Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1263: Really sad this time

Zhao Mu asked Qin shi alone in private, so he was not so polite.

Qin's crying pear blossoms were raining, out of breath, and kept complaining and denying grievances.

But she was accustomed to putting on this appearance in her daily life. No matter what happened, she was crying and complaining about grievances and grievances. Zhao Mu just thought it was her usual style and didn't believe it at all.

Seeing that she used this trick to deal with her at such a time, she was even more angry, slapped her twice, and yelled at her, forcing her to admit it.

Qin Shi covered his face and cried bitterly.

Really sad this time.

How could the lord not believe her? She didn't lie!

Why did she say she could swear and no one believed her?

Qin Shi couldn't figure it out at all, why did this happen?

Qin Shi is still a little bit stubborn, or in other words, no matter how hard she asks her at this time, whether she admits it or not, it doesn't matter that much.

The important thing is that Zhao Shu has Zheng's dowry booklet in his hand, and he is waiting for compensation tomorrow!

Even if it is half, this is definitely not a small amount!

The Zheng family, who owns 100,000 mu of mulberry fields, gave Zheng's only daughter a rich dowry. Needless to say?

Although the Zheng family only owned 100,000 mu of mulberry fields for three or four years when the Zheng family got married, they also made countless silver coins.

Master Zhao was extremely irritable. He was even more disturbed when he saw Mrs. Qin crying again. He reprimanded Mrs. Qin. She called Zhao Zhai and Zhao Ye to discuss how to deal with Zhao Shu.

Zhao Zhai's ankle injury hasn't healed yet, so he was carried over as a rattan sedan chair.

Before Mr. Zhao could say anything, Zhao Zhai couldn't help cursing.

Calling Zhao Shu shameless, vicious, and shameless, why do you want money? Zheng's dowry is also the property of the Zhao family!

Although his rogue-like scolding is useless to solve the problem at all, I have to say that it is quite relieved to hear it.

Zhao Zhai and Zhao Ye are worthy of being Qin's sons, one has learned the strength of Qin's rogue shrew in the market, and the other has learned Qin's clever tricks.

The father and son can only count the silver taels that can be moved from the public school, and let people open the warehouse to get things.

The next day, Zhao Mu also tried to play the family card to negotiate, tried to talk softly to win over, and first fooled him. As long as the patriarch and the patriarchs left, when will the compensation be given to Zhao Shu? Not allowed.

Where would Zhao Shu be willing to drag their feet with them?

Compensation must be paid, otherwise, it will be reported to the official immediately, and the official will be investigated.

Stealing the dowry of the head mistress~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is no small matter!

Once the government filed a case for investigation, the Zhao family's face was really thrown on the ground and people stepped on it.

Zhao Mu secretly hated and had to give money.

In the end, Zhao Shu lost 80,000 taels of silver notes, and three large boxes of various antique treasures, porcelain, jade, jewelry, etc., worth about 130,000 to 40,000 yuan.

It can be seen how rich Zheng's dowry was!

The eyes of the patriarch and the elders of the clan all stared at each other.

Zhao Shu took the bank note and things, and left the Zhao family without hesitation.

He was also quite refreshing, giving the patriarch 10,000 taels of silver to share with them, and letting them each pick two items from the three large boxes.

The patriarch, the patriarch, etc. were all elated, smiling away, treating Zhao Shu as one of their own, all kinds of comfort and comfort, and they were extremely affectionate.

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