Zhao Mu is rich, but it belongs to him. This person is selfish, and there are very few benefits for the clan to gain from him. Where can it compare to Zhao Shu's generosity!

This is tens of thousands of taels. If they are divided among several people, one person can also share 1,000 or 2,000 yuan. Plus two old and valuable treasures and antiques, take them home and keep them for emergencies. Don’t say anything else. The family has lived a good life for decades.

Zhao Shu was happy and returned with a reward.

That evening, he carefully selected one-third of the treasures and brought 30,000 taels of silver notes to the inn to visit Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan.

"A little bit of caution, please also please Master Shao and Mrs. Shao with a smile!"

Zhao Shu was delighted, for fear that Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan would refuse, and quickly added, "Master Shao and Madam Shao must accept it. This is all for nothing, if you don't take it, you won't take it for nothing!"

Qiao Xuan couldn't help laughing, "Young Master Zhao, you took it for nothing, so we won't get involved."

"Mrs. Shao, please don't be polite to me!" Zhao Shu has always had a good personality, and with a haha ​​laugh, he resolutely refused to take the things back, "If it wasn't for the idea that Mrs. Shao gave me, I don't know how much I would have spent with them. It's a new year! I'm afraid that it would be the best result to be able to go out of the house in the end! How can I be so neat and happy, and I can cut off a piece of their meat before I leave! Besides, I have something else I want to invite Master Shao. , Mrs. Shao is helping..."

Now that Zhao Shu has said this, Qiao Xuan does not refuse. She glanced at Shao Yunyun, saw that he nodded with a smile, and smiled and thanked him, "We are partners, Mr. Zhao doesn't need to be polite."

Zhao Shu smiled bitterly: "I want my mother to reconcile with Zhao Mu, but I am afraid that Zhao Mu will not agree easily. But I still want to give it a try. My mother and my mother must be more willing to be buried with my grandfather and grandmother. Instead of having any connection with Zhao Mu again."

He said and sighed: "Actually, if I could choose, I would like to leave the Zhao family and join the Zheng family and change my surname to Zheng, but this is impossible!"

Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan looked at each other and understood.

Naturally, the Zhao family couldn't let him change his surname for no reason. He didn't even have to think about it.

Moreover, even if they leave the Zhao family, the Zheng family may not be willing to accept him. Even if they accept it, they will definitely open their mouths to ask for countless benefits, and they may entangle him to **** blood in the future.

Now that he can leave Zhao Mu and adopt, it is already the best result.

Zheng's desire to reconcile...it seems to be a bit difficult!

Zhao Shu forced himself to smile and said, "I also know that my request is a bit too much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's not easy to handle... If Mrs. Shao and Mrs. Shao have any good ideas, it would be great. , if it really doesn't work, then that's fine."

Qiao Xuan gave him a sympathetic look.

That's how it was in ancient times, it's a no-brainer.

Shao Yunyun thought for a while, then chuckled: "It's not impossible to give it a try. Those IOUs in your hand can come in handy."

Zhao Shu was taken aback.

However, Qiao Xuan had already thought about what Shao Yunyun meant, and smiled: "My husband said it well, those IOUs are just available! It depends on whether Master Zhao is willing to pay the money, or whether he is willing to leave, I think, Young Master Zhao It should be clear what he will choose, right?"

Zhao Shu was overjoyed, and nodded again and again with a smile on his face: "Yes! Why didn't I expect that! He naturally values ​​his money more!"

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