Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1005: beg to see the east palace

The prince was very surprised when he heard that Shao Bianxiu, a famous man in the Hanlin Academy, brought his wife to see him.

After pondering for a while, he ordered the two of them to be invited.

The father and emperor made a message above the court, so that Shao Bianxiu could find himself or a few princes if he had any difficulty.

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun followed the little **** of the Prince's Mansion through the long corridor and through several courtyards, and finally came to a small, elegantly decorated flower hall.

In the main seat of the hall, there was a middle-aged man wearing a ginger-yellow Tuanlong round-neck robe.

The prince smiled slightly, raised his hand and said gently, "Be flat, and give me a seat."

"Thank you, Prince!"

Shao Yunyun got up and wanted to help Qiao Xuan.

When he turned his head, he was stunned.

Qiao Xuan was in a daze and didn't know what to do, she didn't move.

Shao Yunyun quickly grabbed her arm and said in a low voice, "Miss, madam!"

He called several times in a row, and finally even raised his voice reluctantly, and Qiao Xuan suddenly came back to her senses.

Qiao Xuan was stunned, and quickly pleaded guilty: "My concubine is disrespectful, please forgive me."

"It's okay, get up!"

The prince is still gentle, and he doesn't mind at all from the bottom of his heart.

The prince thought very simply, this Qiao family is a woman, and he has never seen the world. It is understandable that he will feel nervous and lose his temper when he sees it.

As a prince, he has always been generous and kind, so how could he possibly blame him for such a trivial matter?

Qiao Xuan thanked her, but her legs still looked weak. Shao Yunyun was full of suspicion, and like the prince, he thought she was nervous, gave her a concerned look, and helped her sit down.

The prince had a panoramic view of all this, secretly sighed in his heart, and had a better impression of Shao Yunyun.

He is affectionate and righteous, and does not give up scumbags. It seems that he is not trying to make a name for himself, but he really has a wife in his heart.

Whether it is sincere or not, the details cannot deceive people.

Neither of them knew that when Qiao Xuan knelt down to greet him, her mind buzzed, and some images of the prince appeared subconsciously in her mind.

Perhaps because of the high status of the Crown Prince, those pictures were not as clearly visible as the other two people before, and seemed a bit blurry, but Qiao Xuan was sure that it was the Crown Prince.

And...if that's all true, in the end the crown prince didn't become emperor. It seems, it seems that his ending is not very good...

Qiao Xuan regretted secretly. When she saw such a picture, her heart jumped fiercely, and then all the pictures disappeared.

If I had known that she had controlled her mind, it would have been better to watch more...

But even seeing this, it was enough to make Qiao Xuan feel frightened and weak.

She reluctantly got rid of those clutter ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to fight the spirit.

Fortunately, the prince was not to blame for this.

However, thinking of his not-so-good ending, Qiao Xuan couldn't help but feel a little stuck and a little unbearable.

The Crown Prince glanced at the two of them, and asked with a gentle smile, "Shao Bianxiu is asking to see the orphan, I don't know why?"

Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan looked at each other, and was about to get up to answer when the Crown Prince smiled and raised his hand and pressed it: "Sit back down, there is not so much politeness in front of you."

"Yes, thank you, Prince! Back to the prince, Wei Chen heard that there were some problems with the peony flowers in the palace, but it was a coincidence. Wei Chen's wife is good at planting and cultivating flowers and trees, maybe, maybe there is a way to save them... ..."

?? A new month, ask for a monthly pass, sisters!



(End of this chapter)

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