Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 926: military commander

22 "Those who raise 100,000 teachers and go on expeditions for thousands of miles will cost thousands of dollars per day for the people and the public, and there are 700,000 families who are in turmoil inside and outside, slack on the road, and can't handle things. , And the love of the lord, the rich and the gold, who does not know the enemy's situation, is the most inhumane, not the master of victory..."

Zhao Wuxi neither admitted nor denied, but replied with Sun Wu's own words. The meaning could not be more clear. He is not the kind of person who sticks to the right path and does not use spies. Even if Qu Ao is a spy of Zhao, so what?

"What's more, if the state of Wu is impeccable, the ruler and the ministers are of the same mind, and the government is clear and clear, what can a few people do? But from the perspective of Mr. Wu's departure from the state of Wu, Wu Xiangbang being entrusted and Dazai being re-used, King Wu is not a monarch who knows people and makes good use of them. Nostalgic Lord, instead of worrying about the Zhao family, it is better to worry about Chu and the better, they are the great enemies of Wu Guorumang."

Although he and Sun Wu did not know that Fan Li had predicted that within ten years, Zhao Wu would have a battle! However, the situation in the world is already clear. The Zhao clan in the north is the strongest, and the Wu and Chu clan are strong in the south. There are many neighbors that can be attacked by Zhao Wuxi, and the far south is only a chess piece for the time being. The meaning of direct engagement, if Ruofu almost went north to die, he would not rashly go south to stimulate him.

Sun Wu naturally understands this principle, but he just mentioned it casually. He is now a fugitive from the Wu Kingdom, so what qualifications does he have to ask for Wu Guoxing's guilt?

He shook his head helplessly, he was really used to it, and he thought of himself as a general of the Wu Kingdom. Thirty years later, he led the army to travel thousands of miles, and the tearful Zhengfu changed batches after batches. Who would have expected the general to have gray hair...

"That's right, Sun Wu is already an idle cloud and a wild crane, and Wu's affairs have nothing to do with me."

Zhao Wuxi asked again, "Sir, what are your plans for going north this time?"

Sun Wu narrowed his eyes: "Jizhabei observes the rites and music of the princes, and the old man also wants to follow suit, watching the soldiers of the princes in the Central Plains."

"Especially the soldiers of the Zhao clan?"

Sun Wu admitted: "Not bad."

Zhao Wuxi clapped his hands, and asked someone to bring up the map drawn by Sun Wu and the layout of the Zhao army's barracks.

"What do you think of the land of the father-in-law, sir?"

Sun Wu's original intention was to get close to Zhao Jun to see what happened, then leave and continue to wander freely. Unexpectedly, his identity was exposed. Now he is called a guest in the Zhao camp. If Zhao Wuxi is not happy, he will become a prisoner. In this case, there is no need to hide, just as Zhao Wuxi treated him with sincerity and didn't make any secrets to Zhao Jun, he showed his strengths and talked about the situation in a straightforward manner.

"The stronghold controlled by Zhao Qing is very important. Liangfu Mountain is in the northeast and Kangfu is in the southwest. Both are dangerous places. As far as I can see, the danger of Liangfu lies in the danger, and the danger of Kangfu lies in the marsh. The roads are difficult, dangerous and muddy, and there are few broad passages. Cars cannot square tracks, horses cannot run in parallel, a hundred people guard the danger, and a thousand people cannot cross. There are nine types of terrain in the military. A favorable area is called a land of contention. The father of Kang is a place to be contested. In the north of Zhu State, there is the father of Liang as a barrier, so it is not easy to attack. In terms of terrain, it has already taken the lead.”

After Sun Wu finished speaking, Zhao Wu Xie bowed his hands and praised: "Mr.'s analysis is exquisite, no one under Wu Xie can analyze Kangfu's terrain so thoroughly."

It's not a blind superstition of celebrities. After secretly testing Sun Wu, he found that he was indeed a great military strategist, not only because of his achievements in helping Wu to defeat Qiangchu, but also because he created a whole set of military affairs. Theory, "Sun Tzu's Art of War" was compiled as the first of the martial arts, and became a must-read textbook for generals of all dynasties, with far-reaching influence.

