Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1086: It's up to me to say this.

"It's obviously the fault of those sluts! It's obviously his fault! He took those **** from me and turned against me, why should I be nice to them? Why!"

Mrs. Qiao San roared, covering her face and crying.

Ling mama had already sent the hosta and so on, and she felt sad when she heard the words. She wiped her eyes and choked her sobbing to persuade: "Madam, this is our woman's life, you are too strong. Which man in the world is not? How about this? You have to cheer up, let's think about it, what should our eldest lady do!"

Mrs. Qiao San's cheek muscles twitched fiercely, and her expression was a bit ferocious: "I won't let that **** go! It's a dream that she wants to marry Ning's son! Oh, the master only blames me for not teaching my daughter, Aunt Du. Is that **** very good at it? What kind of thing was taught by that **** to steal his own sister's fiancé, shameless! Dirty!"

Ling mama opened her mouth and murmured, "but madam, this marriage has already been decided, how, how—"

"So what?" Mrs. Qiao San sneered: "I'm the first-in-class mother, and I have the final say in this marriage! I really regret it, I really regret it! How could I keep them all? It should have been there long ago. They were strangled when they were kids, no, I shouldn't have let them into this world at all! I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..."

Mrs. Qiao San was stunned, and a raging fire was burning in her heart.

Every time she felt that she had enough regrets, but the next time she regretted it even more.

God is so cruel to her!

Ling mama didn't know how many words she sighed in her heart, but now she hears the word "regret" the most. But what can be done? Even she felt that if she was a lady, there was nothing else to say except "regret"!

Two prostitutes, one has been timid since childhood and has no sense of existence; the other is flattering her and the eldest young lady, even worse than the maid.

But it was these two prostitutes who, in the eyes of the lady and the eldest lady, were not even as good as cats and dogs, but they turned their lives upside down one after another.

A peasant married into a farmer's family and his son jumped out of the gate to become the champion, became an official, and even got the emperor's eyes! Moreover, she herself has made a contribution and won the praise and reward of the palace, and she is in the limelight!

The other one is even more extreme~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even robbed the eldest miss's marriage! It also made the eldest lady lose her composure in front of her in anger, her image was destroyed, and her reputation was destroyed. After this, I don't know what to do!

If these two things are not enough, the young master who had a promising future was also demoted, and the emperor himself named him to demote! How can the lady bear this?

In the future, without the emperor speaking, who would dare to promote the eldest young master? No one will!

If she climbed up to the Marquis of Yi'an Mansion, she might be able to walk the door and think about it, but if she married that **** Qiao Kou, how could she help the eldest young master? She can't wait to see a joke!

Madam... It's really hard!

Madam Ling grieved and sighed, but she was helpless, she could only say some dry and useless words and try to persuade Mrs. Qiao.

Mrs. Qiao San's expression was fluctuating, her eyes were staring straight in front of the empty space, and she didn't know whether she was listening to Ling Ling's words or was in a trance.

(End of this chapter)

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