Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1213: Zheng passed away

Because of Zheng's estrangement, the relationship between the two was not very good, and this time it was even worse.

Zheng Shi thought, Qin Shi's goal has been somewhat achieved, right?

Zhao Mu's disgusting injustice, she couldn't bear it no matter what!

Later, when Zhao Shu was fifteen years old, Zheng's family had an accident. When she was out on the Qingming Festival, she took Zhao Shu to pay homage to her deceased parents. Unexpectedly, something happened to the carriage.

At the critical moment, in order to protect Zhao Shu, Zheng suffered extremely serious injuries.

After that so-called accident, Zhao Shu always suspected that he had something to do with Qin Shi, and maybe even his wolf-hearted father knew about it, but he had no evidence.

The reason why Zhao Shu thought so was because there were too many doubts.

First, there is a special person in charge of maintenance and overhaul of the carriage that the mother rides in, and the carriage will definitely undergo a thorough inspection on the first day of the mother's trip. Normally, there is no chance of an accident.

Not long afterward, the driver's family was kicked out for being irresponsible and conscientious.

At that time, Zhao Shu was immersed in the pain of losing his mother, and he didn't have the heart to pay attention. When he remembered to find someone, the person was gone. He secretly sent someone to the coachman's hometown, but no one was found.

Secondly, the relationship between the parents has become more and more tense in the past two years. As long as they stay together, there is no bickering and arguing. Although his father did not ask for the ten thousand mu mulberry land deed of the Zheng family, but after he took away the silk produced every year, he refused to write an IOU to his mother.

The silk produced in 100,000 mu of mulberry fields has been taken as a matter of course since my mother married my father. Silver has never been paid, but my grandfather and grandmother were still there before, and my grandfather proposed a symbolic request for a piece of silk. IOUs, my father also gave.

This habit has persisted.

But two years ago, my father refused to write.

Because of this incident, his mother quarreled with him, and even threatened to sell the silk to others, which made his father furious.

Although it didn't work out later, the relationship between the two was even colder.

In my father's heart, I was afraid that his dissatisfaction with his mother had reached its peak!

Then there's that Aunt Qin, mother and son, slandering in front of their father, adding fuel to the fire, saying all kinds of black and white slander, and making rumors~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In ten sentences, my father can listen to two or three sentences, I'm afraid there are more!

Over time, how could it not deepen the resentment.

These factors are superimposed together, and Zhao Shu does not believe that his mother really died in an accident anyway.

It's a pity that he only cared about his sadness at that time, and when he remembered to investigate secretly, it was too late. Can't find anything.

But even then, his mother protected him for the last time. Before her mother died, in front of her father and the elders from the clan, she asked him to help her spirit to send her back to the Zhao family's ancestral home for burial.

He took his loyal servant and went honestly, he knew that his mother was afraid that he would be poisoned by staying in this house. A fifteen-year-old boy, whether he is too big or too small, compared with the whole family, he is fighting alone, and the possibility of being harmed is too great!

For three years, his mother bought him three years to become strong and plan slowly.

When he left the Zhao family in Yangzhou, his father and Qin's mother and son were so happy that they didn't stop him at all.

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