Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 902: for the source of living water

**&**xiaoshuo, under the clear sky, beside the clear ditch, a few general horn children supported the horizontal rail and stepped on the treads of the keel waterwheel to play. A popular song among the locals...

"I have children, and the superior will teach them. If the lady hates me, I have Tianchou, and plan to breed them..."

Zhao Wuxi listened, clapped his knees and laughed a moment later, and said to Ji Ran: "If you have a family, you must know what the people are thinking, and the most suitable way to express people's feelings is naturally songs. Therefore, when Zong Zhou, There is also a special folk collector who travels all over the country to collect songs and songs, so there are fifteen "Guofeng", from which the politicians can understand the sufferings of the people and reflect on the gains and losses."

"I also set up a Yuefu to collect and compile folk music from all over the world. The purpose of Mr.'s governance is to not let the people waste time and abandon their businesses. The past three years have made Ye's civil servants exhausted, and they often sing and curse Mr. , they finally understand the painstaking efforts of Mr., with such a political achievement, even a hundred years later, the name of Mr. can be praised."

Ji Ran said with a wry smile: "I can hear this song, and the old man has not spent the past three years in vain. But after completing the twelve weirs, I have to step down from my position and concentrate on the internal history of millet management. Can I make these ditches last for a long time?" If it is not abandoned, it still depends on what the successor does. Shangqing, as the poem says, 'the people also work hard, and Fen can be well-off'. The so-called one relaxation is the way of civil and military. In the next few years, it should not be added in Yecheng. The big project has made the people tired.”

"I originally wanted to dredge the channel from Zhangshui to Dahe, so that ships can sail without hindrance, but if there is a disaster next year, I will let it go..." Zhao Wuxi smiled: "Ren Zhang, who has always advocated rest with the people, will definitely be very happy. Happy."

Ji Ran said: "There is no need to worry about the matter of connecting the river. There are twelve canals in Yecheng, and tens of thousands of people in this city can live and work in peace and contentment. With the collection of taxes next year, the treasury of Shangqing will also be Gradually fill up."

Looking at this golden and festive 10,000-acre wheat field, Ji Ran couldn't help but admire: "It is also thanks to Shangqing that he was able to find such a treasured land, that he was able to come up with a method of repairing weirs and opening canals to control flooding and irrigating the fields. : Husband is like a wolf like a tiger"

Zhao Wuxi said: "I am also standing on the shoulders of my predecessors. A hundred years ago, Sun Shuao of the Chu State opened Shaopi, harvested the benefits of Jiuze, made the originally barren Huainan rich by enriching the country and making the rich people happy. , his approach is worth learning from me."

Although it was Sun Shuao, what flashed in Zhao Wuxi's mind was the story of Ximen Bao's rule over Ye. I don't know whether Ximen Bao was born at this time or not. It is also strange that the historical records are too vague. Unknown, Zhao Wuxi only knew that he was from the period of Wei Wenhou, probably a generation or two later than himself.

What he never expected was that the person he was thinking of was right under his nose, passing him and Ji Ran's car.

Ximen Leopard, who just got out of Mengxue, is happily standing on the keel waterwheel with his playmates, treading on the water. Because he was too focused, he didn't even notice that the Zhao family's head, who was traveling in Weifu, was passing by a light car less than 20 feet away from him...


Ximen Leopard was born in the year when the civil war broke out in Liuqing. He is eight years old this year. It has been three years since he moved here from Gujiang. Children tend to be obsessed with new things and are indifferent to the old past. At that time, he had completely forgotten the vague hometown in his memory and devoted himself to his new life.

In Yecheng, the decree of living in separate households was well implemented, and the helpless immigrants bowed their heads and obeyed, and were divided into various lilu. Although there were still connections within the clan, the relationship was no longer what it used to be.

The number of households increases, and at the same time brings a problem that each household lacks labor. Young and strong men need to serve, that is, they are recruited by Zhao officials to dig twelve canals, and they often go for several days without returning. Therefore, during the slack season, only the old and weak, women and children are left to look after the house in the liluli, which has gradually grown into a large scale.

