing thing is that now only Lao Bian Que is the only one who has fully mastered this surgical operation, and the other disciples are fine as assistants. It is still a bit premature to let them alone.

But now, Guo Yu had to drive the ducks to the shelves.

He was a little hesitant, a little hesitant. After all, life was at stake, not to mention that the injured were Zhao Shangqing's favorite general.

"Even if he dies, I won't ask your sin."

With Zhao Wuxi's words, Guo Yu gritted his teeth and could only do it.


The operation was carried out in a clean room, the periphery was sprinkled with lime, and all objects exposed to the air were smeared with spirits. Boiling water boiled gauze, copper knives and scissors for surgery.

After coaxing Tian Ben to say that the wine here is delicious, he was like a long drought in the rain. He gulps down the medicinal wine for anesthesia, and then he muttered that this wine is really **** bad, and then fell asleep.

Guo Yu had seen Bian Que perform several operations, and he wiped his sweat beside him. At that time, he also wondered why a master with superb medical skills and rich experience, who could check the pulse and look like a fairy, would have so much flow. sweat. Now, when it was his turn to sweat, he finally understood.

When the copper knife slowly sliced ​​open the patient's skin and flesh, revealing the white bones and fragile blood vessels, a slight tremor in the hand and a momentary distraction would cause a large area of ​​bleeding, ruining the fresh life in front of him. The spirit of the healer must be highly concentrated!

Half an hour has passed, a moment has passed, half an hour has passed, time is passing, the sound of scraping bones is rustling, and the arrow falls into the copper basin and makes a clanging sound, but this is not the end, and the guojiao is carefully disinfected again. , sew Tian Ben's chest with gut thread: his chest is full of scars, and there will be one of the biggest and most hideous ones in the future.

The operation could be declared a success, Guo Yao breathed a sigh of relief, but then he raised his heart to his throat again. Because his disciple came to report in a hurry, saying that he was holding a glass piece and looking for some Yulin guards to do the rejection, but he could not find a suitable blood source. Seeing that Tian Ben was about to lose consciousness, the blood in his chest Although it stopped, his life was passing little by little...

"Try mine."

Under the astonished gaze of everyone, Zhao Wuxi, who had just arrived immediately after arranging military affairs, walked in. He rolled up his sleeves and placed his powerful arm on the table.

"Shangqing... This, Shangqing is the son of a thousand gold, how can it be compared with our sloppy life..." Immediately, a bureaucrat came to dissuade, because in everyone's consciousness, blood is the source of life, and drawing blood is equivalent to Yu took his life!

"Who is not raised by a father or mother, made of flesh and blood, in my opinion, the lives of all the soldiers present are as precious as those without mercy. It is worth exchanging my blood for Tian Ben's life! What are you still doing, hurry up? !" At the urging of Zhao Wuxi, Guo pierced Zhao Wuxi's **** with a silver needle, squeezed out the blood, dripped it on the glass, and then dripped Tian Ben's blood on it, and then put the two pieces. Close the glass, slide it gently, and observe it carefully, but after a while, there is a result...

He announced in a slightly trembling voice, "Shangqing and Tian Shishuai have the same blood type!"


Zhao Wuxi felt a little cold when he used a needle with a hole in his hair to pierce the blood vessel during casting. This kind of needle was bigger and ferocious compared to later generations. He could imagine that his blood was slowly flowing into the body of the injured person. Inside.

The texture of silver is relatively soft, and it is easy to be shaped into the desired shape. The technology of this silver tube is not complicated, but the things made are naturally not as easy to use as the later rubber tubes or plastic tubes, and it is easy to reverse the flow. Zhao Wushi must be more Only in a high position can he give Tian Ben blood transfusion, and the tube is not easy to make long, so it is very close to the injured person, so close that he can smell the medicine applied to his wound, and the strong smell of wine.

