Presumably, they also disliked him as an eyesore?

Although the others left, they sent someone to stare at the Zhao family secretly and did not relax.

What major events have happened in the Zhao family in the past three years, he knows all about it.

After his filial piety, he took advantage of his father's long-distance trip to go back, and then said that he wanted to go out for a trip, and left unrestrainedly.

I went to Huzhou first and then to Hangzhou, naturally to receive and count the properties that my mother bought for me.

The mother is really capable, and the family she entrusts is loyal and takes care of these industries very well.

In addition to what she bought in the first two years, she later bought 10,000 mu of land on the outskirts of Hangzhou, as well as a lot of antiques and jewelry that preserved their value.

The rich property bought by the mother is enough for their mother and son to live a prosperous and happy life even if they don't want anything from the Zhao family!

Zhao Shu was so heartbroken that he couldn't help shedding a few tears.

It would be great if my mother was still there!

He would rather give up everything on the Zhao family's side and just want his mother to be well! Unfortunately, after all, it is just an unrealistic fantasy.

He doesn't have a mother anymore, the past and the future are connected to the past and the present, and they will never be able to meet again. The mother-son relationship is completely over!

He hated Zhao Mu and the Qin family very much.

Even if his mother really died in an accident, the pain that Zhao Mu and Qin shi brought to his mother made him unable to let go.

Not to mention, in his eyes, they are murderers!

Why did the mother die so suspiciously and suddenly, and suffered so much pain and suffering before her death, while the two culprits lived a happy life in fine clothes and jade food?

If the mother is still fine, that's all. If the mother is gone, he has to say this!

For nothing else, just say this for the mother!

Both of them should be punished.

Zhao Shu told this to his confidant family, and he naturally agreed with Uncle Qing and Aunt Qing, who followed Zheng's dowry from the Zheng family.

However, Zhao Shu is a single human figure, and Zhao Mu occupies the position of his biological father. He has a very small chance of winning against him.

If he bears a name of unfilial piety because of this, even if he has this tone for his mother, it will be unjustifiable, and his mother's spirit in heaven will not truly be comforted and rested.

Therefore, he must find a strong collaborator and a strong backer, so that his father will be afraid, but he will not cause himself the dilemma of "sending tigers at the front door and welcoming wolves at the back door" After discussing, he will Take Uncle Qing and Aunt Qing to the capital to try their luck.

Originally, they were thinking of climbing up to a powerful person.

After all, for people like the Zhao family, the powerful are the existence of the crushing level. As long as they are willing, they can definitely step on Zhao Mu and the Qin family.

However, their master and servant have lived in the capital for more than half a year, and they have not been able to find a suitable family.

You must know that the Zhao family is a businessman and is located in the south of the Yangtze River. It has never been related to the capital, and it is even more than 108,000 miles away from the family of powerful people in the capital.

There is no one to bridge the line, and it is not so easy to get attached to a family of powerful people in the capital.

Of course, if Zhao Shu just wanted to make friends with wine and meat, it would be quite easy.

As long as you go to high-end restaurants and brothels, you will always run into dudes. As long as you are willing to spend money, dudes will definitely not reject him as a friend.

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