Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 903: Axe and catty into the mountains and forests

Two majestic stone statues of the sacred animal "Xiezhi" stand outside the official office of Dali Temple. The interior of the highest legislative body of the Zhao family is not much decorated, and it looks simple and upright. The hall where legislation is discussed is not a traditional palace structure, but a ring-shaped conference hall, with the seats descending in a staircase shape, and the voice of anyone speaking can be heard by other people in the back row.

After suppressing the strange voice, Xiang Lu continued: "This happened a hundred years ago. In the summer of that year, Duke Xuan of Lu went to Sishui to cast a net to fish, and the doctor Li Ge came out to intervene, saying that according to Duke Zhou's regulations In the summer of March, Chuanze does not enter the net. Every summer, the fish cannot go fishing in the river during the growing season. The practice of Duke Xuan of Lu violated the ancient system. Li Ge not only tore up the fishing net and threw it into the water, but also shouted to Lu Xuan. Public preaching of ancient teachings"

"In order to protect the vegetation, birds, beasts, fish and insects and make them thrive, the newly born trees on the mountain must not be cut down, the water plants that have not grown up in the water cannot be cut, the fishing does not catch small fish, the beasts do not catch young animals, and they cannot be touched. Bird eggs break grain eggs, and cannot destroy unformed larvae. This is the teaching of the ancients, and its purpose is to allow the fragile juveniles to reproduce. Lu has this ancient teaching, so that Qufu, Fei, Dongwu City and other mountains and lakes can grow. Keeping it intact, it will be inexhaustible for hundreds of years, and it will never stop."

His voice changed: "But this is not the case in Gujiang in Jin State. From Duke Xian of Jin to Duke Cheng of Jin, in just over a hundred years, the forest around Gujiang was cut down completely, so the farmland also declined, and the water flow gradually Dirty, Jin State had to move the capital, and it has been a hundred years since then, the population has multiplied, felled wood, burned pottery, porcelain, and built houses, so the new Jiang also declined, why is this?"

The crowd began to turn their heads to discuss a lot, but Deng Xi did not let Xiang Li take the limelight. With the majestic Xiezhi crown on his head, he stood in the center of the hall and said to everyone: "I am not an unreasonable person, the second and third sons want to stop this decree. The promulgation is also to allow the common people to open up more farmland and increase taxes, and when the time is up at the end of the year, all the township chiefs can look good on the face.”

Everyone's expressions froze, knowing that their minds had been seen through.

"But you can only see the benefits of the previous moment, but you don't know that the mountains, forests and waters are closely related to the farmland. Zhou Taishi Boyang's father believes that only when the water and soil are ventilated and the land is moist, people can use it to grow grains. If there is no ventilation, the land will rot and become stinky mud. It is impossible to grow grains. If there is a lack of wealth, the country will perish. And the key to the ventilation of soil and water is the flourishing of trees! confirmed."

Deng Yi raised his hand and showed the magic weapon of the finale. The students in the school who liked "checking things" did a small soil erosion test and wrote a report to Zhao Wuxi.

"The protection of mountains, forests and rivers is not a whim, but is linked to the national economy and people's livelihood. Those who do not seek the overall situation will not be able to seek a corner, and those who do not seek for the world will not be able to seek for a moment. This is a plan for future generations! Two or three, think twice!"

The discussion continued, but many more hands were raised as the doctors voted on the decree

In the end, the decree was passed with a slight advantage, and Zhao Wuxi, who was hiding behind the curtain of the hall at that time, was relieved.

Although he gave the legislative power to the Dali Temple, and let the doctors and law officials tear it up, but if some of the clauses he was determined to win were hindered, Zhao Wuxi would force it through with an iron fist.

Although Zhao Wuxi mentioned the legal system of a newborn to a very high level, Dali's status is second only to his "big slaughter" Dong Anyu, "Jia Sima" You Wuzheng, and "Zhi Su Nei Shi". "Jian Ran. But in fact, the legal system, like other positions, still crawls under the monarch's wings, is a foil to the monarch's power, and cannot be above it.

