Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1006: Concubine willing to try

Qiao Xuan immediately bowed slightly and nodded, "Prince Prince, my concubine is willing to give it a try."

When Shao Yunyun mentioned the peony flowers in the palace, the prince's eyes sank.

Shao Yunyun is talking about peony flowers, but everyone knows exactly what kind of peony flowers he is talking about.

The prince did not want the uproar of royal affairs to spread outside the palace.

He couldn't even help but feel a little disgusted with Shao Yunyun in his heart.

However, after listening to Shao Yunyun's words, the Crown Prince was stunned.

"What did you say?"

The crown prince raised his eyebrows, both angry and funny: "It's okay to say this in front of Gu, I don't want to hear it, remember not to say it outside. Royal affairs can't be easily joked, you know? "

Qiao Xuan: "Prince Prince, the concubine can really give it a try."

The prince didn't say a word, looked at Qiao Xuan several times, Fang Zheng said: "Do you know what you are talking about? There are the most experienced and skilled gardeners in the Royal Garden to take care of Cong Yuejin, but there is nothing they can do. , Mrs. Shao, Gu Neng can ask, where do you get your confidence, do you think your skills are better than theirs?"

Although the prince's words were rude, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were relieved.

The prince really has a kind heart. Otherwise it would not be so persuasive.

"Chen and concubine dare to ask the Crown Prince, are those peony flowers completely withered?"

The prince frowned, looked at her and replied, "Not yet, but the situation is not very good."

"That's good," Qiao Xuan said, "As long as it hasn't completely withered, the concubine can give it a try. When the concubine was in our provincial capital, she also saved an orchid for the Xie family, so I have a little experience on this. ."

Shao Yunyun explained it to the prince.

The prince suddenly realized and nodded.

That Xie family, he also knows.

The eldest son of the Xie family is also a figure, and he quite appreciates it.

Hearing this, the prince believed a little in his heart, and after thinking about it, he said, "So, tomorrow—or today, what do you need to prepare for?"

Qiao Xuan hurriedly said, "My concubine is ready, it's not too late for this kind of thing."

The prince nodded, believing her even more: "Then let the prince concubine take you to the palace today, you go to see Cong Yuejin first, if it can be cured, the prince concubine will report to the emperor, and you will be greatly relieved. Fang Fang's treatment. If you can't, don't make a sound, and just leave the palace with the princess."

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were touched for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two stood up and saluted, sincerely thanking them.

Thinking of the pictures she saw, Qiao Xuan felt even more sad in her heart, wondering what happened in the future? If you pay more attention, I don't know if it will change...

After listening to the prince's words, the Crown Princess Fu had no objection, and asked Qiao Xuan to dress up as a palace maid to serve by her side, and soon took her into the palace.

When an accident happened to Yuejin, the palace was uneasy and dark clouds shrouded it. The prince and the princess were concerned about Yuejin, and the princess went to the palace to visit, which was normal.

After the Crown Princess entered the palace, she sent the maids next to her to go to the Queen's first to greet her, and told the Queen to go to the Royal Garden to see the Moon Brocade, and then she led Qiao Xuan straight to the Royal Garden.

There is a piece of peonies in the imperial garden, which are cultivated with all kinds of top-quality varieties. The moon brocade is naturally very precious. It is specially surrounded by white jade railings. It is warm in winter and shaded in summer. Special gardeners take care of it carefully. Fear of a little accident.

(End of this chapter)

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