Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1405: Joe Family Calculations

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Master Qiao sneered slightly, contemptuously.

Easy to say!

There is a big difference between the prefect and the magistrate. How many people have lived in the position of the magistrate for a lifetime, is it really so easy to get promoted?

"It's a pity," Mr. Qiao sighed, "The surnamed Shao will soon leave the capital as a marriage envoy, and then only the Qiao family will be left in Beijing. Qiao's family is a woman, what can you understand? Yes What kind of insight? I was still thinking that when the time comes, our family will think about it, mainly the third brother and the third younger brother and sister will help to coax the Qiao family back! "

The old lady Qiao immediately said: "Your elder brother is right, the third child, you are not allowed to go! I can see it clearly, this matter must be the troublemaker surnamed Shao, and the 80% of the surnamed Shao deliberately drove you out of the capital. , in order to prevent you from looking for that dead girl!"

Everyone in the Qiao family nodded in agreement: "That's right!", "I think so too!"

Qiao Xuan is also the daughter of Master Qiao San. This bloodline will never change, so I don't believe that she is really so cruel and heartless.

Now it's just because of what happened in the past ten years or so that she has resentment in her heart, but the Qiao family has been hit repeatedly, and the resentment in her heart is almost gone.

As long as Mr. Qiao San and Mrs. Dong lowered their stature and posture, talked to her more, comforted and comforted her more, and sold her miserably, I didn't believe that Qiao Xuan would not be soft-hearted.

Knowing the interests again, I promise to be good to her in the future, and when she recognizes it, she also has her parents to be her backing. If Shao Yunyun bullies her in the future, she can also have elders to call the shots.

She couldn't be more indifferent!

It just so happened that Shao Yunyun was not in the capital, no one would obstruct this matter, and the odds of winning were almost certain.

The premise is that Mr. Qiao San and Mr. Dong and his wife must come forward for this matter, not anyone else in the Qiao family!

At this moment, Mr. Qiao San was suddenly released, and it was hard not to let the Qiao family think that Shao Yun was making trouble here.

With Shao Yunyun's position in front of the prince, it would not be difficult for him to secretly manipulate such a thing.

The more old Mrs. Qiao thought, the more angry she became: "That Shao is so sinister! It's really not a thing to alienate other people's flesh and blood! If it wasn't for him, things would never have gotten to this point. Maybe the dead girl has regretted it now."

Joe's family agrees.

Which woman would be willing to break up with her own family? Which woman doesn't look forward to having a family she can rely on!

Mr. Qiao San was very tired and sighed: "Mother, eldest brother, second brother, and two sisters-in-law, this is something decided by the court, how can it be changed."

Mrs. Qiao sneered: "Think about it, why can't it work? Otherwise, I'll say I'm ill, and you have to stay behind."

Mr. Qiao Er: "Or the third child, you are injured at this time or something. You pretend to be serious and can't act. Who can force you to fail!"


Master Qiao San turned pale with anger, and said coldly, "I want to go too! I can still give it a shot when I go out. I'm not willing to be such a small official!"

"Also, that girl Qiao Xuan is not so easy to coax. She doesn't have the slightest father-daughter affection for me, especially for the Dong family. Even if Shao Yunyun is no longer in the capital, it won't change anything, so don't think about it."

Mr. Qiao Er sneered lightly: "That's not necessarily. If she encounters any trouble, our family will solve it for her? If something happens to her, will you or your younger siblings be seriously injured in order to save her? How can she remain indifferent? "

Master Qiao San: "..."

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