The second Wannian, who was originally in the business circle of the provincial capital, has always been ambitious and high-spirited, thinking that one day he will pull the Lezheng family off the horse and sit on it for himself.

But now... Lezheng's family has obviously lost a lot to the second child of Wannian!

Wannian's second child wants to catch up with Lezheng's family, unless he has the same luck as Lezheng's family, and meets people like Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun, otherwise he will not even think about it.

Speaking of this, even Mrs. Lezheng had to sigh about the good luck of the big room. One Qiao Xuan, one Shao Yunyun, one with countless golden ideas in business, one who took the exam without attention and had a bright future, and the two of them. Make good friends, make sure you don't lose money!

Fang Shi was nervous when discussing with his daughters-in-law.

"Oh, I haven't been to the Xie's house. Those people are amazing. The rules are big. Is it appropriate for me to go? I don't understand anything, so don't make jokes!"

"Or... I won't go! Mrs. Qiao, it's fine if you go. You take Taotao with you, so that Taotao can also see and open her eyes."

Xu Shi and Yang Xiaoni nodded.

The two sisters were still a little nervous, for fear that their mother-in-law would take them with them!

To be honest, although they are also very curious about the wealth and ostentation of the Xie family, and wish to see it, they are still afraid.

How embarrassing it would be to be laughed at and made fun of!

Still don't think so.

Qiao Xuan smiled and said: "Mother, Taotao and I are going with you, sister-in-law and sister-in-law three may not go, you are definitely going! Madam Xie is the one who invited you, how can you not go? Woolen cloth?"

"You, don't underestimate yourself! You are now the mother of the champion, who dares to underestimate you? Even in the capital, almost everyone has to respect you!"

"So, then you can go to Xie's house with peace of mind. Let's just be normal. It's like going to a relative's house as a guest. It's the same as going to Xie's house."

"Since the Xie family has invited you to post, naturally they won't pick on you and deliberately want to embarrass you."

Qiao Xuan was even more aware that the Xie family had close contacts with the capital and had their own channels. He must have known that the imperial censor impeached Shao Yunyun, and Emperor Qi Xuan angrily rebuked the censor for taking off his black gauze cap and making decisions for Shao Yunyun, and he must have known that he saved the clump that Emperor Qi Xuan valued most, representing him and the deceased mother and son of the empress dowager. Affectionate peony flower.

Therefore, the Xie family attaches so much importance to the Shao family, and Mrs. Xie will personally invite Fang to be a guest.

Otherwise, it may not be to this extent.

After all With the status of the Xie family today, even if Shao Yunyun is a champion, it is not worth much in the eyes of the Xie family.

After listening to Qiao Xuan's words, Fang's heart was not so nervous, but she was still a little hesitant: "Can I really go here?"

"Yes, in the future, there will be many more things like this!" Qiao Xuan laughed, "Maybe one day my husband and I will pick you up, Tao Tao and sisters-in-law to Beijing to play together. At that time, there must be entertainment.”

Yang Xiaoni and Xu Shi's eyes lit up, and they were all overjoyed.

"To the capital? The capital!"

"Fifth younger siblings, is this true?"

Mrs. Fang told Qiao Xuan to be elated, and said with a smile: "It's still in the capital, oh, it's at the feet of the emperor, I don't dare to think about it! I don't dare to think about it! You are still young, if you want to go there, it's okay to open your eyes! "

Qiao Xuan smiled: "It's hard to say, it's possible in the future."

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