Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1406: Qi Qi is dumbfounded

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What did his family think of him!

Master Qiao San couldn't bear it any longer, and said coldly, "At first, you cut off your relationship with her without saying hello to me, and now you want to recognize her again. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?"

"It's not like you haven't seen her before. What kind of temperament is she? You don't know a bit about her, do you? Do you think she's easy to coax?"

"Besides, Shao Yunyun's existence today is not just based on his relationship with Mrs. Yun. He is not easy to deal with."

"If my transfer to leave Beijing is really what he did, then he must have expected what our family might do to Qiao Xuan after he left Beijing. Even if I don't go, you can guarantee that he will have no other way. To deal with our family?"

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

This was the first time that Mr. Qiao San had made such a long call to his family, and this call was without any sympathy.

The Qiao family were all dumbfounded!

All of a sudden, he was told to calm down by these words, speechless, and unreasonable embarrassment and guilty conscience...

"The third child!" Madam Qiao returned to her senses and shouted angrily: "Okay, okay! Are your wings stiff? Talk to me like this **** like that!"

Mr. Qiao San shook his head, his heart was infinitely desolate, and sighed: "In short, I have made up my mind, I will definitely go to Fujian. I have said everything I should say, if you don't believe it, I can't help it. You...you can do it for yourself!"

After Master Qiao San finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Madam Qiao was extremely angry, and the table clapped: "Damn! Damn! You want to leave like this, think beautiful!"

Everyone looked at each other, and they were a little embarrassed.

The words of Master Qiao San really stabbed them all.

Mrs. Qiao Er muttered: "The third brother said it easily... If I say it, don't blame him? If he wrote to us early and told us about the surnamed Shao and the dead girl, we would He won't be in a hurry to cut ties with them, it's our fault that he didn't say anything..."

"That's right, but that's not it!"

Everyone couldn't help but muttered a few more words, and left with their own thoughts.

Mrs. Qiao San always claimed to be ill and was not present. After Master Qiao San returned, he asked her to pack her luggage.

All the three rooms will leave the capital with him.

Shao Yunyun asked him to go out, but he didn't want him to go alone. He didn't want to let their three-bedroom people stay in the capital. No matter whether they were sick or not, they had to go.

Mrs. Qiao San had been impatient in this mansion for a long time, and everything was not going her way. As soon as she heard that she was going to go, even though she was going to a place like Fujian, she just decided to go after a little confusion.

Locally, in front of the magistrate's wife, everyone will give her face and hold her, which is better than staying in the capital and being cowardly.

What if the place is remote? No one can short her, the magistrate's wife.

It's just that Qiao Wei's family...

Thinking of this, Mrs. Qiao San got tangled again. Qiao Wei is not too young, and when she takes office, she can only find people over there, but what if the master is transferred? What about Qiao Wei?

She can only stay in the local area. It will be far away in the future, and it will be difficult for mother and daughter to meet. If something happens to her, she can't take care of it herself.

However, if she was not allowed to go together, where would she find a suitable marriage for her in just a few short days?

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