Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1085: Retribution is coming

Mrs. Qiao San didn't believe in any accident or coincidence at all. She believed that it was all Qiao Kou's calculations.

Qiao Kou's little **** quietly calculated Qiao Wei's marriage. How is she willing?

In fact, she wasn't wrong, but she wasn't entirely right either.

Because this "accident" was not only calculated by Qiao Kou, but by Qiao Kou and Qiao Wei's fiance Ning Liufang.

Mrs. Qiao San would never have dreamed that after Qiao Kou returned to Beijing, she managed to hook up Ning Liufang in only three or four banquets, and coaxed Ning Liufang into her temptation, so the two negotiated such a deal.

Why choose at this time? Because Qiao Wei and Ning Liufang's wedding date is set for the Spring Festival after the new year.

When Mrs. Anhou is celebrating her birthday, Qiao Wei will definitely go with Mrs. Qiao to her birthday. She also cares about building goodwill and cultivating feelings in front of everyone in the Anhou Mansion. At this time, not only will she be able to successfully grab the marriage, but also Let everyone in Yi'an Hou Mansion see Qiao Wei's true face.

How did Qiao Kou not understand Qiao Wei? You don't need to think about it to know that Qiao Wei will definitely lose her temper on the spot.

When everyone in the Marquis of Yi'an saw it, they would only be glad for the accident, and they would definitely ask to replace her as a bride without hesitation!

Not only the Anhou Mansion, but also making trouble with Qiao Wei, I am afraid that she will not be able to marry a good family in the entire capital.

As it turns out, Joko guessed it all...

Mrs. Qiao San thought of this as soon as she heard it, which is why she was so disheartened that she didn't even care about her decent image.

Grandma Ling couldn't take orders, she could only smile bitterly.

The third lady was still lying down and just saw the doctor. Aunt Du was on the side, and the master was there. How could she be?

Within two days, Ning Liufang's mother and sister-in-law really came to the door, expressing regret for the accident, but the matter has come to this point, and the two parties can't help but resolve it.

Now that Qiao Kou and Ning Liufang have a skin-to-skin relationship, the wedding date will remain the same, and the Ning family will marry Qiao Kou.

On the Joe family's side, there is nothing to refuse.

The Ning family does not dislike Qiao Kou as a prostitute, what else is there to be picky about the Qiao family? Which one is not to marry?

Just because of Qiao Wei's performance, when he returned to the house, he was slapped on the face by Master Qiao San and banned from his feet. Master Qiao San even wanted to marry Qiao Kou.

So the two sides quickly exchanged Geng posts again.

By the time Mrs. Qiao San found out, the matter had already been settled.

Master Qiao San is extremely disgusted with her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said coldly: "Girl Kou's matrimonial sister-in-law and second sister-in-law will discuss it, you should take good care of your illness. After you recover from your illness, take good care of Wei girl, really How outrageous! How did you teach your daughter all these years?"

Master Qiao San became angrier the more he thought about it, and said with a sneer, "You didn't teach Xuan girl and Kou girl, I think they are all good, but Wei girl is by your side, you can see for yourself what she looks like! What's the difference between that shrew in the market, shame, shame!"

After Master Qiao San finished scolding her, without waiting for her reaction, he sneered and walked away.

Madam Qiao San gasped for breath, clutching her chest, and watched Master Qiao San go out.

Madam Ling, Yu Hairpin and others screamed in panic, and became a mess.

Mrs. Qiao finally woke up, her thin and pale hands were tightly clutching Mammy Ling's sleeve, trembling unnaturally, panting and angrily complaining: "Mammy, listen, listen! !"

(End of this chapter)

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