Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1003: That's not going to offend anyone.

As long as one is borrowed, can the second and third not be borrowed?

The money was borrowed, but they didn't pay it back, and they kept pushing for it. Could it be that they had the nerve to force someone to pay it back?

That doesn't even offend anyone!

What the Tian family meant was to find fault with them and find ways to find fault. This is a good way.

Mrs. Lin was relieved for a moment, and discussed with the maid how to spread the word for Qiao Xuan...

As for Qiao Xuan, after she got home, she thought about the peony flower. After dinner in the evening, I asked Shao Yunyun if he had heard of this.

Shao Yunyun thought for a while, then nodded and smiled: "I vaguely heard people say a few words a few days ago, and there is indeed such a thing."

Qiao Xuan was overjoyed and hurriedly asked with a smile, "What the **** is going on? My husband, please tell me."

Shao Yunyun was a little helpless, tried hard to recall, and said a few simple words.

Just as the lady said, the peony is the spiritual sustenance for the emperor to miss the empress dowager.

Everyone knew that if the peony could not be saved, someone in the palace would definitely be unlucky.

It is hard to say whether it will involve the concubines, princes and princesses.

After all, the emperor's bloodshed is not an exaggerated rhetoric, but a real cruel fact.

Shao Yunyun moved in his heart, thinking that Qiao Xuan once rescued the orchid given by Xie Jingrong, he suddenly became vigilant and looked at Qiao Xuan: "What is the lady asking this for? You must be thinking - no! This is absolutely No, it's too risky!"

Qiao Xuan knew that he would not agree, so at first she planned to do this quietly without telling him.

Unexpectedly, he thought of this just after inquiring a few words.

She simply didn't hide it, grabbed his sleeve and shook it gently: "Master, you can't get a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den—"

"I don't need you to take this risk! Stop talking about this mess!"

Shao Yunyun really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

As for him relying on her to enter the tiger's den?

"But this matter is difficult for others to reach the sky, and for me, I have eight points of confidence. It is very worth a try!"

"Xuan'er, no. If this is another house, you can go if you want to go. Even if it doesn't work, it's nothing. But this is the royal family. The emperor is now full of anger because of this matter. All of them held their breaths, like walking on thin ice, for fear that the emperor would take anger out for no reason. At this time, it is too late for others to escape, so how dare you take the initiative to move forward?"

"Don't say eight points of confidence, 90% of the confidence is not enough! If you fail, have you thought about what will happen to the emperor?"

If you fail, you will most likely lose your life!

What he said also made sense~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qiao Xuan was a little hesitant and moved, but she was still reluctant to give up.

"Xianggong, this opportunity is a godsend for us. If we miss it, we will regret it. Don't you want to believe me once? If I'm not sure, why would I risk myself?"

"I have to go. You can help me think about how to get the best of both worlds, but you can't refuse it! You don't know that Mrs. Lin invited guests today. I just can't take this breath!"

Shao Yunyun frowned: "What did they do?"

Qiao Xuan smiled: "It's all petty, and it's a bit ridiculous and careful—"

?? 11 Forgot that this is a new month, woo woo woo, ask for a monthly pass!



(End of this chapter)

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