He valued his money more, and would naturally regress elsewhere.

Qiao Xuan smiled and said, "Although you have adopted it, you are still in his blood. It's not good for you to come forward in this matter, so I'll go."

Due to his identity, Shao Yun couldn't participate in this kind of thing in person. Even the 100,000 acres of mulberry fields were not convenient for Shao Yunyun to go around, so Qiao Xuan had to go by herself.

Zhao Shu thanked him again and again, grateful and guilty. He felt that the gift he brought was a little light, too light, and he must make it up next time!

After sending Zhao Shu away, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun planned the matter.

She despised people like Zhao Mu the most in her life. The more miserable Zhao Mu was, the happier she was, and it was even more gratifying to be able to end up in person and make Zhao Mu miserable.

What's more, Zhao Shu also sent such a big gift. She didn't really give her strength, and I'm sorry for this gift!

Shao Yunyun didn't worry about anything. Zhao Mu cared about his industry and wealth, so he had to be cautious. He never dared to be lawless.

However, "With Sun Bai and Sun Qian, it is more appropriate for the two of them!"

Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan were very convinced of Sun Bai and Sun Qian's skills and ability to do things, and it was reassuring to have them by their side.

The next day, Qiao Xuan brought Sun Bai, Li Xia and several others to visit Zhao's house.

When he heard that Mrs. Shao, who had bought 100,000 mulberry fields, was here, Zhao Mu was both surprised and delighted. He thought that Qiao Xuan was here for the silk of 100,000 mulberry fields, and hurriedly greeted her.

Thinking that Qiao Xuan is a woman, if she would feel uncomfortable seeing her alone, she could not help but stop and subconsciously want someone to call Qin Shi to accompany her.

However, thinking that the Qin family was just a concubine, Zhao Mu closed his mouth again.

Let a concubine come forward to entertain the Mrs. Shao, I am afraid that Mrs. Shao will be angry.

He couldn't help but feel troubled, how could he have forgotten about such an important thing as marrying the successor over the years?

Zhao Mu didn't dare to neglect, and greeted Qiao Xuan politely in the main hall.

Zhao Mu was surprised to see Qiao Xuan so young.

He observed secretly, and saw that she had a good temperament, her speech and demeanor were generous, she was not timid, and she did not dare to neglect her.

"Don't take offense to Mr. Zhao for taking the liberty to visit today."

"Don't dare to dare! Mrs. Shao came to visit, my Zhao family is bright, it is my Zhao family's honor, Mrs. Shao, you are very kind."

They both smiled and greeted politely~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing Qiao Xuan's politeness, Zhao Mu became more and more certain that she must have come for silk. Let's just say, the silk harvested from 100,000 acres of mulberry fields is not a small amount. She is the largest customer, and she can make sense when she comes to the door.

Now that she's here, the initiative is in her own hands, so she doesn't need to worry, let's see how she says it.

Zhao Mu's heart was settled, and he laughed secretly. After all, it was a woman's home, and he couldn't hold his breath, and there was no big pattern.

I don't know what that Master Shao was thinking, to let her a woman come forward to take charge of such a big thing...

Although Qiao Xuan didn't know what Zhao Mu was thinking, she could clearly see Zhao Mu's steady and even a little smug look, and she wondered a little secretly, she really didn't know why he was smug.

After a moment, Qiao Xuan smiled and said, "Master Zhao, I am visiting today. I am entrusted by someone, and I have a very important matter to discuss with Master Zhao. Because this matter involves the person's personal privacy, please Master Zhao will not be relevant. Send the people away!"

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