Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1130: 5 Sister-in-law brought it back, can it be delicious?

The cassava field is right next to this flower field. This year, hundreds of acres have been planted. It has been harvested. After drying, Le Zhengxiao sent someone to take it away.

Many people in the village also planted it, and Le Zhengxiao also bought it, which made the villagers happy.

Qiao Xuan pondered, next spring, let Le Zhengxiao send someone to come, and whoever grows cassava in the village should make a supply and sales contract in advance.

Tapioca flour is not only available to dessert shops, it is also very popular in the market. After all, it can fill the stomach and is cheaper than flour. And many restaurant chefs have gradually discovered the use of tapioca flour.

Therefore, no matter how many plants are grown in the village, they will not fail to sell.

And many people are also very happy to plant it and keep it for their own food!

After returning home, Qiao Xuan went to the garden to see the fruit trees.

They have grown old, and by casting supernatural powers on them, Qiao Xuan can clearly feel that their vigorous vitality and vitality are gradually increasing...

At this time, only papaya and dragon fruit were still bearing fruit on the fruit trees, and only leaves were left on the other trees.

Tao Tao's eyes were bright, and she pointed to Qiao Xuan with great interest.

"This lychee and longan are really delicious, very sweet, our family loves to eat it! That mango smells fragrant. It's sour and sour when it's not ripe, and it's delicious when it's ripe, but the core inside is too big. , it is easy to get stained on the clothes when it is eaten, my mother doesn't allow Qinger and Junyan to eat them, and the sister-in-law doesn't like it very much, so it's cheaper for me and the third sister-in-law!"

"There are also dragon fruits, papayas, grapefruits, and oranges. They are all delicious! We also keep a lot of grapefruits and oranges in the cellar, as well as the cantaloupe from Hami. Mother said that the skin looks thicker than that of watermelon. Now, the pulp is firm, I want to keep it, and I have kept a lot more! The fifth sister-in-law just came back, so I can try a few more."

"By the way, sister-in-law five, come and see the strawberries I planted. As expected, sister-in-law No. 5 said, they grow very well. After a while, one more tree will grow. I planted them all carefully, and the result is very sweet. , soft, fragrant and sweet! It's so red, it's so beautiful! Our kids love it!"


Qiao Xuan was also very happy when she heard her talk incessantly, and said with a smile, "So, look after it carefully, as long as you use the right method, we can also plant it here. There will be more varieties next year! "

"Yeah! But it's delicious. There must be many kinds! If it weren't for the fifth sister-in-law, we wouldn't know how to take care of it. Thanks to the fifth sister-in-law, we have such a good taste!"

"It's also you who took good care of it!"

The two smiled at each other.

Those strawberries are indeed growing very well, and they are quite tenacious now, and the leaves are still green and unwilling to decay, and some are even ready to bloom.

However, at this time, even if the fruit will not grow, Qiao Xuan said to Taotao: "When the weather is colder, take scissors and cut off all the strawberries, just keep the roots, and cover them with straw to keep warm for the winter. , when the next spring is warm, loosening the soil and fertilizing will naturally continue to grow."

Tao Tao nodded in agreement.

Qiao Xuan planted another kiwi fruit, which was a new species collected on the road.

Tao Tao's eyes are shining, which is extremely rare. Without Qiao Xuan to elaborate, she is already eagerly looking forward to eating the fruit next year, and she firmly believes that it will be delicious!

Her fifth sister-in-law brought it back, can it be delicious?

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