Although it is said to be slack, in fact, it cannot be idle. The fields need grass and water, and manpower is required. In addition, the farmland of Ximen Bao's family is far away from the village, so he had to share some things for the family when he was young. Xingwu God of War

It was sunny for several days after the beginning of spring this year. His mother went around the field and saw that the water in the field was dry, and the millet and wheat seedlings needed to drink water. For a family of 100 mu of farmland, it would be tiring to carry a hand on the shoulder, so my mother Ready to roll over to get water.

The rollover, also known as the "keel waterwheel", is a machine used for drainage and irrigation. The other end has a small axle, which is fixed on the wooden frame of the embankment. When using it, step on the crutch to make the big wheel shaft rotate, drive the blades in the groove to scrape the water upward, and pour it into the fields with higher terrain.

This kind of machine has a strong color of Zhao, and it has been spread from the lower palace for more than ten years. Jin people are not surprised. However, places like Yecheng where there are more than ten racks in each li are rare.

Similar to the distribution of the twelve canals, the outskirts of Yecheng are also divided into twelve townships, each with four or five thousand people and one thousand households. Shi, Wu, this is Zhao's grassroots organization. Because Miedai got tens of thousands of cattle and horses, and the price of livestock plummeted, the government promised the immigrants that each village would be allocated one ox and one keel waterwheel for each village.

Ximen Leopard's father has a little prestige among immigrants. He is very long, because the keel waterwheel is soaked in the water all the year round for fear that it will be damaged, and he is also afraid that the lifeline of this kind of farmer will be destroyed by the boring evil boy, so he will move it when it runs out. Store it in the home of the elder and lend it out when needed. After all, it is a small overturned car mass-produced after Luban's transformation, and it can be carried by three or four people.

It was too hot during the day, and it was usually in the evening when stepping on the water, and because the keel waterwheel was heavy, the neighbors his mother invited to help were mostly women and children. As the day passed, the sun began to growl, and the stomach began to growl.

Every township has a Mongolian school. Because of his talent and intelligence, Ximen Bao was selected to study at the Mongolian school. After school, he could play with his companions, but whenever he needed to step on the water, he had to carry a basket and go to the field to deliver meals. .

After the mother and the neighbors were full, they started to tread water, and Ximen Bao was watching from the side. Walking on the water is not too tiring. There is a horizontal bar on the frame of the overturned car. I support it gently with my hands, move my feet up and down, and step on the pedals with a little force, which is similar to walking. Skilled can hold the bar without hands, legs fly.

The living water in the ditch is continuously brought to the field, which is several times more efficient than picking and picking it up in person!

For these peasant women who have traveled hundreds of miles here, this year's weather with little rain and water for irrigation are already very lucky, and they don't have so much resentment about repairing the ditches.


After living together for a few years, the relationship between Tongshi and Wu's neighbors has become much more friendly than at the beginning, and it has become a bit "distant relatives are inferior to close neighbors". While stepping, the women up and down the bar were chatting, mostly trivial matters among the parents, because Ximen Leopard's father had a lot of friends, and his mother could also know things that others didn't know. center of the topic.

"Listen to my husband, this spring and summer, there will be wars in Shanxi again!" Because they were deeply impressed by the Taihang mountain roads and passes they crossed when they immigrated, they habitually called Yedi Shandong, and Jiangdi became Shanxi. ...

When they heard that it was about their hometown, the women pricked up their ears.

When Ximen Bao saw the darkness of the night, his mother's lips kept moving up and down: "Not only fighting, but also recruiting soldiers in Xinjiang, men over fifteen years old have to go out, and they leave for two or three months, delaying the farming season, and still dying A lot of people!"

The sound of sighing suddenly sounded, although the village women did not know that the war was the battle between Qin, Wei and Hexi promoted by Zhao Wuxi, but this did not prevent them from feeling.

Xinjiang and Gujiang are not far away. Many people have distant relatives there. Before the big emigration three years ago, there were also people from Gujiang who ran to Xinjiang before Zhao Jun arrived, and successfully stayed there. The people of the Wei family do not have to endure the pain of leaving their hometown. In the previous three years, those people were the objects of envy.

