Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1253: dare not think, dare not think


Zhao Mu sneered slightly: "What is a mere 110,000 taels of silver? Our Zhao family is not short of this. Butler, go to the account and withdraw the 110,000 silver bill."

"Yes, sir!"

"Mr. Sun, I don't know what Mrs. Shao plans to do about the 100,000 mulberry fields?"

Sun Qian had an inexplicable expression on his face: "What are you going to do? The money and the goods are gone. Sangyuan is now our master's wife, Zhao Sangongzi, what do you think?"

Zhao Shu cooperated very well and nodded calmly: "Yes, it is true that both the silver and the goods have ended, and I have sold the mulberry garden!"

Zhao Mu was angry again, his heart was surging, this is not a good son, a bad son!

This is an established fact and no one can change it.

Zhao Mu took a deep breath and said, "This silk, is Mrs. Shao selling it or..."

...heart is bleeding again!

The silk produced in the 100,000 acres of mulberry fields should have belonged to him originally, so he didn't have to take all the money!

now what? Not a single thread left!

Shameless! Shameless!

Sun Qiandao: "Silk is naturally for sale. My wife has released the news. The one with the highest price will get it. If Master Zhao wants to buy it, he can go to the house and talk to the steward in person. My wife doesn't care about these matters."

The steward, of course, was not the steward that Qiao Xuan was looking for, but the steward that Zhao Shu and Uncle Qing found themselves.

She is a tool person in this matter, it is nothing more than a trick of playing the left hand for the right hand with Zhao Shu.

However, when Sun Qian heard these words in the ears of the Zhao family, they all felt a "squeak" in their hearts.

Wasn't that Mrs. Shao in charge of such a large amount of business? So... how much energy does the Shao family have...

dare not think, dare not think...

This mistake made Zhao Mu and the Zhao family feel a little more jealous of Qiao Xuan, and even with Zhao Shu, they didn't dare to take it seriously.

Zhao Mu was obviously very dissatisfied with Sun Qian's lukewarm answer, and the silk thing made him irritable.

It's a pity that Sun Qian didn't care whether he was satisfied or not. Sun Qian left when he got the banknote.

Before leaving, he patted Zhao Shu on the shoulder, and a smile appeared on the cold, taut ice cube face, "Our master said, when the third son of Zhao is free, just go to him, it's nothing to say. Talking and chatting is also good.”

Zhao Mu and Zhao Ye's expressions changed slightly, Qin Shi even gritted his teeth and secretly hated: This little **** has climbed up the high branch, no wonder he dares to be so arrogant...

Zhao Shu smiled and nodded: "Master Shao is too polite, I will definitely visit you another day!"

Sun Qian made a full gesture~www.wuxiaspot.com~ nodded friendly at him, and then left.

Sun Qian interrupted like this, and the atmosphere of the three tribunals that Zhao Mu had set up suddenly disappeared. He turned his head to stare at Zhao Shu, only to feel that his appearance was still very bad, and it made him angry when he saw it, but, This anger didn't come out very much.

Besides, this is what happened, what if he was killed?

Those 100,000 acres of mulberry fields will never come back!

If it was said that before Sun Qian came, he still had a bit of luck, trying to find a way to get back to Sangtian from Mrs. Shao, but after seeing Sun Qian, he didn't dare to think about it.

Just a servant is not easy to provoke, how can he dare to provoke the master?

People knew that he was the richest man in Yangzhou without any scruples, and even the prefect did not give the Zhao family face as before, Zhao Mu understood that the Shaw couple couldn't afford to offend them...

That's all for Sang Tian. The Zhao family is making a fuss for nothing but a joke!

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