Zhao Wuxi's enlightenment was built on an absolute basis, which can barely be called "enlightened".

Of course, this does not mean that he will give up "the divine right of the king".

Fortunately, the law passed smoothly, and he didn't have to personally take action to break the rules of the game that many doctors played.

The reason why he attaches so much importance to this is because Zhao Wuxi came from later generations and was deeply impressed by the foul air, dirty rivers, the north devoured by sandstorms, and the thick fog in that era. After returning to the Spring and Autumn Period, while being pleasantly surprised by the superior and prosperous natural environment at this time, I was also shocked by the outrageous filth of some cities.

For example, Gujiang, it used to be the political center of Jin State, where the Marquis of Jin and Liu Qing lived and received envoys from various countries. However, this is also a city with poor planning. The palaces are better, but the residential areas and shops are extremely messy. The narrow streets and alleys are like a maze, full of people, and the city is filled with excessive garbage. The stench can even be smelled outside the city walls.

Even, walking on the streets of loess road, in addition to eating dirt, you may also step on the excrement of tens of thousands of people in a crowded city, eating, drinking and lhasa are all solved on this acre, if the sewage ditches are not well planned, then is a nightmare!

Of course, it is not just feces that enter the ditches. Dead bodies, garbage, and domestic sewage are all available. Over time, the natural silting up. The reason why Jin was forced to move from the old Jiang to the new Jiang is not only because of the relationship between geography and shipping, but also because of this place. I really can't stay.

Han Jue reluctantly said: "Jiangdu is narrow and crowded, and if it is long-term and stagnant, it is filthy and evil, and the gathering does not leak, the water will be salty and bitter."

In modern terms, it means that there are many people in Jiangdu, and the feces, urine, and garbage have been disposed of indiscriminately for a long time. After the accumulation, the drinking water has been affected and tasted bad. Thinking about it makes me feel sick.

Therefore, when Jin's new capital was chosen, the soil was thin and the water was shallow, and Anyi, which was easy to collect and disperse easily, was quickly rejected. The soil is thick and the water is deep, and it is not easy to live in a new field. There are two rivers, Fen and Hui, which can disperse pollutants in time.

Behind the splendor of any civilization, there is the stench of excrement and urine, whether it is Chinese or Western, it comes here. The streets of London and Paris are more filthy and dirty than Chang'an and Luoyang.

Therefore, coming to Yecheng can be said to be a new beginning. After breaking away from the difficult land, Zhao Wuxi had a great ambition.

The habit of urinating and going to the toilet is strictly enforced. Those who dump garbage on the streets will be held criminally responsible, and will be caught by Zhi Jinwu to sweep the streets! He also set up many excrement workers in the city to collect excrement and waste and send it outside the city as fertilizer. The sewage ditches in Yecheng are designed to be very wide, and the outlet of the sewage is far away from the residential area, and wetlands and forests are also preserved, hoping that nature will slowly purify all this.

"I just hope to have a good start." Zhao Wuxi sniffed Yecheng, which had been under construction for three years. He hadn't smelled the disgusting smell of Jiangdi City yet. He hoped that his children, and Children of others can grow up in a healthy environment.

In addition to the filth of the city, the reason why Jiangdi has been declining for hundreds of years is also the damage to the surrounding environment of the city.

Don't underestimate the ability of human beings to destroy nature. For example, the densely populated and agriculturally developed central canyon area of ​​Mexico was originally a prosperous civilization and had a superior natural environment. However, it was slowly cut down by the Indians with stone axes. become a desert

The decline of this ancient capital of the thirteen dynasties in Guanzhong in later generations was closely related to environmental changes and the destruction of vegetation, in addition to the shifting of the geographical center of gravity. That's why Zhao Wuxi kept some of the forest around Yecheng and included it in the law.

Thanks to the Zhou Dynasty, people of insight in China have realized the delicate relationship between the environment and agriculture. On the basis of those "ancient teachings", China was finally born, and it may be the world's first environmental protection department. Although the law was only a small clause attached to Tian's law, it was two hundred years earlier than Qin's writing it into Qin's law.

