Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1037: slightly guilty

Qiao Xuan's face became hot, "No, you are not allowed to molest people!"

She couldn't hear it, she was upset and embarrassed, her legs were still weak.

Shao Yunyun laughed happily, and sighed helplessly: "We are already husband and wife, is the lady still so embarrassed? There are no outsiders here!"

"That doesn't work either..." Qiao Xuan's face became even hotter, and she complained silently in her heart, saying that when there are outsiders, she is more gentle and gentle than anyone else, and when no one is there, she is unrestrained. You, she is highly consistent!

Shao Yunyun smiled again: "I understand, that's because the lady has not been used to it yet. After a long time, the lady will get used to it."

What's the point of this? Qiao Xuan looked at him inexplicably.

The gentle and handsome face of the man suddenly became closer and enlarged, and Qiao Xuan was stunned before she could react before she was kissed by him.

This kiss was different from the previous soft touch and the touch of the water. The gentle and firm attack quickly made Qiao Xuan feel dizzy, soft and almost unsteady.

At the end of the kiss, she was softly embraced by the man in the arms, her cherry lips were slightly open, her breath was messy, her eyes were moist and confused, and her pretty face was dizzy.

As soon as she raised her eyes and met the man's deep black eyes with a smile, Qiao Xuan felt even more ashamed and had nowhere to hide.

Shao Yunyun couldn't help laughing, "My lady is so enthusiastic all of a sudden!"

Qiao Xuan snorted, "Go back, go back to the room..."

It's even more embarrassing to stay any longer. I don't know what else this man will say, so she shouldn't listen!

After hearing this, Shao Yunyun was even more happy, "Okay, let's go back to the room now, don't worry ma'am!"

"I'm in no hurry, don't talk nonsense!"

Qiao Xuan struggled with embarrassment at this remark.

Shao Yunyun held the person tightly and hugged him, the corners of his mouth were raised high: "Okay, lady, don't be in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry!"

"What are you in a hurry?"

"...Just in a hurry!"

"You, don't be in a hurry!"

"Okay, no, no, darling, let's go back to the room."


Shao Yunyun couldn't help but hug her horizontally and walked towards the bedroom.

The impatient lingering gradually became warmer from gentleness and lingered overnight.

The next day, everyone got up, because they were tired all day, and after a night of sleep, they felt even more sore their bones. Everyone was still a little dizzy, but Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were full of energy and radiant.

Everyone was in unanimous admiration: "You guys are used to going out on the road, we can't compare your spirit!"

Shao Yunyun smiled and dismissed it, while Qiao Xuan smiled embarrassedly, feeling a little guilty...

Shao Yunyun handed greetings to Lord Prefect, Le Zhengxiao, and Xie Jingrong respectively~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since he is here, he must visit everywhere. In his current capacity, this is a courtesy.

Unexpectedly, the Xie family was very polite, so they sent their mother-in-law over to greet him that day, saying that they would specially hold a banquet two days later, and specially invited Mrs. Fang and Qiao Xuan to come over.

Xie Jingrong and Le Zhengxiao came together. After meeting Mrs. Fang and Uncle Shao, they asked Shao Yunyun to speak. Qiao Xuan smiled and asked someone to explain it, saying that Le Zhengxiao, Xie Jingrong and the others should not be in a hurry to leave, she said something later.

The two responded with a smile, quite interested.

Of course what Qiao Xuan wanted to say was about business and industry.

The two of them saw her earning ability, and they admired her.

Needless to say, Le Zhengxiao has already made a lot of money by cooperating with Qiao Xuan, and even brought the entire Lezheng family to a higher level.

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