Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1007: She can trust the princess

But I don't want to, it still happened.

At this time, let alone the entire Peony Garden is a forbidden area, the entire Imperial Garden is a forbidden area!

The emperor is angry, who would dare to visit the imperial garden at this time? Are you dying?

Only a few palace family members with extraordinary status, such as the Queen, Mei Guifei, and Crown Princess, dare to go to the Imperial Garden to care about Yuejin at such a time. Others are not even qualified to care.

The princess brought someone over, and the two little eunuchs who were guarding the side hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed.

The Crown Princess nodded and asked, "Where's Qing'an?"

The little **** quickly replied respectfully: "Prince Concubine, Master was still here, just went back to look for things and ideas..."

The two little eunuchs were in heavy hearts, and they did not dare to show a sullen expression in front of their master, and lowered their heads slightly.

Several gardeners in charge of the flowers and trees in the Royal Garden tried their best, but this Cong Yuejin is still wilting day by day, and I don't know how many days it will last.

In the Qianqing Palace, people come to ask questions several times a day.

However, this is a flower, and it is not a person who can speak, and can say it is uncomfortable. What can this flower tree do? If it is not cured, it is not cured.

It is precious and precious. If this can’t be cured, one of the people who take care of them will be counted as one, and no one will be able to escape!

The Crown Princess nodded, made a random excuse to dismiss them, and said to Qiao Xuan, "Hurry up and take a look, is there a way to cure it?"

Qiao Xuan already felt that the peony flowers still had life left. Although there were not many, it was enough for her.

Qiao Xuan responded and squatted down to examine the roots, stems, leaves and soil carefully, as if she was very professional.

In fact... how does she know if this is due to pests and diseases, or because of soil, or something else?

But as long as the plant itself is strong enough and there is no shortage of soil, water, and sunlight, there will definitely be no problem!

Qiao Xuan pretended to check for about a quarter of an hour, then got up and smiled and said to the Crown Princess: "Prince Princess, my concubine is fortunate to not be humiliated, and my concubine can cure this peony flower. However, it should be sooner rather than later, if it is delayed for another four days , even the immortals can't save it!"

The Crown Princess was overjoyed and said hurriedly: "Do you take this seriously? Mrs. Qiao, you should think about it before answering, this is not a joke! If you cure Yuejin, you can imagine it without this palace telling you. The royal father will definitely reward Longyan Dayue, but if something goes wrong, not only will you be unlucky, Shao Bianxiu, even Ben Gong and the crown prince will be implicated."

Qiao Xuan was confident and said with a smile: "Chen concubine thanks the Crown Princess for the suggestion! Empress, rest assured, the concubine is indeed sure!"

"Okay," the princess nodded with a sigh of relief: "In that case, I will go with this palace to see the queen."


Queen Qi couldn't help but be overjoyed when she heard this!

She can't trust Qiao Xuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But, she can trust the Crown Princess.

If you are not sure, the Crown Princess will not be able to lead Qiao Xuan to see her.

The queen immediately took the crown princess and Qiao Xuan to see Emperor Qi Xuan in person, and then ordered Qiao Xuan to go to the hospital.

This matter quickly spread in the palace, and for a time, countless eyes stared at the Peony Garden in the Imperial Garden.

The prince has always been reliable in his work, and the concubines, princesses, and even the eunuchs in the harem secretly sighed in relief, waiting for the completion of the matter and cheering.

The emperor was in a turbulent mood for a while, and everyone was trembling with fear, this is a good thing! It's finally going to rain!

?? Please ask for a monthly pass, it seems that it is a double event for the monthly pass now, ask for a ticket



(End of this chapter)

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