Zhao Mu was stunned, not quite understanding what Qiao Xuan meant.

But he decided to take a look without hesitation.

"Oh? Mrs. Shao's words made the old man a little confused, but that's what Mrs. Shao said."

Zhao Mu smiled and sent all the other people out, leaving only the housekeeper by his side.

Qiao Xuan stopped talking nonsense with him, "Master Zhao, Zhao Shu, Young Master Zhao invited me to come over to talk to Master Zhao about the reconciliation between Madam Zheng and Master Zhao, Master Zhao—"

"W-what! This is impossible!"

Zhao Mu was stunned for a moment, his face flushed with a "swoosh", and he was furious! More embarrassing!

This kind of thing, to let an outsider like Qiao Xuan intervene, doesn't it mean that the villain told Qiao Xuan everything about the family? This makes him faceless!

"Mrs. Shao, what you said is going too far," Zhao Mu said angrily: "This is a matter of my house, not to mention that Mrs. Shao has no right to intervene, even that renegade son has no room to say anything now! I think Mrs. Shao doesn't look like that kind of unreasonable person, does she?"

Qiao Xuan chuckled: "Master Zhao, don't get angry, let alone misunderstand. I am the most reasonable person."

Zhao Mu sneered lightly, thinking that I was just warning you, could it be that I am still afraid of you? What a joke!

Qiao Xuan did not hesitate and said with a smile: "Master Zhao, now, let's talk about it!"

As Qiao Xuan said, she placed the two IOUs in front of Zhao Mu, "Master Zhao doesn't know what it is, right?"

"This is—" Zhao Mu was shocked: "How can this IOU be in your hands!"

Qiao Xuan smiled and said nothing.

"Ah!" Zhao Mu himself gritted his teeth in annoyance: "It's Zhao Shu! It was given to you by that villain!"

"Master Zhao, don't say that," Qiao Xuan said with a smile, "Young Master Zhao has already passed out, and he is no longer your son. You are a 'rebellious son'. I don't know which son in the manor you are talking about? It doesn't seem very good to scold your own son for no reason!"

Zhao Mu: "..."

Zhao Mu glared at Qiao Xuan, and he could see clearly in his heart, this Mrs. Shao is really not that easy to deal with!

"Mrs. Shao, it's good to meet you after you stay in the front line. Mrs. Shao sells silk, and it happens that our family's weaving workshop is the largest weaving workshop in Yangzhou City. I think our family and Mrs. Shao can get along well. In this way, to everyone It's all good, what do you think, Mrs. Shao?"

Qiao Xuan smiled and said, "That's what I said, but ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't have to worry about selling my silk. If it can't be sold out in Yangzhou City, it will be shipped to other places. If it can't be sold out this year, it doesn't matter if I keep it for next year. Anyway, I'm making a steady profit with this money, what am I worried about? Master Zhao, don't you think so?"

Is it possible that your weaving workshop can be closed for a year?

If the Zhao family does not start work for a year, it is impossible for the Zhao family to keep the title of the richest man in Yangzhou!

Zhao Mu was furious, and the veins on his forehead jumped fiercely, but he knew that he couldn't help Qiao Xuan, and every word Qiao Xuan said was correct.

"What do you want?"

"I was entrusted by Young Master Zhao to reconcile with Master Zhao on behalf of his mother. Wouldn't everyone be happy when Master Zhao gave me the book of reconciliation?"

"Silk, in this way, I will guarantee to supply as much as Master Zhao's weaving workshop needs, and the price will be based on the market price."

Zhao Mu almost laughed angrily, and said coldly, "That's it?"

Qiao Xuan's gracious tone really made him angry.

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