Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 927: General white hair

Seeing the armor that Zixia handed in front of him, Sun Wu hesitated for a moment.

This is not his armor.

Wuyue is full of mountains and lakes, and there are many rhinos and scorpions running wild in the wild. Their leather is the best material for making armor. As the so-called rhinoceros have a hundred years of life, Sijia has a life of two hundred years, and Hejia has a life of three hundred years, the armor used by Sun Wu in the past 20 years is naturally made of high-quality rhino skin, plus a strong Hejia made of big Si skin. . The armor maker will carefully process the leather of these giant beasts, cut them into pieces, and then weave these pieces together with the large breastplate.

Because the nail pieces are strip-shaped and shaped like a book, it is also called "Jia Zha".

Then paint the surface of the armor with bright red or black to shiny lacquer, store it in the shade, wait for the lacquer to dry and the smell is not so strong, and then send it to Sun Wu.

Although Sun Wu was from Qi, he was not very tall and strong, so he could adapt to the armor of Wu people. The rhinoceros armour is firm on the outside, but warm and soft on the inside. Wearing it, Sun Wu seems to have inherited the power and bravery of those giant beasts. It protects his chest and abdomen, blocks countless arrows, and sometimes also Getting pecked by a sharp weapon...

When he left Wu State, he had left it in Wu Zixu's house and left it to Wu Feng. He also left behind his 20 years of glory and memory in Wu State.

But the Zhao armor that was delivered to him today was different from all the armors Sun Wu had seen before.

Of course, in terms of shape, it is still the style of ordinary armor of this era, but...

What shocked Sun Wu was the materials used to make these shells.

"This is... iron?"

He gently stroked his calloused fingers, and through his fingertips, he could feel the cold hardness of the metal.

"It's iron armor, which is also called Xuanjia in the army." Zixia, who came to give Sun Wu the armor, introduced. It turned out that he was a general who was invincible in the south with 30,000 soldiers.

Just as he was attracted by the war records that Zhao Wuxi gave him last night, Sun Wu's attention at the moment was completely attracted by the "Xuanjia" in front of him. It is connected with red sash, the body armor is a large rectangle, and the arm armor is smaller, and the back pressure is applied from the bottom to the upper layer to facilitate the movement of the arms. Only the joints are made of soft and easy-to-move leather, other than that, almost all of them are made of iron.

Sun Wu suddenly lost his previous plans to refuse the armor, and said to Zi Xia a little earnestly: "Can you let the old man try it on?"

Zixia was a little amused: "This armor was given to Wuzi by Shangqing on a special trip. Swords and swords on the battlefield have no eyes, sir, you are very talented, you can't make mistakes."

"Give it to me..." Sun Wu knew that such an unprecedented iron armor must be more expensive than ordinary leather armor.

But he couldn't help the temptation, and he couldn't bear to shirk it. He put on the kudzu to prevent the skin from being scratched by the armor, and tied it with a belt. When he picked up the iron armor, he had to try it on. The light leather armor, which he couldn't put on by himself, was finally put on with Zixia's help. The iron armor caught a few hairs when it brushed past his bun, and Sun Wu grinned in pain, but In the end, this somewhat large iron armor was still worn by him.

"It's heavier than normal leather armor..." Like wearing the bulky rhinoceros leather armor, Sun Wu already felt a little inconvenience in his movements, and felt that his whole body was being pulled down.

"Three thousand pieces of armor, 30 pounds." Before Sun Wu could ask, Zixia reported the weight of the armor.

Sun Wu nodded. He walked around the tent, drew his sword and gestured, and even tried to squat down to test the flexibility of the armor. Overall, the weight of this iron armor was lighter than he imagined. He speculated from experience that this was because the iron armor had been forged countless times and was very thin.

Thinking of this, Sun Wu was once again shocked by the sophistication of Zhao's iron smelting skills. He only knew that about ** years ago, Wu Yue's iron forging master Mo Xie disappeared. Open iron mines, cast iron to smelt iron, and the iron weapons that have appeared in large numbers in the Zhao family in recent years come from this.

But he never thought that Zhao's craftsmanship was enough to make iron armor... In Wu, Yue, and Chu countries, the use of iron was very common, but it was mostly used for iron agricultural tools. The weapons were still mainly copper and tin, and a few high-quality iron weapons became The magic weapon, using iron to make armor, but no one has ever thought about it...

Thinking about what no one has thought about, what no pedestrian has ever done, is this the reason why the Zhao clan can dominate the north?

For some reason, Sun Wu lost his excitement at the beginning. Looking at the Wu Yue sharp sword in his hand, what he thought was that if one day, the soldiers of the Zhao clan could be equipped with this kind of armor... No, no All the equipment is needed, just let the front row of soldiers wear iron armor, the sword that Wu Guo is proud of, can it still cut through this iron wall?

Cutting iron like mud is just an exaggeration.