This kind of high-concentration wine made from bronze distillers similar to the Han Dynasty is the next source of income for the Zhao family. Zhao Wuxi reckoned that a pot of spirits could win him a friendship from Shangdi Zhai. This is what he wanted to get for Zhao when he attacked Hexi this time, not something he couldn't hold even if he took it. Shaoliang City.

Half a moment later, Tian Ben's breath became longer and longer, the pale lips began to have a touch of blood, and the face full of beards seemed to have a little more usual look.

Guo Liu touched Tian Ben's pulse gate, carefully observing his reaction, and glanced at Zhao Wuxi from time to time.

Seeing that he was used to the loss of blood from his body, he was just closing his eyes, and he didn't know if he was resting or thinking about something. Anyway, Guo Chao did not understand the thoughts of these big men, but just putting forward the theory of blood transfusion was enough to benefit thousands of injured and dying people. His resolute act of transfusion for his generals today also made Guo Chao admire from the bottom of his heart.

"Shangqing, that's enough..." Guo Wei made sure that Tian Ben was safe, so he went over to salute Zhao Wuxi, pulled out the needle for him, and untied the stiff silver tube.

"Your medical skills are no worse than Bian Que." Zhao Wuqi glanced at Tian Ben, who was asleep after anesthesia, and said nothing, just praised Guo before leaving the room. In the past, Guo Shaohui, who didn't think too much about the official position and merit, disapproved of it, but today, he was a little excited.

"May the hearts of those who learn medicine heal the world's diseases." Zhao Wuxi said this rhetoric when he first met Bian Que. Today, Guo Hao believes it a little bit. If he can do this to a general who is always in trouble, he should not do it to the common people. It would be bad, if it was someone else, maybe he would give up Tian Ben's life after crying.

When he walked out of the camp, Zhao Wuxi saw that as far as he could see, there were densely packed soldiers standing. Tian Ben's men were standing at the front. They were crippled and wrapped in bandages. , and asked earnestly, "Is Master Tian okay?"

Zhao Wuxi's originally serious face showed a smile: "He can be spared the death penalty, but the life crime cannot escape."

"Long live!"

At the end of his words, he was dispersed by a burst of cheers. Tian Ben has too many shortcomings. It is enough to kill him a few times, but he has advantages. He and his soldiers are like brothers and sisters of Kun, and it is one of them to love them.

But today, Tian Ben was not the only one who loved them. They turned around and looked at Zhao Wuxi with reverence.

He lost a thousand pieces of gold just to save Tian Ben's life, and this alone was enough to make everyone cry. If you trust each other, you can live and die together, and many soldiers suddenly have the determination in their hearts that "the lord loves me like a son, and I will fight without turning my heels"!

In this situation, Zhao Wuxi also felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He did not expect such an effect at first.

As his status gradually increased, he could no longer charge with them as he did at the beginning of the army. Although the officers in the army often emphasized the Zhao family and his kindness to the soldiers, he did not care about the soldiers at the grassroots level. In other words, this method is more intuitive, so although Zhao Wuxi lost some blood and suffered a little setback in his attack, he made his soldiers love him even more.

He remembered that his grandson once said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Treat your **** like a baby, so you can go to the deep stream with him; treat your **** like a beloved child, so you can die with him! "That's probably how it works.

Zhao Wuxi walked slowly towards the crowd. He was like a **** who separated the river by himself. No matter where he went, the soldiers would kneel on one knee and look up at him with adoring eyes.

Now even if he shouts, "Would you like to die with me!" The little things that are touched are enough to make them willing to use their bones to build the monarch's road to the peak of power.

Like a wave from the inside out, the momentum of this kind of worship gradually increased, gradually spread, and gradually expanded.

So when I was shocked to hear that the Zhao army passed through the Dragon Gate, and the Qin people were defeated, so those who were ready to test their intentions and the envoys from Shangdi Rong and Di came here, they happened to see such a shocking scene:

With Zhao Wuxi as the center, more than 10,000 soldiers of Zhao Jun are like the devout followers of the later generations who worship the Black Stone in Mecca, all salute him, salute him, kneel to him...


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