Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1254: Can't recognize one's own identity

What he needs to consider more now is silk...

The pain in the flesh is definitely a pain in the flesh, but without the silk weaving workshop, the work cannot be done!

That Mrs. Shao just bought her own mulberry field, Mr. Shao seems to have a good relationship with this unworthy son. If this unworthy son comes forward and has a good word with the Shaw family, would it be cheaper to buy silk? ....

Qin Shi didn't know what Zhao Mu was thinking, but how could she be reconciled when she saw that Zhao Mu didn't teach Zhao Shu a lesson or severely punish Zhao Shu?

"Master, even if the 100,000 mulberry fields are sold, what about the silver?"

Zhao Mu's eyes "brush" brightened, looking at Zhao Shu.

Yes, silver!

100,000 mu of mulberry fields can earn at least 700,000 taels of silver after deducting all the costs every year. If you sell all the mulberry fields at once, it is worth at least 2 million taels, right?

With this money, there is no need to worry about buying silk in the past three or four years.

In fact, although the Zhao family's weaving workshop is very large, it is not large enough to need 100,000 mu of mulberry fields to supply silk.

Zhao Muke resells a lot of the mulberry fields taken from Zheng's Mulberry Garden every year.

Zheng knew about this, and Zhao Shu also knew, what could be done?

As the wife of the Zheng family, her son was still young at that time, and her parents were gone. In the past, her parents did not have a son, so many of the Zheng clan were eyeing for succession. Fortunately, the Zheng family was not prosperous in Yangzhou. His parents were rich and could hold them down, so they didn't let them succeed.

But the relationship between the Zheng family and the clan was also very stiff.

It is absolutely impossible for the Zheng family to rely on the clan to fight against her husband.

She could only turn a blind eye and let her husband take all the profits from Sangyuan, just to protect her young son and herself.

As long as the land deed of Mulberry Garden is still in his hands, there will still be a long way to go.

Now, Zhao Shu has sold the mulberry garden, so of course Zhao Mu has no benefit at all!

"The third one, where is the money from selling the mulberry garden?"

Hearing that he doesn't care about his name as "Unworthy Son", Zhao Shu only finds it ridiculous. However, the change in his father's attitude also shows the fact that he is now somewhat jealous of himself, not as casual as before. shouted.

Even if his father didn't have any fears, he didn't care. If he had fears, he would naturally be more impolite.

Zhao Shu didn't answer him immediately, but looked at the Qin family: "Qin Auntie seems to be unable to learn to shut up, learn to know her identity, and dare to say anything if she doesn't know what to say~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Does Zheng's Mulberry Garden have anything to do with you? Is the silver yours? I miss the silver of Zheng's Mulberry Garden, are you worthy? How big is your face!"

Zhao Ye blushed and had a thick neck: "Don't go too far!"

"Isn't it always Aunt Qin and you?" Zhao Shu was aggressive, and said coldly, "Are you threatening me or warning me? Are you worthy? It seems that you are both like mother and son, and you can't recognize yourself so well. identity!"


"What am I? Why don't we go out and tell everyone and let everyone judge?"


Qin Shi and Zhao Ye were so angry they had a heart attack.

Zhao Shu felt both happy and sour in his heart.

What's sour is how much Qin's mother and son hurt his mother in the first place! How sad his mother was! Facing a woman like Qin who was always wronged, crying, crying, and pretending to be weak, her mother couldn't do anything to her for him, and let her be a demon.

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