Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1013: In fact, it's all about

All the effort is worth it.

Qiao Xuan did not expect that one day after passing through Zhengzhou, when she passed through a long and narrow canyon, she really found someone with bad intentions.

Dozens of people lie in ambush behind a rock, each with their faces covered, wearing bunts with patches, or wrapping their heads in half-new cloth towels, or wiping their hair down and stroking their foreheads, with oil paint or Smeared with dust and dirt.

One by one, they looked filthy, like a group of mountain bandits who didn't get in.

Actually that's not the case at all.

Qiao Xuan listened clearly to their joking and joking nonsense.

The more she listened, the more her heart sank and her anger gradually rose.

They were not real mountain bandits, but confidant guards sent by His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince.

In order to breathe out a breath for Tian Shanshan.

Only then did Qiao Xuan remember, yes, His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince is the cousin of that Miss Tian! It is only natural for my cousin to vent his anger for his cousin.

However, it was the Tian family who did the first year of junior high school, and now it is still the Tian family who will do the fifteenth day.

Although not everything in this world can be rationalized, this is too much!

Listening to these people laughing and bragging, it means that they want to rob money and sex, and they want to rob themselves.

Then show the traces and hang them to pursue, leave her for one night and then pretend to be defeated, let Shao Yunyun and the others rescue her.

Of course, it was impossible for her to be rescued with all her beards and tails. Clothes are always torn, hair buns are always messed up, shoes are always missing...

Those people were teasing and laughing.

Shameless, insidious and insidious! These people are not a good thing, and that fourth prince is not a good thing either!

Qiao Xuan calmly urged the vines to pull the rocks and soil down from the high cliffs...

The dozens of people were talking more and more vigorously, and when the spit was flying, suddenly the rocks rolled down the hillside, all of them were shocked, screaming and hurriedly fled!

"Not good! Let's go!"

"Dangerous, hurry up!"

Qiao Xuan sneered silently, go? Can you go?

There is a price to be paid for being stupid.

Qiao Xuan activated her supernatural powers again, and the vines around those people swayed flexibly, tripping everyone to pieces and screaming again and again.

Or run too fast and fall so hard that the skin is broken, or the foot is smashed, or the leg is injured by the rock that rolled down the cliff, or involuntarily fell into the bushes covered with thorns. Up......

All in all, there was a series of screams and sorrows everywhere.

Don't say that this group of people will stop the road and rob them. It is not easy to return to the nearby villages and towns safely.

Only then did Qiao Xuan calmly withdraw her ability.

A group of people passed through the canyon safe and sound~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no end to this.

When she goes to the capital again, she must find an opportunity to find her way back.

The fourth prince is so idle, how can he do something if he doesn't find something for him?

This day I stayed in Lingzhou City, and the next day I didn’t get up to hurry on the road, so hurry up on the road, and I can return to the provincial capital before sunset tomorrow afternoon.

Back to the provincial capital, the day after tomorrow can go back home.

Both of them were a little bit excited.

Shao Yunyun's gaze when looking at Qiao Xuan also became extraordinarily bright and deep, with a strange brilliance.

Even the Tian family had offended her for her. She should see clearly how he treats her, and she should be relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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