A person who records the course of the war can be done by a pen official who has a good command of the text. What the Zhao family lacks the most is actually someone who can summarize military theories in the complicated battle examples, and then train a group of outstanding generals...

Such people are real soldiers.

Zhao Wucheng was busy with government affairs and didn't have much time to study this way, so he really wanted to keep Sun Wu, he was the master of the art of war after Taigong and Sima Rangju.

So Wu Xie's voice changed, so he said with difficulty: "However, the laws of the state of Lu are strict, even if Mr. Ruo did this not to spy on the truth of Zhao's army for other countries, in order to prevent it from leaking out, he had to ask Mr. to stay in the army... …”


Sun Wu put down the cup: "Zhao Qing is trying to imprison me?"

"How dare you, Mr. Ren comes and goes in Zhao's territory, it's just a matter of leaving or staying, sir, let's see these things before it's too late." He clapped his hands again, and asked for a few volumes of documents to be handed over to Sun Wu's case.

Sun Wu opened it and couldn't help being surprised, "This is..."

What is depicted and recorded in these dossiers is the process of the Zhao army's previous battles, the battle of Jixi, the battle of Mengzhu, the battle of Fan Gong, the battle of Chaoge, the battle of Wenshui, the battle of Changping, the battle of eradication , the battle between the Qihe River, the battle of Shaoliang... Every battle for more than ten years has become black and white. From the lines, Sun Wu can perfectly restore the scenes of these battles, compared to hearsay. Rumors are more reliable.

Moreover, the secret weapons that Zhao Jun used in the war, he can also glimpse their original appearance, which is something that the generals dream of.

"Since ancient times, the history of the left has written words and the history of the right has recorded events, but only for military affairs, because there are many vulgar warriors in the army, and the generals and officials of various countries do not pay enough attention to this, the records are particularly omission. For example, the battle of Muye, only a few In several words, it is not known how the Zhou army deployed its formation, how the merchant army deployed it, and even the number of people fighting there are several theories. After King Ping moved eastward, for the expeditions of various countries, it was only recorded that so-and-so attacked so-and-so, So-and-so pulls a certain city, and so-and-so defeats it, such as the battle of Jin and Chu around the corners, the battle of Zhanban, the historian is stingy with the brush and ink, without a little detail, future generations have to speculate..."

Sun Wu praised: "Zhao Qing can let people record the war in such a detailed manner, which is a great achievement for future generations." The monarchs in the world are all eager to defeat the enemy, but they can also keep the process of defeating the enemy as a precious treasure. Yes, very few.

His hands have begun to tremble slightly, and now he can only wait to leave the banquet and find a quiet place to read.

But Zhao Wuxi was still smiling and watching, Sun Wu could only force himself to close the file, and said meaningfully: "This thing is Zhao's secret, after reading it, the old man will not be able to leave."

"That's right." Zhao Wuxi nodded: "I also ask you to stay, Mr. Wu will be treated as a guest. At this age, Mr. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, rather than running around and working hard, it is better to live in Linzhang and study military science. Wouldn't it be fun?"

Sun Wu was tasting wine, and it was difficult to make a choice. This trip to the north was completely out of his plan. He was a betrayal of Wu Wuzhu, and he had become a duckweed. After getting away, not to mention, taking these things, he can achieve the goal of going north to the Central Plains this time, just in exchange for freedom, is it really worth it?

But even though this body is free, his heart has always been stuck on the battlefield where the sound of death is terrifying. He wants to summarize the war from ancient times to the present, and find out its true essence hidden under the shadow of swords and swords.

"Forget it..." Sun Wu sighed: "Since Zhao Qing thinks that I am a useless person worth retaining, how can Sun Wu refuse good intentions."

"I only have two requests. First, I won't hold an official position in the Zhao family. Second, whenever there is a war, I hope that Zhao Qing will let me watch the battlefield in person..."

"I can't ask for it." Zhao Wuxi readily agreed. "Tomorrow, the army will start to attack Zhu. You can watch the battle with me in the same car. If there are any shortcomings in the Zhao army, I hope you can point it out!"

PS: There is one more chapter in the evening (to be continued.) Enable new URL

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