After a while, Sun Wu came back to his senses and smiled bitterly.

"I am no longer the general of the Wu Kingdom. The king is dead, Zixu is old, and the husband is exhausted, and I..."

Sun Wu lowered his head. He saw that the hair he had previously shaved by Zhajia was white, and it was especially striking when it fell on the ground...


Sun Wu went out wearing new armor, but Zhao Wuxi was already waiting for him in the carriage, and said with a smile: "After Wuzi puts on the armor, he is not angry but has the appearance of a famous general, does this armor still fit?"

He had to salute: "Fit, Sun Wu is a white wanderer, how dare Zhao Qing wait?"

"My biggest problem is that I like wise men, and even Bian Que can't be cured."

However, Zhao Wuxi was quite self-conscious of a polite corporal. He smiled and asked Sun Wu to ride the bike. Sun Wu saw that he was also wearing an iron armor. The surface of the armor was decorated with double red lines in a diamond pattern, and some of the armor was pasted with gold or silver foil. The sun and moon pattern looks exquisite and gorgeous, far exceeding that of Sun Wu.

Seeing that he would not steal Zhao Wuxi's limelight and become the focus of attention, Sun Wu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, he looked around and found that except for a few generals who also wore iron armor, the general Zhao soldiers were still wearing leather. A, except that the armor rate is higher than that of the general state's army, there is not much difference.

"It seems that there is still a period of time before this kind of armor is equipped in the army in batches."

However, the strength and strength of Zhao's army made Sun Wu feel emotional.

In addition to the danger of Kang's father, the army of more than 10,000 people has finished the meal one after another, and set off under the command of generals at all levels. Because it was said in advance that Zhao Qing would come to inspect the army, the brigades walked very well on the road. The black battle flags, the standard armor, and the sharp swords and halberds shone dazzlingly under the noon sun.

Zhao's command system is very clear, and the military law is strict, so even on the march, it seems to be orderly.

The cavalry marched forward, flags of various colors fluttering in the team, spears and halberds were like forests, accompanied by the sound of drums, and the line was two miles long. From a distance, the smoke and dust filled the air, and the military was very prosperous.

Sun Wu and Zhao Wuxie were in the same car today, and Wuxie was on the left side of the car. If it was in Wu State, this should have been Sun Wu's position. In the past 20 years, he has commanded many battle formations there, but this time, he could only stand on the right side of the car and observe it from the perspective of a bystander. In a war, that's all.

There was a trace of loneliness in his heart, but more of it was relief.

Contrary to the misunderstanding of some later generations, Sun Wu had a strong interest in war, but he was not a war madman.

Just like Sima Rangju, who taught him how to use the army, Sun Wu also believed that, "The soldier is the major event of the country, the place of life and death, and the way of life and death, which must be observed." Deep insight. It is precisely because he was born in a chaotic world and started in the army that he saw the cruelty of war and the destruction of human life by war, so he advocated "warfare with caution".

"The Zhao clan's armor is strong, the Zhao clan's army is prosperous, the Zhao clan's death is prosperous, and the feudal lords can also achieve a hundred victories in a hundred battles, but a hundred victories in a hundred battles are not good people." When proudly introducing the military history of each army, he blurted out.

As soon as he said it, Sun Wu regretted it.

However, this nagging remark that never got a response in Wu Wangfuchai resonated with Zhao Wuxi.

He put away the childish mentality of showing off his powerful force in front of his former idols, became serious, nodded and said: "Wu Zi is right, he is taught without mercy. In fact, the reason why I named this army Wuzu is also for the sake of Stop fighting for war, and finally achieve peace of mind and wealth, and eliminate war."

"Can war really be eliminated?" Sun Wu shook his head with a wry smile.

"Sun Wu was born in Ji Shi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When I was an adult, the covenant of the Soldier's Association was already an empty paper, the rituals of the nations collapsed, and they fought hard for no virtue. They fought for territory and killed people. Yingye; they fought for cities and killed Yingcheng. For decades, they fought more than a hundred battles, big or small, so that the people fled, and the Central Plains were hundreds of miles. Do you think Zhao Qing is no exception?"

"Mr. underestimates me." Zhao Wuxi quietly denied it.

"And I think that war can be eliminated and the world can be stabilized."

Sun Wu didn't believe it: "As long as there is violence, there will be competition. As long as there is greed and hostility, there will be war. How can the world be stable? This is no longer the era of Duke Huan of Qi meeting the vassals, nor the era of militia. I once imagined that. , Zhao Qing wants to replace Jin and become a new hegemon, but even if the Zhao family is born and becomes an independent country, and you successfully dominate the world, there are still many imitators in the world who will kill the monarch and become independent, and the world will only become more chaotic, no better."

"Yes, killing is also limited. The era of countries having their own borders is gone forever. There is only one way to get peace in the world."

Zhao Wuxi stared at the front, and said solemnly: "The world is set to be one!"

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