Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1002: This is a proper talisman.

Qiao Xuan didn't have the heart to listen anymore, all she thought about was the peonies.

For others, this is just a gossip that goes away after a chat, but for Qiao Xuan, it is a temptation that makes it difficult for her to give up.

If that bunch of peony flowers were really so precious, if she was rescued, the emperor would definitely be delighted! And no one knows if Peony will be in any situation in the future, so no one will dare to provoke her.

Because if she hurts her, and there is a problem with the peony bush in the future, and the emperor can't find anyone to treat her, he will definitely investigate it thoroughly, then the person who hurt her will definitely suffer from bad luck for eight lifetimes!

This is a proper talisman.

She and Shao Yunyun had nothing to rely on in this capital, and they were inexplicably hated by the Tian family. If they had such a big backer, what would they worry about?

The more Qiao Xuan thought about it, the more she couldn't help being excited...

Of course, this kind of thing is not so easy to volunteer. If the treatment is unsuccessful, it will be a disaster.

But Qiao Xuan still wanted to give it a try.

If you want to get this huge credit, how can you do it without taking huge risks?

Thinking about this, Qiao Xuan's mind was completely off the banquet.

At the start of the banquet, she deliberately grabbed the seat next to the lady who talked about the gossip, and when no one was paying attention, she smiled and asked a few words about the matter.

The lady was so eager for others to ask her to take the opportunity to gossip, so she spoke with Qiao Xuan like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

The more relish Qiao Xuan acted, the more cheerful she said.

Originally, Mrs. Lin negotiated a tacit agreement with the two wives she befriended, and planned to make things difficult for Qiao Xuan at the banquet, dig holes for her to dance for her to make jokes, and then make up stories to ridicule her for being ignorant and ignorant. His vision was completely disrupted by Qiao Xuan's rambling punches before, and now he is somewhat afraid, and everyone is afraid of breaking himself into it.

One person tried to order the girl to put a plate of slippery, round quail eggs in front of Qiao Xuan and asked her to try it with a smile. As a result, Qiao Xuan grabbed one of the chopsticks firmly, and no one was there anymore. Dare to use the dishes on the table to count her.

After a meal, it can be regarded as happy.

After sending off the guests, Mrs. Lin checked the gifts they had sent one by one. The sum of the gifts given by all of them was not as valuable as the gifts given by Qiao Xuan.

Although this was Qiao Xuan's first visit as a guest, the gift should have been heavier than others, but such a gift was indeed too expensive.

Mrs. Lin was both happy and a little annoyed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She was glad that her family got a good deal, but she was worried that she planned to use the name of the party to play tricks on Qiao Xuan, making her humiliated and embarrassed, choreographing gossip, mocking and humiliating her. Yes, nothing has been achieved in the end, how to explain this?

In the end, it was the idea given by her maid, and she said with a smile: "Since Madam Shao is so rich and her hands are so loose, wouldn't it be better for Madam to publicize for her?"

Mrs. Lin moved in her heart and said with a smile: "It's still a good idea for you to be smart!"

Most of the officials in the Hanlin Academy were poor. Many people in their 40s and 50s lived in small courtyard houses that they shared with others. They had to **** or borrow money every winter to get by.

If you know that Mrs. Shao is rich and generous, who doesn't like to borrow money from her?

That Shao Bianxiu was a newcomer, and besides, he had offended the Tian family. When he was a man with his tail between his legs, he asked their family to borrow money. Would they dare not to borrow it?

(End of this chapter)

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