Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 971: Ruyang's fire

Thief Zhi returned after putting on his belt, behind him was the loneliness of Cheng Zhou Chengtou, and in front of him were the roars and roars of his subordinates.

Of course, the peasants of Lu who were in the army laughed shyly for a while and then stopped, and some people looked at the city head worriedly. After all, Lu was equivalent to a small Eastern Zhou, and its culture was relatively conservative. Although these years in Zhao They have been active a lot under the rule of the clan, but their reverence for the superior is deeply rooted in their hearts.

Those who came from robbers were accustomed to the actions of the robbers. They laughed and cursed, shouting "The generals are strong!" Some even wanted to imitate the actions of the robbers.

But Wang Sunsheng and the supervising army stopped them, and when Robber Zhi approached, Wang Sunsheng looked at him seriously: "The generals know that when Duke Mu of Qin dispatched three generals to attack Zheng, the Qin army passed through the North Gate of Zhou and marched without armor. And there were scholars who played super-advance to show off their force, so Zhou King Sun Man said, Qin Shi is rude, and if you don't lose, you can't wait! So Qin Shi really suffered a disastrous defeat in the battle of Wei. Today, the army will be drowned in the East Gate of Chengzhou, Extremely rude, not only will it bury hidden dangers for our trip, but if it irritates the Zhou people and causes the Zhou family to deviate from each other, what should we do?"

Robber Zhi didn't take it seriously: "The people of Zhou are all eggless cowards, and there is no news in the city, so don't worry."

Liu Xiazhi was the abandoned son of the noble Liuxia clan, and he was not allowed to be subjected to secular etiquette. He especially hated princes and nobles. Back then, he ran rampant in the world and invaded the princes, but he never put these meat eaters in his eyes. With the name under his feet, he thought that he had passed by an ant nest.

And in the final analysis, although he was defeated by Zhao Wuxi and lost Onoze, it is not difficult as long as he leaves alone, and he can gather a group of poor brothers in Chu and Qi countries. But why did he downgrade the Zhao clan? Willing to be his falcon?

This is not as simple as being reluctant to abandon the group of thieves under him.

Thief Zhi has never spoken to anyone. The reason why he surrendered to Zhao was mainly because Zhao Wuxi was different from other meat eaters. He was in a high position, but he was able to stand on the same line with the commoners in the fight against Qi and Sanhuan. At that time, there was even an aura that dared to pull the princes off the carriage and let them chew a mouthful of mud on the ground!

After so many years, how could Thief Zhi still know the virtues of those people? Most of them are some big rats who rely on the people's fat and people's paste to survive. They are conceited, arrogant, extravagant, greedy and arrogant.

Similar people, when he was a pirate, he saw one kill another, but after all, it was a small fight.

But following the Zhao clan over the years, Robber Zhi did not know how many cities and towns he had conquered, how many officials and officials he had killed, and how many monarchs and lords died tragically. This is something he couldn't do when he was a mere thief. Only a thief like Zhao Wuxi could do what the thief wanted to do but couldn't: destroy the order of the world, and make all those **** rituals. destroy!

As for how Zhao Wuxi will rebuild after the destruction, it has nothing to do with Robber Zhi. Ji Ran and the others will naturally have a strategy in their hearts. What he pursues is the pleasure of destroying the order, as well as revenge for the entire Zhou Li system.

The army was getting farther and farther away, and Robber Zhi looked back at Wangcheng and Chengzhou, and thought to himself: "These descendants of the Zhou family are the most corrupt and incompetent among the nobles in the world, and Chengzhou should have been destroyed long ago. I'm soaking in the urine, this is just the beginning. Just wait and see, after we have been defeated again and again, in a few years, Zhao Qing will be able to use his sword to become a week, and then I can still be his pawn. The scumbag residues in the city were swept away, making Zhou Tianzi lose face!"


In those days, Zigong lobbied Zheng Guo to attack the land of Yiluo in Rushui, and tried his best to make the land of Yiluo a strategic place: if Sanya goes out to the south, it will be on the back of Yefang City, and if the north is Yique, it will be the chest of Zhou; The west refers to Weihan, and the trend beyond the river is moving; the east is Yingchuan, and Xinzheng is in danger.

Such a place of chess robbery is of course very important. A few years ago, Zheng State and Chu State used Rushui as their boundary to carve up the Manshi kingdom, and established three east-west arrangements of Ruyang, Luhun and Yin in the Yiluo area. city, forming a long and narrow territory. As a result, he was condescending and obtained the first move against Han's river and Chengzhou Luoyang.

The reason why the Han family was defeated so quickly under the attack of the three-way coalition this time has a lot to do with the fact that Zheng Guo's commander, You Li's army, went directly beyond the river through this road.

However, in the same way, in the eyes of Thief Zhi, this long and narrow territory of Zheng State is surrounded by a circle from the south and poses a direct threat to Luoyang, so they will also be exposed to the attack from the south of Luoyang.

This is the route that Rou Zhi led the Zhao army. After passing through Chengzhou, they continued southward. They camped at Yique in the night. The next day they went up the Yishui River, marched for dozens of miles in a row, and reached the border of Zhouzheng and Zhengzhou.

On the third day, they suddenly appeared in the north of Ruyang City.

The entire force of the Zheng state was probably divided into four armies, which were divided into two after the war began. The two armies stayed behind in the country to guard against the Zhao and Song states. The remaining two armies, led by Yousu, marched westward to cooperate with Qin and Wei To attack the Han clan, relatively speaking, the middle places such as Ruyang are relatively empty.

