Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1262: 1 must be the Qin family

If she can't speak clearly, that's bad!

Zhao Shu's target wasn't her originally, and after making her look like a fool, he would say some nonsense that sounded completely unconvincing and useless, Zhao Shu said coldly to Zhao Mu: "This is the end of the matter. It's useless to talk too much, Master Zhao, what do you say about this matter?"

What can Zhao Mu say?

This dowry is absolutely impossible to fly for no reason.

It must be the Qin family.

Either the Qin family or the brothers Zhao Zhai and Zhao Ye, or their daughters-in-law also have a share.

He felt embarrassed.

"Give me a few days."

"I'm afraid not," Zhao Shu said coldly: "I don't care about your own affairs, I just want my share. I don't want to stay here anymore, give me my share, and other things, with me It doesn't matter. Otherwise, I have no choice but to sue the government and ask the prefect to decide."

Qin shi hurriedly said: "Don't spit your blood! No one has been to this yard and house. It's definitely not someone who took the things, maybe the lady moved them away?"

"Ms. Qin!" Zhao Shu was furious: "My mother is no longer here. You made up your mind to splash dirty water on her head and bully her. Can't tell? She moved? If you can pinch it, it will be counted! Knowing that I will die unexpectedly, so I will deal with my dowry as soon as possible? Besides, my mother has so much dowry, it is not easy to move, there is not even a little bit of wind in the house, not a single Does anyone know? You don't even know how to act like a lie!"

"I warn you, if you dare to slander my mother again, believe it or not, I will beat you!"

Qin Shi was furious, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

But she still thought so in her heart, whether she took something or not, others don't know, doesn't she know it herself?

She really didn't get it!

If she didn't take it, her sons definitely didn't move. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to hide it, and there was no need for the master to move. Zhao Shu thought, but he couldn't come back. If his people came back, he would definitely send someone to watch him. Can't move either.

So, who else? Who else could it be?

"Master!" Qin shi cried from Zhao Mu: "I really didn't take the concubine body, I really didn't have it, sir, you have to believe in the concubine body, woo woo..."

Zhao Mu Tieqing did not speak with a sullen face, do you believe it? How to tell him to believe!

Zhao Ye moved his lips, lowered his head wisely, and stepped back without saying anything.

In fact, even he had some doubts about whether the mother of Zheng's dowry did anything.

Although, his mother is very sincere in crying and crying at the moment, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a fake~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But, his mother has always been very good at pretending! It always looks so similar!

This is what he is most aware of.

In fact, Zhao Mu thought so too. Qin Shi was used to pretending, how could he not know? It's just that he doesn't care, he just treats it as a little fun. Sometimes he is in a good mood when he sees her acting like this in front of him.

But in front of so many people, he could no longer press her.

If she can't bear to explain, where will he put his face?

Zhao Shu was unrepentant, furious, and finally agreed to wait until the next day.

The patriarch waited and sighed, so he had to stay in the Zhao residence, and then leave when there was a result.

Since they have promised Zhao Shu to be the master of this matter, of course they have to take care of it to the end.

Moreover, who in this world does not have the heart of gossip! Who would be willing to leave without seeing the bottom of such a big drama?

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