After the dust had settled, Zhao Wuxi showed up to express his support for this law. He said to the doctors: "If it does not violate the agricultural season, the grains cannot be eaten, and the squid cannot enter the pond, and the fish and turtles cannot be eaten. The axe and jins enter the mountains and forests in time, and the wood and wood are invincible, and the grains and fish and turtles are invincible, and the wood and wood are invincible. It is to make the people's health and death without regret. I only hope that Yecheng can continue like this forever. The capital city will endure for thousands of years!"

Of course, Ximen Leopard did not know that there were so many stories behind the preservation of the forest by the field. He saw the neighbor's ten-year-old child treading water, and he wanted to try it, but he couldn't do it steadily. He was too tall and his feet were uncoordinated, and at one point he was so frightened that he hung up on the bar, causing others to laugh, saying that he was like a frog that couldn't get up and down.

Xiao Ximen Leopard blushed, but his mother took him down, raised her head, and proudly said to the neighbors that her children are destined to not be able to do these farm work, it doesn't matter, because with his intelligence, he can get Meng Xue was promoted to primary school, and he will be an official in Yecheng in the future!

The village women didn't dare to joke anymore, and they all changed their mouths and praised Ximen Bao for being smart. He knew a lot of words at a young age, and he could write down the songs that they could sing or write on weekdays, and hand them over to the Yuefu officials who came to collect the wind.

Boasting and boasting, he was almost praised as a child prodigy.

Ximen Bao was so ashamed that he got into his mother's arms, but his mother was extremely proud.

Literacy, knowledge, and unconsciously, the people of Yedi became enthusiastic about such people. Because Zhao's government stipulates that, regardless of the pavilion or li, if you want to be an official at the county or township level, you must be literate! Know the numbers!

For a time, doctors and scholars in some counties and villages were all over the place, and the official school in Jin State had been declining for many years. They didn't even learn the basic six arts of a gentleman well, and they were going to be blinded. Of course, the Zhao family also has enough reasons:

How are you going to explain the promulgated laws to the people, who are illiterate?

I don’t know how to count, how can you avoid being deceived by small officials and businessmen on weekdays, and how do you hand in an answer sheet that will satisfy your boss at the end of the year?

Finally, as a blind man, how can he set an example for the people under his control and promote Zhao's policy of "learning less"?

The illiterate officials were at a loss for words, but the Zhao family didn't do everything right, and gave them three years to go to a nearby school to take a crash course in literacy. Numbers and addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. As soon as the three years arrive, they have to take an exam. Those who fail can take off their official seals, take off their official uniforms, and go home to farm.

Therefore, anyone who is aspiring to be an official should learn words and numbers hungry and thirsty. For example, the father of Ximen Leopard has the cheek to let his son teach himself, because he is an aspiring person and wants to be a pavilion leader, and then slowly climb up , and may even be an official in the village one day!

Zhao's financial resources are limited, and they can only guarantee elite education~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Therefore, there are no children who can go from Mongolian school to elementary school, and almost all of them are trained as future officials.

Ximen Bao didn't know about these things, so he just thought it was fun to read. They started treading water at sunset, and when they finished, they looked up and saw that the sky was full of stars.

In the next few months, the study in the school and the life in the farm continued, and Ximen Leopard was finally able to walk like a fly on a rollover and play with his friends.

But by mid-August, the season for winter wheat, they lost interest in the keel waterwheel.

Because on this day, Ximen Bao and his friends were surprised to see that just beside the ditch opposite their field, a huge machine was slowly being built under the command of a group of craftsmen.

They walked over cautiously, and as far as Ximen Leopard knew, this should be a new waterwheel, but it was many times bigger than his family's overturned waterwheel, which was as high as 30 feet! It looks like a giant wheel towering over the water

: Yunmeng Qin Jian unearthed the law of the Qin Dynasty, which stipulates that "in the second month of spring, don't dare to cut down the wood, mountains, forests and rivers, and don't dare to turn the grass into ashes at night." In fact, the novel is only a small step ahead of the times. The second chapter is unfinished in the evening.

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