Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1014: Just say she's nice!

That being the case, of course they should be consummated.

When he was still in the capital, Shao Yunyun asked Qiao Xuan confidently, when will they consummate the house?

Qiao Xuan's conditioned reflex was so frightened that she almost ran away!

It wasn't that she didn't want to escape, but that he was caught by his quick eyes and hands!

In the end, he seemed to be gentle, but in fact he was pressing step by step, without giving her the slightest chance to be vague. She blushed and panicked, and finally nodded in confusion and hesitantly agreed...

But she later regretted it, quibbling and claiming that the two of them got married in Shaoding Village, this--everything has to have a beginning and an end, so the consummation should go back to Shaoding Village and then again--oh, no more ? Then after I go back, and then what...

Anyway, it is not suitable in Beijing. There are still so many things in the capital, and you need to be vigilant every day, and you can't live in peace. It's better to stop this kind of thing!

The most important thing is that she is really still a little unprepared!

How did Shao Yunyun not know? But if he didn't force her, he felt that he might be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

After returning to Shaoding Village, he will return to Shaoding Village. He has waited for so long, not less than a month.

In any case, he has done his best to be benevolent and righteous, and she can't do it if she doesn't agree.

Don't say anything else, just say she's embarrassed?

So, since he left the capital, since he has been in Zhengzhou, and since he is getting closer and closer to his hometown every day, Shao Yunyun will use that kind of "lady, don't forget our bridal chamber" from time to time. The eyes are gentle and affectionate. She looked at Qiao Xuan with a smile, every time she looked at her, Qiao Xuan was confused and unnatural.

How she wanted to pretend she didn't understand what his eyes meant! But unfortunately, it is not possible!

This kind of look, she understood at a glance.

The most important thing is that he also knows that she understands at a glance...

Now that it is getting closer, Qiao Xuan is even more flustered.

Shao Yunyun was amused in his heart, but his face became more calm and calm, as if he was walking in the courtyard, neither impatient nor impatient, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, Qiao Xuan felt even more nervous...

It was still early for the night, so Shao Yunyun thoughtfully accompanied Qiao Xuan to go out for a walk, planning to have dinner outside before returning to the inn.

Unexpectedly, the two almost ran into the county magistrate Qiao and Mrs. Qiao who were rushing to the capital.

County magistrate Qiao and his team passed by them and were about to find an inn to stay in. The two of them were startled and quickly covered up to avoid them.

They didn't want to meet and greet the county magistrate's family at this time.

Watching their family enter a small inn not far away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qiao Xuan was a little eager to try: "I really want to sneak up and have a look!"

That's all, the most important thing is that Aunt Xing doesn't know what's going on now! That one is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and it must be quite exciting to fight with Mrs. Qiao.

Shao Yunyun smiled and said, "It's not very convenient. Madam, please bear with it. When we go to the capital, are you worried that we won't be able to see you?"

Qiao Xuan giggled, her husband has also learned badly now.

"That's right!"

Thinking that the county magistrate Qiao and Mrs. Qiao's family learned that the Qiao family had already made the decision to give them a divorce letter after they arrived in the capital. I wondered how wonderful the county magistrate Qiao's face would be. The two couldn't help but smile at each other.

Especially, after knowing how the emperor protects Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan, and that he has made great contributions to the emperor and praised him.

(End of this chapter)

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