Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1084: Joe's 1 drama

Turquoise understands it, and is quite enthusiastic about this kind of thing.

He can see a lot of the grudges and grievances between his father and his wife and the Qiao family, but he has a lot of grievances for Qiao Xuan in his heart. To be able to watch the liveliness of the Qiao family is certainly worth buying snacks, eating melon seeds and Let's share!

This news didn't make much splash in the upper class of the capital, and rumors spread, but everyone treated it as a joke and laughed a few words after dinner and it was over.

After all, although this kind of thing is quite rare, it is not uncommon. Beijing, what kind of news gossip is there? Much more bizarre than that.

The most important thing is, which one is the Qiao family? Which Joe's? A family that has long lost a place in the upper class of the capital, who can pay more attention?

And Qiao Wei's fiance's Yi'an Hou's mansion is also a run-down mansion.

Neither of them are outstanding, and naturally they have not received much attention.

But the matter had apparently spread around the Qiao family, so the turquoise hit sounded like an easy task.

......This matter is also simple to say, that is, the first lady of the Qiao family took Qiao Wei, Qiao Kou, Qiao Fang and other Qiao misses to the Anhou mansion to eat the birthday banquet of Mrs. Anhou, but Qiao However, Kou was lured to go to the place where the male guests were staying, and hugged and pulled with the drunk Qiao Wei's fiancé and the younger son of Yi'an Hou's cousin, Ning Liufang. ....

It is said that Qiao Kou was so ashamed that he jumped into the lake on the spot.

Of course, with so many people at the scene, and the lake was not deep, it was naturally impossible for her to die. But he was frightened and was in a coma when he was rescued.

She was so fierce, but it caused everyone to sigh, bear, and sympathize, and they all felt that she had suffered a disaster.

In contrast, Qiao Wei's actions seemed unsatisfactory.

Qiao Wei was also at the scene, her face was ashen at that time, and she was so angry that she almost fainted!

After Qiao Kou was rescued from the water with her eyes closed, Qiao Wei rushed up and kicked Qiao Kou and yelled at Qiao Kou, "Bitch!", "Bitch!", "Shameless!" and so on, scaring everyone. One hop.

When everyone came back to their senses and hurriedly pulled her away, she became even more angry, and her scolding was even more unbearable.

It caused everyone to frown and feel disgusted.

In particular, everyone in the Marquis of Yi'an Mansion was even more stunned and frowned: If such a shrew married into his own family, would it be worth it?

Madam Qiao was also extremely embarrassed, and she scolded the two nieces Qiao Wei and Qiao Kou with blood.

Sure enough, these three rooms are all things that can't be on the table. The prostitute is like that, and the direct daughter is not so good! Which girly girl would be so reckless as she was when faced with such a thing?

Is she a lady or a bitch?

As for?

won't she cry? All she needs to do is cover her face and run away and cry hard!

It's her who makes such a fuss~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shame!

Even with the Qiao family has no face!

Really **** off...

The Qiao family knew about this, and Mrs. Qiao San was a bolt from the blue!

It was dark in front of him, and he fainted on the spot.

With great difficulty, he woke up, tears streaming down his face.

She is a person who needs face very much. In the past, she would have refused to cry in front of Ling mama and other servants, but now, when things are not going well, she can't care about this face.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, but she didn't even wipe them, she gritted her teeth and told Mammy Ling: "Go! Teach me Qiao Kou and Aunt Du, the two bitches! Teach them hard! Bitches, I want them die!"

(End of this chapter)

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