Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 970: At the foot of the emperor (below)

"Is this Luoyang? But why are there two cities?"

Zhuma looked from afar, and Liu Xiazhi saw that on the other side of the rising sun, on the north bank of Luoshui, there were two cities towering on the Heluo Plain, one in the east and the other in the west, separated by the Lushui.

"Since ancient times, Luoyang has been made up of two cities." Wang Sunsheng felt a little uncomfortable whenever he thought that they had swaggered under the eyes of the Zhou royal family like the Qin army who attacked Zheng back then. The people of Zheng country like to use merchants as spies, and now I'm afraid that some merchants have already notified Yousu that they have found traces of Zhao Jun in Zhou's room.

Robber Zhi was very curious about the sight of these two cities: "In general, there is not only one city in the city, why is there two in Luoyang?"

Regarding these obscure history, Wang Sunsheng, a nobleman, is much stronger than Robber Zhi. He said: "Before Zhou Gong built Luoyi, this place was called Luorui because it was located on the shore of Luoshui. In order to build a new capital, Zhou King Cheng asked Duke Zhou to go to the Lishui River north of the Dahe River for divination, but the result was not auspicious. Then, Duke Zhou crossed the Dahe River to the coast of Luoshui River, and fortuned the places east of Jianshui and west of Sushui, and he got auspicious omens. ; and divination to the east of Lushui, and also got good omens. So two cities were built at one time..."

He pointed to the city with a tall outer city to the east and said, "This is Chengzhou, where the ancestral temple is located, and there are also troops stationed there."

He pointed to the slightly dilapidated city to the west and said, "This is the royal city, the palace of the emperor, and Duke Zhou used to live here as the regent."

Thief Zhi guessed from the literal meaning: "The king's city, where the king of Zhou lives... So, Zhou Tianzi and Jiuding should be in the west?"

"No, now Tianzi and Jiuding are in Chengzhou."

Thief Zhi scratched his head, feeling a little annoyed that he guessed wrong again: "Why is this?"

"In the beginning, King Zhou Cheng did move Jiuding to the king's city. There was a tripod gate on the other side of the king's city, and it got its name from the passage of Jiuding when he moved into the city. Most of the people in the king's city were nobles from Zhou people, which was the main city of Luoyang. It is also the place where the princes meet the emperor. Chengzhou City is the deputy city, which is the place where the eight divisions of Chengzhou are stationed, the remnants of Yin and Shang are resettled, and the market trade is carried out."

"After King Zhou Ping moved eastward, he also lived in Wangcheng. However, in the chaos of the Prince's Dynasty more than 20 years ago, in order to avoid the rebels of the Prince's Dynasty, Zhou Tianzi moved to Chengzhou with Jiuding. Since then, Wangcheng has fallen into war, and the people have fled. It began to fall into disrepair. Later, although the princes raised funds to repair it, it was no longer magnificent, so the emperor took root in Chengzhou until now."

"So it is." Roof Zhizuo suddenly realized and smiled: "It seems that Shangqing has Wang Sun as my deputy, which is still somewhat useful, at least in these respects."

This sentence made Wang Sunsheng furious. Did Roof Zhi think he was just a pen clerk who accompanied the military counselor? If it wasn't for the fact that Robber Zhi was an army general and had the right to give orders to him, he would have threw the whip and turned around and left.

However, before he could get angry and sarcastic, Roof Zhi patted his horse forward and said to the people behind him, "The army is waiting here, I will come closer and have a look."

After he finished speaking, he walked away. Wang Sunsheng was full of anger and had nowhere to let it go. He glanced at the supervisor, but found that he was also very helpless in his eyes.

As we all know, Robber Zhi's army is the most difficult to supervise among the Zhao clan's Lu army, because many of them follow the old deployment of Robber Zhi to rob houses. Whether it is military discipline or combat style, they are all modeled after military soldiers. The imitation of other armies is different.

But Roi Zhi has never been rebellious, and the prison army and the black-clothed guards who are supervising Roi Zhi with him have no reason to act. For Zhao Wuxi, this army can fight and dare to work hard, and it is slowly Standardization, this is enough, but every time you go out, some other troops will be mixed in to play the role of mutual surveillance.

Wang Sunsheng could only let the teachers and commanders restrain his subordinates. He also followed the robber with a few personal guards, so that the robber would not be greedy when he saw Luoyang's magnificence, and wanted to go in and loot...

Isn't he stepping in for theft now? Wang Sunsheng speculated so.

Chengzhou was built according to the standard of craftsmen running a country. There are 12 city gates in total, which are the number of 12 heavenly stems. Among them, there are three in the east of the city where they are located. East Gate.

The robber Zhi had already walked outside the upper east gate, stationed his horse to look in front of him, and saw that on the bank of the surging moat in front of him, a majestic high gate covering a wide area rose from the ground.

