Qiao Xuan knew what she was thinking by looking at her small appearance, and couldn't help but smile.

This feeling of being trusted and expected is actually quite good.

When Qiao Xuan came back this time, she brought back a lot of potatoes.

After her careful care, the potatoes planted in the backyard of Jingcheng's home and those growing in the space are excellent. Before returning, the potatoes in the backyard of Jingcheng had been dug.

There are about ten plants in total, each of which bears more than thirty or forty potatoes, each of which is bigger than a fist. Not only Qiao Xuan was happy, but Li Qiu, who was digging with her, were also happy!

Shao Yunyun couldn't believe it even more, staring at the potatoes for a while, still in shock, but he didn't come back to his senses!

There are also many kinds of crops in the family, peanuts, soybeans, corn, taro, no one can produce like this potato - Qiao Xuan has always called potatoes yam, and later called Leozui, and she simply said that the shape is more like this The enlarged beans grow in the soil again, so it is more appropriate to call them potatoes.

No other crop produces as much yield as this potato!

This casually planted a dozen plants in the backyard, and harvested two full baskets...

And looking at it like this, it's lumpy and full, like yam, which can fill the stomach, but the yield is much higher than that of yam. This, this is too rare.

In the evening, Qiao Xuan specially made a potato stew, a dry pot potato chips, a hot and sour shredded potato, and fried a few small potato pancakes.

When Shao Yunyun eats it, it tastes so good!

Shredded potatoes and potato chips can be used for cooking, and potato cubes and potato cakes can be completely used as food. Even if it can't replace food, if you encounter a famine year, it's okay to mix half of it.

The effect of satisfying hunger will not be inferior to that of corn, but the yield is much stronger than that of corn!

Qiao Xuan hadn't tasted potatoes for a long time, especially her favorite hot and sour shredded potatoes. At that time, she was quite proud and boasted to Shao Yunyun.

Shao Yunyun also laughed and praised her, full of emotion, and urged her not to tell her about the potatoes, not to let the little prince of the Anping County Prince's Mansion taste it, and don't tell her.

Shao Yunyun wouldn't say anything to Qiao Xuan without head or tail. He told her in detail that this potato is a new thing, and the output is so high, and it is so easy to grow. If it is popularized, it will be a big deal for the people of Limin. good things.

But this matter is related to the livelihood of the people of Limin. It is too big, so be careful. Don't say it until then.

In particular, you can't tell the Anping County Prince's Mansion.

The Anping County Prince's Mansion has no competition with the world. The Anping County Prince has been far away from the court over the years. If this matter is told to the County Prince's Mansion, the Anping County Prince will not be able to stay out of it, and he must be brought to the emperor. This does not mean that he has been pulled. come in?

This is not right.

The little prince has become like that, the Anping County Prince's Mansion should no longer be involved in anything in the courtroom, it just needs to be so idle all the time.

Qiao Xuan naturally agreed, and smiled and reminded him that this potato was planted in her own backyard, and she took good care of it every day. The watering and fertilizing didn't stop, so it grew so well and had so many results. , may not be able to grow so much.

It would be good to be able to bear a dozen or so fruits.

Maybe it's not that big.

Shao Yunyun laughed at that time and said that even if a single plant only bears a dozen or so fruits, there are still many.

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