But this city is also a transit point for Zheng Guo's supplies and reinforcements to go west, where countless grains are piled up.

Looking at Ruyang in the dark night, Robber Zhi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Just as the intelligence said, because it has only been built hastily in recent years, many walls in Ruyang are still made of wood, even though some places are rammed earth, but Not too high either.

However, the people of Zheng Guo should have received the news that the front of the city is arranging in a panic.

Wang Sunsheng asked: "Our whereabouts have been exposed, is the general still going to attack?"

Thief Zhi was very confident: "There are only a thousand people defending the city, and it can be broken in one night."

He is best at robbery at night like this, not to mention that this time the army also has a simple ballista, which is enough to sweep the enemy at the head of the city. In his opinion, this is a good bone to eat.

After the Zhao army rested in an orderly manner and made meals, the torches were lit at night, the ballistas were set up, and the rockets were fired in salvo, and the attack began.

Under the bombardment of the ballista, the archers of the Zheng people could not raise their heads to fight back. After a night of fierce fighting, by dawn, several wooden walls had been burned down. Zhao Jun, relying on the number of people, immediately rushed to kill. Recently, the tall Lu soldiers advanced with shields, and the rest of the people followed, desperately rushing to kill, and it took less than an hour to capture Ruyang.

After conquering Ruyang, Robber Zhi rode into the city, and after sweeping away the remnants of the enemy, he found a large amount of grain and fodder piled up in the city, as well as utensils and luggage. He let the soldiers have a good meal, and after leaving part of the marching rations, he lit a fire and burned all the rations.

When the millet was scorched, it gave off a strong aroma of grain, and everyone was a little reluctant to bear it, but Robber Zhi told them that after the Jin army defeated the Chu army at the Battle of Yanling, they ate the grain for three days, and then burned the rest. , I didn't bring any of them home.

Only in this way can the morale and determination of the Zheng people be hit to the greatest extent.

Now that the food and grass are burned, Zheng Bing, who is attacking the area outside the Han River in the west, will be sad. Although the Han family has already developed the area outside the River, but last year's severe drought, the food from the outside of the River was taken to relieve the Hedong and Hanoi. It is not easy to feed the enemy.

Robber Zhi took the failure of the people of Chu as an example, but King Sun Sheng of Chu had no objection. Just when the fires were everywhere in Ruyang City, he climbed the southern city wall and tried to see Rushui clearly. situation on the other side.

But the city was filled with black smoke, and he couldn't see clearly at all. He rubbed his eyes and was swept away by tears.

It used to be the country of barbarians, but after Zheng Chu divided it up, it became Ruyin County of Chu.

Ruyang and Ruyin are only separated by a Rushui.

Wang Sunsheng has never returned to Chu State since he was a baby. At this moment, for him, nostalgia is just a shallow water of Rushui. He is on this side and Jingchu is on the other side.

Jingshan, Fangcheng, Hanshui, Yunmengze...

He had never had such a strong feeling, as if he could feel that the heroic spirit of the ancestor was calling him there.

However, this feeling was soon interrupted by Roi Zhi's summons. When Wang Sunsheng passed by, Roi Zhi had already asked the soldiers to pack their bags and prepare to start again. "Our next stop is Lu Hun." "The general will fight wherever he says!" Robber Zhi proved the feasibility of this strategy with his ferocious style of play. Zhao Jun's fighting spirit was very high at this time.

But this also means that Wang Sunsheng has to be farther away from his hometown, but when he left Ruyang, he did not look back to see the "Chu Kingdom" on the other side of the Rushui.

"That's not my home." He thought, his home has been erratic since the moment Prince Jian went into exile. The current state of Chu is the country of Prince Zhao of Chu, who is very worried about Prince Jian and Wang Sunsheng. Can't stand him.

What he didn't know was that after hearing the fire in Ruyang, the county official in Ruyin of Chu frowned and watched all night, and had already reported the matter to the Duke Ye who was stationed in Wan and Ye.

Wang Sunsheng, also known as Bai Gongsheng in history, did not know that he just passed by Ye Gongzigao, the greatest enemy of fate...


Lu Hunzhirong was a member of the Yun surnamed Rong. Their hometown was in the far western border area. In the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period, under the pressure of the Qin state, they moved to the upper reaches of Yiluo. More than 30 years ago, the Jin state went to Santu Mountain to offer sacrifices. In the name, he secretly followed the army and annihilated Lu Hunrong. After the subjugation of the country, Lu Hun was gradually organized into Qimin, and the remnants were either Huaxia, or as a conscripted fine army ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to take refuge in Qin, Jin, Zheng, Zhou, and Chu everywhere.

Robber Zhi even recruited some Lu Hun people along the way, who were mothers with milk. With the help of their familiarity with mountain roads, they defeated Lu Hun City, which was empty of defense.

In the dangerous mountain city, another deployment meeting was held.

Robber Zhi pointed at the map for the generals to see. Lu Hun City is located at the foothills of Xiong'er Mountain, the north foot of Funiu Mountain, and the west foot of Waifang Mountain (Song Mountain). Surrounded by three mountains, the Yishui River flows.

If Ruyang City, which is located on the north bank of Rushui River, is the important place for the Zheng people to collect grain, then Lu Hun is the only way for Zheng Guo's reinforcements to go west. "After Lu Hun, the army will go with me to the underworld, but someone must stay to guard Lu Hun, and we must not let the people of Zheng Guo pass by!"

Robber Zhi looked at the generals and officials, and finally set his eyes on Wang Sunsheng's face, showing a smile of determination: "Wangsun, I heard that you and Zhengren have a revenge for killing your father?"

(To be continued.)

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