In this era, Luoyang is among the world, and it is the authentic "Zhaizi China". It is the hinterland of Kyushu. As early as the third generation, it was the transportation center of the Central Plains area. Today, the roads extend in all directions. The horizontal plains have been extending eastward. With the convenience of geography and transportation, Luoyang has become a major commercial and trade center, and the business atmosphere is very strong.

If it is changed to the usual, the evening is the peak time for merchants from all over the world to drive ox carts and carriages into and out of the city. In addition to the people who go out to farm, the crowds often crowd the city gates. But at the moment, the three city gates are closed, and the city head is faintly visible, and people are constantly looking out. It can be seen that the city is heavily guarded against Zhao Jun's borrowing.

Although I failed to witness the crowds in Luoyang, the towering and majestic walls and thick gates alone amazed the soldiers of Zhao Jun who came from afar. What surprised them especially were the palaces and gates in the city. Looking from a distance, they didn’t know what palaces or gates they were. There were several high platforms that were far above the city walls, standing brightly and splendidly connected to the sky.

Cheng Zhou did not say anything else, but this palace still had a bit of the meaning of co-ownership of the world. It was thanks to the fact that after the rebellion of the princely dynasty, all the vassal states contributed to help repair it, otherwise the emperor would not have the money to cover it.

These insiders and outsiders are naturally unknown, and everyone can only feel that the ancient capital, which has been inherited for six hundred years, looks so majestic and solemn under the light of the rising sun.

At the right time, the wind is cool in the early morning, the trees on the side of the road are rustling, Luoyang is majestic in front, and Beimang is lush from the side.

Wang Sunsheng stood at the feet of the emperor, riding his horse against the wind, his chest was full of emotions.

More than 100 years ago, his ancestor King Zhuang of Chu asked the Zhou royal family for the importance of the throne, and after being replied by Wang Sunman, "In virtue is not in the cauldron", the King of Chu also felt that his strength could not be completely overwhelmed. Jin State, let alone make Qi and Qin bow his head and become a minister, so he left, tacitly accepting that Chu State is still under the system of the Zhou royal family and is willing to be the overlord of the southern state.

However, what King Zhuang of Chu thought was that after defeating the Jin Kingdom, he would really win the title again in his lifetime!

But he didn't wait until that day. After that, the hegemony of Chu State never surpassed that of King Zhuang, and he was even hanged and beaten by Wu State, losing his hegemony in the south. So this ambition also became a dream, a dream they could never reach.

Touching the scene, Wang Sunsheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion. After all, the root of his duckweed is still in the country of Chu. If there is a chance, can he go back? Can it reproduce the history of the ancestors who didn't say it, and the blockbuster history?

He glanced sideways, only to see Robber Zhi dismounting after pondering for a long time...


The people at the bottom of the city are watching the front of the city, and the people at the front of the city are also watching the visitors from outside the city. Shan Ping and Liu Cheng have been holding their breaths and staring at the every move of this Zhao army. Sixth Division "The number of people is similar, but the combat effectiveness is not the same. They don't want any conflict, and they don't want to give each other a chance, so they closed the city gate early and retreated passively.

After a burst of unpleasant pointing, someone from Zhao Jun came over. It seemed that they were holding the commanding flag. They walked a few hundred steps away from the Chengzhou moat and then stopped to watch. At this time, Shan Ping and Liu Cheng felt like chickens being targeted by weasels.

Originally, they were still worried, but after a while, the man actually dismounted!

"Look, he's dismounted!" Liu Cheng was very excited and quickly pulled Ladanping.

"I just said, how could anyone be presumptuous at the feet of the emperor? He dismounted in Chengzhou City~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to show his humbleness and subordination. Will he go to Chengzhou and kneel to the emperor?" Shan Ping also I am very happy, and I am so relieved that I laughed, thinking that this time I finally met a general who observes the ceremony. Should I ask the emperor for instructions and send someone out of the city to encourage me?

However, the next move by the general Zhao who dismounted was unexpected.

Instead of kneeling, he unbuckled his belt and took out the job.

However, facing the splendid Luoyang City, he urinated!

Under the rising sun, the urine of Robber Zhi flew far away, throwing a curve with a large arc in the sun, surrounded by spots of light...

Seeing this scene, Liu, Shan Erqing, who were originally relieved, and even thousands of people in Chengzhou City were stunned. The urine seemed to be sprinkled on their faces, dripping on the weakness that had finally scarred. On the wound, the humiliation, the sting...

This time, even Wang Sunsheng was stunned. He sucked in a breath of cold air, and after a while he cursed inwardly, "You thief, you are so rude and rude!"

ps: The second chapter is at night (to be continued.)

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