Now it's different. The women all lamented that those people were playing tricks and they ended up hurting themselves. It was really bad luck. It’s right to move by yourself. If you stay in Jiangdi, you will not only get so many fields, but also no keel waterwheel. Compared with those who were forced to the front line, your husband and son are only going to do labor, which is not a problem. what happened?

Digging a gully is better than filling a gully!

Ximen Bao sat on the edge of the field with his head tilted and counted the stars. He couldn't understand much of the adults' conversation, but he also vaguely felt that something extraordinary was happening in the distance.

Because the young master who taught their "Cangjie" chapter in Mongolian school in the village is said to have been a diners of the Zhao family's palace and a die-hard Zhao family. Two years ago, Ximen Leopard had just entered school not long ago, and caught up with the Zhao family's extinction. When the teacher came to class, his eyes filled with tears. Last year, Zhao Jun took the river, and the teacher danced. This year, when the news of Zhao's capture of Shaoliang came, he was also full of emotion in the classroom, saying that teaching them these urchins is really troublesome, and I can't wait to throw the ruler to participate in the recruitment of military soldiers and be a pawn...

It was a month when the green and yellow were absent, and the Ximen Bao family was not alone in the traffic in Tianfan. There were also many people in the traffic, and some even had lanterns hanging like stars in the sky. There are also fireflies to join in the fun, flying around them. The sound of the cars and the water is one after another, and the frogs are screaming. It is like a bell chirping in unison. With the melodious shepherd's flute played by an unknown shepherd boy, it is a scene of pastoral poetry. The children are a little intoxicated.

But there is also a very annoying thing, that is, the buzzing mosquitoes, which can't be waved away. They especially like pink and tender children. There is Lin Xiao in the woods by the field, and the cry is terrifying - Zhao's government does not allow immigrants to cut down the trees with axes, what the master said: "If the mountains and forests are depleted, the forests are scattered, and the Tauze is full, then When the people's strength is exhausted, the fields are desolate, and the resources are lacking..." The general idea is that the logging is too serious, and the fields will be desolate, but the effect on the Ye people is even greater, or the "Tian Law" is clearly stipulated.

Zhao's "Dali" Deng Xi is perfecting the law every year. This "Tian Law" is a product of recent years. It stipulates that before summer, it is not allowed to enter the mountains to burn weeds as fertilizer, and it is not allowed to collect newly sprouted plants or arrest them. Cubs, bird eggs and young birds (dig out bird eggs) are not allowed to poison and kill fish and turtles in the river, and it is not allowed to set up nets with too small meshes. The ban will not be lifted until July.

Although the ban is strict, there are also people who are not afraid. Last year, one of Ximen Bao and the others crossed the thunder pond and set fire to the forest without permission during the ban~www.wuxiaspot.com~ almost burned a mountain of trees, so he was killed. After arriving at Ting Chang and bringing Ting pawns to the door, he was finally sentenced to ten years of hard labor by the Yecheng magistrate! Immediately it made people not dare to make mistakes.

What Ximen Bao didn't know was that there was a lot of controversy within the Zhao family about this decree. The Zhao family's legislative body is the "Dali Temple". Although Dali dominates the legislation, there will also be people from other organizations, such as Xiang Yu, the "Yu Shi" who is in charge of supervising the officials.

When discussing whether to establish this law, someone sharply criticized Deng Xi, saying that this is not a copy of King Li of Zhou's "Shan Ze patent"?

Someone even stood up and pointed at his nose and scolded: "Deng Xi, are you trying to be Guo Shi's father!?"

But in the end, Xiang Lu stood up, and in one sentence helped Deng Yi transfer the pressure.

Xiang Lu was dressed in court clothes and glanced at more than ten people up and down the entire Dali Temple. Most of them were opponents. Thinking of Shangqing's instructions to him, he could only react to the situation and coughed lightly: "You have heard of 'Lige Duangu'. 's story?"

ps: gu (gu) is a fishing net

(To be continued.)


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